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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    These forums are FUBAR!
  2. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    What point? Jesus some people are dense.
  3. Precious Roy

    Vikings don't want Joe Buck to announce the game

    I don't remember who brought this up, but the hypocrisy here is off the charts considering Buck did those "Leon" commericals shilling Budweiser. I was watching the game at a bar and thus didn't hear the commentary, but he's got a lot of nerve coming down on Moss when he was a part of marketing that type of display.
  4. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Giambi has been bashed so F'n hard, I can't find it in my heart to hate on the guy, like so many classless Yankee fans will no doubt do should he suit up for us next season. For his sake I hope he takes the buyout and goes to some small market like KC or Minnesota where he can either make a nice comeback story or continue flaming out, without the biggest media spotlight in the world beating down on him.
  5. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    Are you ignoring the part BECAUSE TRIPLE H WILL JUST SQUASH HIM IN THE LONG RUN, LIKE HE DID TO THE HURRICANE THE WEEK AFTER WRESTLEMANIA (I did a check on the result in my tape lists). No, I'm not ignoring it, but it doesn't change the fact that Rock never gave him a rub, LIKE A PREVIOUS POSTER SAYS HE DID. Good intentions don't mean shit if nothing comes of them.
  6. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    Yeah, I can't remember a single Rock/Booker segment from 2003, yet everyone remembers the 'Cane stuff, which tells you how much of a rub he gave Booker...
  7. Precious Roy

    Book a WWF House Show

    I'd have paid to to see this card: Hakushi v. Aldo Montoya Smoking Gunns v. Heavenly Bodies [Tag Titles] 1-2-3 Kid v. Owen Hart Undertaker v. Bam Bam Bigelow Lex Luger v. Jerry Lawler [Falls Count Anywhere] British Bulldog v. Jeff Jarrett [iC Title] Bret Hart v. Bob Backlund [submission match] (hopefully better than the Mania stinker) Diesel/Razor Ramon v. Shawn Michaels/Sid [steel cage]
  8. Precious Roy

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I remember a lot of buzz about Val joining DX back then, I think he even teamed with them in a few matches, and I was kind of bummed when he never did, seemed like a great fit.
  9. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    Yeah, Rocky did so much for Booker during the Invasion....
  10. Precious Roy

    HBK vs. Edge

    Yup, every time I see him I still see all those god-awful circa-2002 'You're a dorkus to the maximus' promos directed at Angle, complete with goofy smile. That's why I think he needs a new look to distance himself from all that. That's part of what I like about this heel character. He's got an obnoxious quality that makes you glad at his continued frustration, yet he shows enough flashes of genuine rage and anger that you have to take him seriously. It's got depth, and it plays off his past, which is pretty rare in today's WWE.
  11. Precious Roy

    HBK vs. Edge

    Jericho v. HBK is NOT happening, so it's pointless to labor it. And the only way Edge is in a world title match is if HBK or Benoit is defending it, which is highly improbable.
  12. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    Completely disagree. His character is the best thing on RAW IMO.
  13. Precious Roy

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    Ahhh, but you contradict yourself here. A DQ is a finish, and there are many examples of matches that build to a DQ rather than a clean pinfall, and do so well. Austin/Angle, Austin/HBK, Taker/HBK from Ground Zero, these are all very good matches where the internal story and progress of the match led to the disqualification.
  14. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    You mean HHH circa. 1999? Edge's character isn't really anything like HHH 2001.
  15. Precious Roy

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    Totally. It was a well worked match with good intensity, solid, **1/2 or ***, whatever, but the blood totally took it over the top and made it memorable for me, especially since I saw it after the fact and knew how bad it really fucked up Eddie, how he went into shock backstage and everything. Take away all that and it's just an average match, no better than dozens and dozens of WWE matches from 04.
  16. Precious Roy

    New Jack at Raw

    The Cena/New Jack thing would actually make a pretty good program if they did it as a one shot. Cena's better off doing those Attitude era main event brawls since he's totally fallen off as an actual worker.
  17. Precious Roy

    Hogan and Rock possibly teaming at WM?

    I can't see anything suggested in this thread happening, everyone mentioned is far below Rock/Hogan on the radar. the obvious match is Rock/Hogan v. Orton/Flair
  18. Precious Roy

    Raven vs Sandman

    It involved Sandman's real life wife, Lori Fullington, and his son. The angle was that they were leaving him because he was an alcoholic, with Raven the one pushing them in that direction and telling them how bad Jim was, convincing Lori to violently turn on Sandman and "brainwashing" the kid against Sandman. It was a backdrop to their feud over the ECW title, they traded the belt back and forth a couple of times. I don't think there was ever any resolution to the story other than that they'd left Sandman and joined Raven's Nest. IIRC Lori returned to help Sandman against Raven in 99 after Raven left WCW. She was then involved in a few other angles, getting speared through a table by Rhyno memorably.
  19. Precious Roy

    If Owen had lived....

    Bret was retired by 2001 and had major health problems stemming from his concussions. Owen wasn't going to "recruit" him to lead the Invasion
  20. Precious Roy

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    Warrior definitely slimmed down between early 91 and his last days in the company in 92. That's pretty much where the "OMG WARRIOR IS DEAD AND IT'S A NEW GUY PLAYING TEH WARRIOR!!!11" rumours came from, because he looked so different. I think he was clearly off the illegal juice, which probably led to his dimentia as well, his mind was so warped from the stuff and he couldn't deal with the withdrawal. Savage is another guy who slimmed down bigtime.
  21. Precious Roy

    Screamin A gets his own show.

    Hahahahaha, they named it "Quite Frankly"!
  22. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    2004-05 Regular Season Turnovers Per Game Player G TO TPG 1. Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers) 32 149 4.66 2. Allen Iverson (Philadelphia 76ers) 31 128 4.13 3. Richard Jefferson (New Jersey Nets) 33 132 4.00 4. Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat) 34 135 3.97 5. Steve Francis (Orlando Magic) 33 128 3.88 6. Antoine Walker (Atlanta Hawks) 31 113 3.65 7. Carmelo Anthony (Denver Nuggets) 27 97 3.59 8. Jamaal Tinsley (Indiana Pacers) 27 93 3.44 9. Corey Maggette (Los Angeles Clippers) 29 97 3.34 10. LeBron James (Cleveland Cavaliers) 32 105 3.28 11. Stephon Marbury (New York Knicks) 34 109 3.21 12. Steve Nash (Phoenix Suns) 34 108 3.18 Wow, a lot of good guards have high turnover numbers, how shocking!
  23. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Do you watch the games? He runs his team well on the floor, but as has been said, they don't have much talent around him.
  24. Precious Roy

    WCW Theme Music

    The Hendrix thing is incorrectt. He had two songs, Voodoo Child (slight return), and Voodoo Chile (slight return). Hogan used Voodoo Child, but there is a different Hendrix version named Voodoo Chile, which is where the confusion stems from. Stevie Ray Vaughn's version, while different, offers writing credits to Hendrix.
  25. Precious Roy

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    And why didn't Hogan like Vader? Because he was a percieved threat to his spot, and way over with a WCW crowd that was basically turning on him.