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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy


    Kanyon made it look good, Steiner made it look like shit, it just depends how well he does it. It's kind of a generic finisher though, and overused.
  2. Precious Roy

    Benoit vs Jericho

    If that were to happen it would have to be Jericho with the heelish edge, which is good if they're just trying to toughen up his character, but stupid if they're going to book him like an asshole and turn him full heel below Evolution and Edge, which is probably the route they'd go.
  3. Precious Roy

    Doug Christie traded for Mobley and Bradley

    I can see that side of it. Francis has been told by Orlando that he's the franchise player, they assured him that when the deal went down, they kissed up to him and told him he was their man, convincing Francis to come to Orlando when the deal was originally in question. They're obviously aware that Francis and Mobley are close, and then traded him out of the blue, without warning Francis that they were going to do this, which is in stark contrast I'm sure to the way they told him things would be. I'd expect a smart GM to talk to Francis, convince him it's in the best interest of the team, at least explain to him why this is happening, before it happens, and probably recruit Francis to get Mobley re-signed to a reasonable deal as apparently the only reason they moved him was because he's in the last year of his deal and they thought he'd be too expensive to keep. Or maybe they wanted to get in on Christie's reality show? Orlando's got a rookie GM though, he'll learn. If you don't think that's the way any star player in any sport expects to be treated you've got another thing coming, and Francis is a big time player, whether you like him personally or not. He brought a weak Houston team close to the playoffs in the tough Western conference before Yao came in, and as much as I like Yao, he's still a work in progress, he's kind of soft unless he's playing Shaq and the game is all hyped up, and hardly the second coming of Kareem.
  4. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    That's bullshit. Iverson, when he came in, wasn't as wise about the game or as in control as he is now. He had a total scoring mentality and was without question a two guard. The 76ers had Jerry Stackhouse, another young high volume scorer at the same position. Stack couldn't play the 1 or 2. They couldn't play both of them, Stackhouse had to go. That was just inconvenient for Philly, as they had to take Iverson #1 in the draft, maybe Ray Allen or Marbury, and probably wouldn't have drafted Stackhouse in 95 if they'd known they'd get the number one pick with a great guard class a year later. Then they brought in Larry Hughes, an Iverson clone, very immature and inconsistent until recently, hoping that he or Ivereson could play point. Neither could. Now Iverson has experience and maturity, the guy runs the point position very well. He still puts up 26 a night, because that's what this current 6ers team needs him to do. If they had an Antawn Jamison, Jermaine O'Neal, Chris Webber, Richard Jefferson on offense he would get them the rock and let them do their thing, no doubt, they just haven't been able to find a guy like that, a dynamic frontcourt player. They thought Dalembert was it but he's aparently regressing. Iverson has turned Marc Jackson and Kyle Korver into consistent offense players, somewhat of a surprise. Those are the best scoring options on the roster behind Iverson, Iguodala and Willie Green are too inconsistent. The other guys the 6ers have put next to Iverson were Keith Van Horn and Glenn Robinson. Van Horn played fine, the same way he always does, the 6ers front office decided to move him, for the same reasons every other front office decides to move him. Big Dog? He was totally one-dimensional and pretty much washed up by the time he got to Philly. Without both Ray Allen and Sam Cassell to take the pressure off him he couldn't get his spots, that was probably the best backcourt in basketball at the time. Snow-Iverson had a different dynamic and he couldn't deal with it, his game got exposed.
  5. Precious Roy

    Super Crazy coming to WWE?

    Well, one of the good things about Crazy is that he has a few signature spots that he works into all of his matches, ala. Mysterio, Van Dam, Guerrero. The E has shown that they're willing to let guys do their spots, they just don't want them out there freestyling. Crazy should be able to get something like the triple moonsault or tornado DDT over with the crowd.
  6. Precious Roy

    Super Crazy coming to WWE?

    Apparently Ultimo Dragon is not coming back in without his mask, which is stupid if they're actively looking for cruisers. What about TAKA? Did he leave on good terms?
  7. Precious Roy

    Super Crazy coming to WWE?

    Why? He makes some good money, gets national exposure, and maybe he's lucky enough to get a chance to get himself over. The last part is wishful thinking, but the guy is a veteran, he deserves some money, and it might even be a sign that they're finally getting serious about focusing on the cruiserweight title. I've been championing the idea of bringing in Crazy since ECW shut down.
  8. Precious Roy

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    I've never heard that before, sounds like total hyperbole. The idea may have been bounced around but I doubt it was ever penciled in. IIRC that was a tease to his religious preacher gimmick where he started showing up in the crowd with "REPENT" signs and shit like that? That was 98 right?
  9. Precious Roy

    Why do you hate ... who you hate?

    I used to really, really hate the Pacers and Heat, but those rivalries are pretty much under the bridge these days, completely different teams now. Only Riley is still there in Miami, but I never disliked him, just his players. I can't say that I really passionately dislike any team like I did those two, but at the moment I respectfully dislike the Colts, Steelers, Eagles, Lakers and Red Sox. I'll also root for just about anyone against the Spurs, I'm still pissed about the 99 finals.
  10. Precious Roy

    New tag team signs with WWE

    They should put them in Villano masks, along with Matt Morgan, Abyss and every other big man they decide to bring in.
  11. Precious Roy

    New Jack at Raw

    Hmmmm....I don't remember Tony Curtis being so buff......
  12. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Right, but Beltran and Pedro are supposed to make them contenders. Beltran has to put in work now. Wouldn't going to a readymade contender make him more of a whore? Indians sign Juan Gone to a minor league deal.
  13. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Plus Kobe and AI have the ball in their hands at all times, Kobe is de facto point after the ball gets up the court and Iverson breaks the press himself, they're counted on to get those assists and it is a function of their offenses. Also, a lot of their assists come off of the drive and dish. T-Mac gets nice assist numbers, but playing with a Yao Ming is a different situation, he's not fully able to drive to penetrate and create with Yao clogging the lanes. Given that fact his assist numbers are very respectable.
  14. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    T-Mac kind of reminds me of Dominique Wilkens, not based on specific talents because T-Mac is a better ballhandler/shooter while Nique was more explosive and a better rebounder, but they're both great scorers who are overshadowed by better all-around contemporaries (Jordan, Bird for Wilkens, Kobe and LeBron for T-Mac).
  15. Precious Roy

    Nets Press Conference at 3:00

  16. Precious Roy

    Doug Christie traded for Mobley and Bradley

    Francis sounds real pissed about the trade, basically telling the Magic that Mobley is his best friend and if they want to treat him without concern for that that he's going to play the game like it's a business. Obviously speaking out of anger, but comments like that are never a good sign and Francis could be souring on Orlando already. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=1964511 And I happen to agree with him, and this is just another reason why it was a bad trade, you never want to piss off your superstar.
  17. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I love how Beltran is a whore because he went to NY rather than Chicago. Seriously, what about going to Chicago makes him not a whore?
  18. Precious Roy

    Doug Christie traded for Mobley and Bradley

    Mobley can pass, the question is whether he will or not. I think with Peja, Bibby, Webber and Miller, Mobley is basically the 4th or 5th option, a spot shooter and slasher, and he's walking into an entirely new offense, a situation that the other guys he's playing with are already comfortable with, he pretty much has to subjugate his game, doesn't he?
  19. Precious Roy

    Nets Press Conference at 3:00

    What???!?!?!? Please tell me you're joking, because my fantasy team will be ASSFUCKED! I already lost Artest for the season and Jamal Crawford for several months, this one will kill me
  20. Precious Roy

    Moves that nobody ever kicked out of.

    Didn't Undertaker kick out of it at Wrestlemania....VII was it?
  21. Precious Roy

    Benoit vs Jericho

    If they do run the program for Mania it should be shades of grey all the way. Pushing either of them into a turn would be stupid, especially given how well crafted Jericho's face turn was. Just run the feud and let the fans dig it, no reason to try and manufacture good/evil out of it.
  22. Precious Roy


    I didn't see NYR or RAW last night. To the people who did, is this guy any good in the ring? Better than Tomko? It's retarded to handcuff a guy like Jericho with a green slug, hopefully, if he really does blow, they'll realize it before putting him over anyone important.
  23. Precious Roy

    Lita's Injury = Legit

    This will totally fuck over Matt Hardy, who's already been fucked over by the retarded re-positioning of Kane and the Snitsky bullshit. I'm still not sure why Kane is a face. Matt almost has to return as a heel, but if he's doing it to feud with (and lose to) a face Kane, what's the fucking point?
  24. Precious Roy

    Benoit vs Jericho

    I'm confused by this. They've very purposely held off on a Benoit v. Jericho singles match since Benoit's jump, so why do it now? Especially when Benoit and Jericho have been booked as buddies for a decent length of time now. Will be a good match of course, but I'm just wondering why now? Why not do it when Benoit was the champ and it would have really meant something? If they are going in the direction of Benoit v. Jericho I won't complain, it's a definite sign of the E having nothing for them, but it's as good as a placeholder feud gets and they both know how to get themselves over without a lot of fancy booking. A good series between them just reenforces with the crowd why they like them.
  25. Precious Roy

    New Jack at Raw

    Yeah man, no fucking way McMahon would put New Jack on a contract, and even if he did you know New Jack would do something stupid to fuck it up. It would sure as hell be entertaining though. Who cares if he can't work, just use him as a hype man. The possibilities of a New Jack/Snitsky combo are endless.....