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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Any truth to the rumour that the IRON SHIEK will be the "mystery entrant"?
  2. Precious Roy

    Bulldog question

    I don't know, I kind of doubt it was to spite Luger, it's possible but I see more reason based on Bulldog's own merit, he was a great opponent for guys like Bret and Michaels. I always just figured it was a case of him being the best available heel for the job (pun intended). I mean, what other credible heels were around at that time? I think Sid was out at that point and Yoko couldn't hold up physically. It was really just Owen or Davey, and Davey obviously got the edge due to his size and strength, which we all know Vince was a mark for, plus I don't think Owen drew that hot in 94.
  3. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I was talking pre-season, because he probably thought he'd waltz into the AS game. Remember last year he was all pissed because him and LeBron got snubbed? Well, this year Wade and LeBron have completely distanced themselves and he's got nobody to blame but himself. 75% of the time he looks like he's playing lazy, his shot selection has been horrible this year (part of this has to do with him legit being the team's best outside shooter despite it not being his game, but I've watched him play, his shot selection away from the perimiter sucks too), and he looks like he's lost a little quickness and explosiveness, the ankle injurys no doubt playing a part, but moreso due to his reported dislike for weight training. If he thinks he's too big of a star for the rookie game he'll make a lot of enemies in the press and the crowd, which is why he'll suck it up and play, he's smart enough to know that.
  4. Precious Roy

    Who's MVP in NBA at this point?

    Personally I'd have to give the award to Nash. Point guards are historically overlooked when it comes to the MVP award (Kidd a few years back for example, when he almost singlehandedly turned the Nets into a powerhouse), and Phoenix played like dog shit when he was out. After Nash I'd go LeBron, Shaq and Duncan in that order. Obviously one can make a strong argument for either Shaq or Duncan, but I feel either of those teams can function for a reasonable ammount of time without them due to their strength at guard, whereas Phoenix is completely lost without Nash. Plus, in a virtual dead heat I have to give the edge to the guys who've never won the award before, as it's been there-done that with Duncan and Shaq and everyone knows they could easily win any season. It's nice when someone like an Iverson slips in and takes it from the bigs.
  5. Precious Roy

    HTQ's Classic Japan Match #1

    Thanks for this HTQ! Cool match, and I'd never seen Liger work without the gimmick before.
  6. Interesting as I'm an A-Train fan. What do all the wrestlers say? Austin especially used to think highly of A-train Undertaker as well. Though obviously not highly enough to show ass for him in their matches.
  7. Precious Roy

    Jesus Christ! RF Video doing a SABU shoot!

    I listened to the audio, and Sabu is cool as fuck, and a funny motherfucker too. Weird hearing him talk like a normal dude after he's gone his ENTIRE career without saying a word. I loved hearing him flick his lighter and crack a beer every 10 minutes
  8. Precious Roy

    Bulldog question

    Bulldog challenged at least 5 times off the top of my head (Bret once, HBK twice, Diesel once, and the 6 pack match in 99) For guys who challenged on PPV and never won I think Bulldog easily has it. I'm pretty sure Booker only challenged once, and RVD three times (triple threat w/ Angle/Austin, singles v. HHH and1st Elimination Chamber)?
  9. Precious Roy

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Great stuff guys. Could someone who DL'd them pretty please re-up Sting/Luger v. The Steiners and the Pillman/Austin gun angle? I wish I'd seen this thread a week ago because I've been looking for both of those for ages. Here's Ric Flair v. Terry Funk from the 1989 Great American Bash http://s13.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3EV587T...082M0UNR02KPJNF
  10. Precious Roy

    Ask Al Time

    The Dodgers will NOT be fun to watch if you're a fan of offense. They're built around pitching and defense. And they'll contend this year, but I doubt they'll make the playoffs again. Too much has to break right for them, just off the top of my head Drew has to repeat his 2004 numbers, Kent has to stay healthy and productive, ditto Penny, and Lowe needs to regain some consistency in the regular season. It seems like they've had some great luck in recent years. That division will go either way, but I have to tag the Giants as early favorites, as they return a team that just missed out last year and filled their two biggest holes in a complimentary batter to put next to Bonds and a legitimate closer.
  11. Precious Roy

    WWE to sell unreleased theme music on iTunes

    Are we talking like alternate entrance themes that never got used? That could be kind of cool.
  12. Precious Roy

    The Sonics Play Moneyball

    Or Hinrich, who was drafted after Williams' accident. Teams get their first round picks for four years, not three, so for certain teams high school kids are a wise investment, but it's case by case, and I also think the science has become more refined as teams have learned what to do and not to do from the mistakes and successes of the past 10 years. Character and emotional makeup are the major consideration IMO, because even the most promising player can burn out and develop bad habits, and guys who are lacking in that department definitely need to be mentored by the organization. KG was a wise investment for Minnesota because the team was in the dumps and was willing to commit the entire organization to his long-term development, and McHale basically took him under his wing and showed him the ropes. Jermaine O'Neal was a great project for Portland with veteran players who let him develop behind the scenes, except they fucked up and traded him as soon as he was ready to take it to the next level after spending three years developing him, an incredibly stupid move. The biggest problem though is when bad teams expect an 18 yr old to be their savior and put a ton of pressure on them. The Bulls traded ELTON BRAND, an established, mature, productive player, for the right to pick Tyson Chandler, who was regarded by everyone as a 2-4 year project. That's just stupid.
  13. Precious Roy

    Basketball Star

  14. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I heard Miles used a 'racial slur' against Cheeks. Am I the only one saying, "what the fuck"?!? Anthony will play in the rookie/sophomore game because the AS is in Denver and he's trying to rehab his image after all the off-court shit he got into which is fucking with his game and his endorsements. You know he thought he was a shoo-in for the All-Star team this year. LeBron and Wade will make the East all-stars, and both are battling injurys, no reason for them to play. If that's the case I think the game looks real close, lots of talent on both squads. Gordon could easily go off and drop 30 in that setting. And even though he's injured, Al Jefferson deserved a look, definitely ahead of David Harrison....
  15. Precious Roy

    The Sonics Play Moneyball

    The Sonics drafted a lot of the guys on their team, Lewis, Ridnour, Radmanovich, Evans, Collison and James. They got Allen and Murray for Gary Payton. They traded Calvin Booth for Fortson. Their only major free agent signing was Antonio Daniels, who I think they got kind of cheap. They've put a nice group of young players together under the radar, but "moneyball"? Are the Bulls playing moneyball now?
  16. Precious Roy

    Ex-Red Sox pitcher missing in Venezuela

    I don't get this. He spent 10 days partying on a beach?
  17. Precious Roy

    Sammy Sosa Traded to Baltimore

    Who's the Orioles fan who was lamenting their lack of moves? Somehow I doubt this is what he was looking for I'm kind of shocked by the whole thing, I never thought I'd see Jerry Hairston play for another team
  18. Precious Roy

    TSM: NFL 2005 Mock Draft

    I want to get in on this, give me THE CLEVELAND BROWNS!
  19. Precious Roy

    TSM: NFL 2005 Mock Draft

    I'll take any team that doesn't have any fans 'round here since there's like hundreds and thousands of Patriots fans
  20. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

  21. Precious Roy

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    Hey, I can't wait for all the "WILL TY LAW PLAY?!!" talk to begin. Maybe we'll use him as a decoy and totally confuse the fuck out of the Eagles.
  22. Precious Roy

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    Try one series, if that.
  23. Precious Roy

    TNA is depressing

    Yeah, it has a weird vibe to it with the massive ammount of ex-WCW guys around, and I can only take that in small doses, but there's still a lot of potential in the younger guys there. I still enjoy Hall & Nash on occasion, I like the "Kings of Wrestling" Elvis thing they've got going, and I hope they're just getting the Nash push out of the way and letting Kev get his feel for the six sided ring before using them to elevate AMW and other midcarders. Probably a longshot, but I like the guys and don't want them in the main-event, so I can imagine how the average fan would feel about it. It was at least a good sign that Hector Garza was getting a push against them, maybe they can pick that up with Ron Killings or Siaki, neither of whom is used to their potential. I still like DDP too, but if they don't use him right it's going to suck. There's nothing wrong with giving him a token world title shot, or even a short reign, but his main role should be helping talent that's had less exposure than him. He's a good guy to put over Monty Brown in his first title defense. Candido and Mero don't really bother me since they're openers/midcarders and are really just enhancement talent at this point, they can teach some shit to the younger guys, and they both look ok in the ring. These guys are still new to the company though, so I've got hope that after the initial push they'll be used in the right way, but history tells me to be skeptical.