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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy


    As a Patriots fan, I gotta say I was pretty disapointed that they kicked a FG, because right there I knew the game was over, and it looked like the Pittsburgh fans felt the same way. At home, on the 3 yard line, you have to go for it. With the halftime deficit they were working against and the momentum they were trying to build it was stupid to play conservative. You have to show faith in your offense. If he had a chance to do it again I bet Cowher would go for it.
  2. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    To those of you in the Chicago area, what do you think it will cost to keep Chandler and Curry? The Bulls say they want to keep them, but neither deseves a huge contract, and no doubt Curry will look for close to the max despite being horribly inconsistent until now. They need to keep some room to resign Hinrich in a couple years, and if anyone on that team deserves big money it's him.
  3. HBK/Jericho/Benoit v. Edge/Christian/Tomko, this should be a good match as long as they keep Tomko's involvment to a minimum.
  4. Oh, and of course we'll get the requisite hometown angle or match for JR....
  5. Hey, they're in Ok. City, anyone else expecting tasteless comments from Hassan and Davari about how everyone immediately suspected muslim terrorists to be behind the bombing of the federal building?
  6. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship

  7. Precious Roy

    A-trains Indy name is set to be......

    He'll probably switch to B-Train, he just needs to justify the switch from "A" to "B" by embarassing himself for a couple months to keep the E from busting him on it
  8. Precious Roy

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    Patriots win, but it will be close in the 4th, just like 2002 and 2004. The Patriots have shut down the "best offense in history" and what was supposedly the best smashmouth running game in recent memory, but I think the Eagles offense will give them more trouble, because McNabb is legitimately two-dimensional with his feet and his arm and harder to gameplan for than Manning or Roethlisberger. The Patriots made a living off making Manning move in the pocket and forcing Ben to leave the pocket, but they'll have to split the difference with McNabb. They'll slow them down, but there's a greater margin for error and they'll likely give up a couple big plays over the course of the game. I can't see Phila. carrying many sustained drives though, and I can't see their defense being any more effective than Pittsburgh was today.
  9. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    They beat Indiana in 6. There's no question about Detroit being championship caliber. Would Indy or NJ have beat LA? Probably not, but they didn't beat Detroit either, and that's why they play the games. Detroit owned LA in the Finals. It's a new season though, and Detroit is showing why it's so hard to repeat. And looking at their team, everything broke perfectly for them last year. Ben Wallace is a major difference maker on defense, but they don't have one truely dynamic superstar, and that hurts them now that everyone is gunning for them. Plus, I think the fight fucked with their heads in a really negative way due to it going down on their homecourt, while the Pacers seemed to have rallied around it. And the combination of the championship, olympics and brawl has definitely messed with Larry Brown, he's a pretty emotional, flighty guy as is and there's no way he's in a championship mindset right now.
  10. Precious Roy

    Lennox Lewis Coming Out Of Retirement...

    Lewis sounded sincere about retiring. I can't say I'm surprised, but I wanted to believe he'd be the exception and keep his word. Boxing is pretty much like pro-wrestling in that respect, they always come back. He's really got little to gain and everything to lose reputation wise, but I guess it's a nice feather in his cap to beat Klitschko without controversy, and nobody in their right mind would turn down $40 mil for 12 rounds. I don't really like or dislike either fighter, so as long as it's a good, conclusive fight I'll be happy. Boxing definitely needs this right now, the best fighters are all middleweights but it's only a "big" event when the heavys fight, and this is the only real marquee match out there.
  11. Precious Roy


    I was going to come in here and gloat, but I feel bad for the Pittsburgh fans, so I'll keep it brief:
  12. Precious Roy

    Lenny Wilkens

    Herb Williams is expected to be the interim coach. This is truely a joyous day.
  13. Precious Roy

    This came up on PTI just now

    Slava Mdvedenko
  14. Precious Roy

    Jayson Williams playing basketball again

    They bought out his contract, even though legally they didn't owe him anything due to his accident violating his agreement, and I believe he's planning to attempt a comeback and give the Bulls the first shot at his services. I think he's working for ESPN right now.
  15. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Offerman? We can do better than that.
  16. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Wasn't some Bulls fan round here talking trash about Paul Pierce?
  17. Precious Roy

    HBK vs Canadians

    Yeah, he was. What was with that sub-machine gun shit he did up on the ramp? Dude looked psyched to be getting so much love from the crowd.
  18. Precious Roy

    The Monday Night RAW Thread (January 17th 2005)

    I thought for sure it was coming when Jericho was out on the floor by the tables. Benoit was in stance for it and it almost looked to me like the ref nixed it. But if they're planning a series that's a great thing to build on. I agree with everything said about the match, except for it exceeding expectations, as I was let down that it wasn't on last and didn't get more time. And as crisp as the work was, the finish was kind of a let down, like someone said they looked on the verge of turning it up and then it was over. If they don't build off it it ends up just looking like a flukey pin for Jericho. Oh yeah, and the timing on the commerical breaks sucked, and hurt the match. The commercial break right at the start of HBK-Christian sucked too, and dragged down that match for me too.
  19. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I didn't realize Rollins was so good last year. Houston, IMO, is on the verge of falling off bigtime. Bagwell and Biggio are close to done, Kent walked, Wade Miller walked, losing Beltran was a huge blow to their future, may as well keep around Clemens one more year to have that big marquee name during the Killer B's last hurrah. The arbitrator would obviously split the difference between Clemens' price and the Stros' offer, probably 16-17 mil. For a one year deal it's worth it.
  20. Precious Roy

    Now that the final four our set...

    Tom Brady = Randy Orton of the NFL He just needs to start doing that cheesy pose after every single completion... And yo, 2Gold, everyone knows our defense is why we win, Brady simply facillitates victory. All the love this week has gone to the D, Belichick, and Dillon, with Brady 4th on the list. How you can be a Patriots fan and hate the guy I have no idea, were you around during the Bledsoe days? Forget about the media, the dick sucking and the haters, and just sit back and enjoy a great team and QB while it lasts.
  21. Precious Roy

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    Yeah, that would work. But Michaels would have to jump to SD right? Based on the precedent with Benoit, and that pretty much means he'd be winning the WWE title and jobbing it back to JBL. It would be interesting to see what they'd do with Edge after that, he needs to go after a world title.
  22. Precious Roy

    The Monday Night RAW Thread (January 17th 2005)

    What does Trish weigh? 140? That was probably the easiest chokeslam of Kane's life.
  23. Precious Roy

    Now that the final four our set...

    I've been saying all along that he was in for a reality check and that the Pitt bandwagon was WAY out of control, and last week should have been the end of their season. They got a fucking gift from the Jets, and the Patriots are bloodthirsty for revenge after that week 8 game, where Dillon was scratched at game time and Law got hurt the first series. Pitt put up a good first quarter against a team scrambling from injuries, end of story. That Game was basically Gay and Moreland's first action of the season. Pitt will be overmatched against a determined NE team that can actually plan for the matchup having a concrete idea of who is playing.