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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    For a low low price... you can own....

    LMAO! They're basically saying he's going to be jobbed out for the rest of his time
  2. Precious Roy

    Abyss to WWE?!

    Well shit. If the E is smart they'll come up with a catchy name, something simmilar to Abyss, and package him in a simmilar look. He has to come in with a mask IMO.
  3. Precious Roy

    Diamond Dallas Page

    eh, that whole "he killed their heat" shit is urban legend. Benoit and Raven were always over with the WCW crowd due to their performance, they always got heat, and you could argue that DDP's insertion into their feud actually helped elevate them a bit at the time, because Page or no Page there was still the ever present glass ceiling they both had to deal with, and he was the highest profile guy they'd get to work with given the circumstances. Yeah, it would have been nice if Page dropped more matches, but at least he was willing to work with them and busted ass to keep up unlike the other slugs at the top of the card. Page actually risked his image given that he could have been totally outclassed against them, which was no doubt what the other top guys were afraid of. The worst part of that whole program was when Raven finally won the US title from DDP he had to drop it the next night to Goldberg, that's when the real burial of Raven began.
  4. Precious Roy

    Ty Law out for the post season

    Seymour won't miss any time
  5. Precious Roy

    Doug Mientkiewicz not giving up the ball

    Hell yeah, he should hold em up for some rediculous ammount of money or a huge contract or something, but the "give the ball to George" idea is good too
  6. Precious Roy

    Ty Law out for the post season

    Bummer, but we're still good enough to win it all, no excuses
  7. Precious Roy

    Diamond Dallas Page

    Respect to Page, because even with his friendships with Bischoff and Nash/Hall and his rumoured politics, the guy went out there and earned what he got, and he wasn't afraid to show some ass either. He earned his heat, he worked at his craft and he busted ass in the ring, and when he got the title the first time it was because he deserved it. His title reigns were awful, but that wasn't really his fault.
  8. Precious Roy

    NFL - How does it bloody work?

    90% of a week's games are on Sunday afternoon, half dozen at 1pm and a half dozen or so at 4pm, depending on what time zone games are held in, so the benefit of the NFL deal for Sundays being split on CBS/FOX is that you get two games on TV at once at both 1 and 4, possibly 3 or 4 games at once depending on if you're able pull in different affiliates. For example, I pull Albany and Hartford CBS affiliates, so I get all the Patriots games as well as all the Jets games, and sometimes different floating games depending on matchups, as well as FOX from both Albany and Connecticut, giving me usually the Giants game on both, but sometimes the more marquee matchup on the Conn. affiliate. The Sunday/Monday night games are exclusive though, meaning only 1 game is scheduled for that time slot each week.
  9. Precious Roy

    Moves that nobody ever kicked out of.

    Ultimate Warrior at Mania VI and Undertaker at Survivor 91 IIRC
  10. Precious Roy

    Moves that nobody ever kicked out of.

    In the same vein, I can't remember anyone ever kicking out of a Banzai Drop. May have happened in 95-96, but I don't remember it.
  11. Precious Roy

    The Orange Bowl Thread, Take 2

    Congrats to Pete Carroll and USC, what an absolute rat pack shitkicking...
  12. Precious Roy

    The Orange Bowl Thread, Take 2

    I'm rooting for USC because Carroll used to coach in New England, and because I love to see Jim Ross suffer
  13. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I'm perfectly fine with leaving Bernie in center for another year, but we still need a reliable 4th OF, Bubba Crosby isn't going to cut it.
  14. Precious Roy

    This Week In The NBA - Jan 2nd - 8th.

    Lewis had one 50 pt game in Japan, not two.
  15. Precious Roy

    Shaun Alexander

    Yeah, I'm guessing he has a big bonus written in for a league rushing title. And to add to that, PTI reported that a Seattle assistant was keeping track of Curtis Martin's performance and how much Alexander needed to get the lead, so they were definitely aware of it. Baseless conspiracy theory: Expecting Alexander to leave after the season, word came down from ownership to limit his touches.
  16. Precious Roy

    2005 NFL Schedule

    That's New England's road games, fairly tough. Home schedule is no cakewalk either, San Diego and Indy coming in. It'll be interesting to see how they defend Vick.
  17. Precious Roy

    Is Mike Martz a crappy coach that you hate?

    I'd like to punch him in the ovaries. Right in the babymaker.
  18. Precious Roy

    First NFL coach fired

    The defense probably hates the offense for fucking up their chances at going to the playoffs.
  19. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Nah, it never really made sense from the NYK standpoint. That summer the Knicks were looking to make moves so they overpaid for both Houston and Chris Childs. Decent signings in principal but they gave them too much money and/or years. Plus they had 3 1st rd picks that year, and they grabbed John Wallace, Walter McCarty, and Dahnte Jones......yea.
  20. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Nah, it never really made sense from the NYK standpoint. That summer the Knicks were looking to make moves so they overpaid for both Houston and Chris Childs. Decent signings in principal but they gave them too much money and/or years. Plus they had 3 1st rd picks that year, and they grabbed John Wallace, Walter McCarty, and Dahnte Jones......yea.
  21. Precious Roy

    Your "band to watch in 2005"

    I've only heard the Bloc Party EP, I'll wait for the full-length, but I quite enjoyed it. Banquet is a great song.
  22. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Juwan Howard doesn't even get run and they turned around and traded Lue to ATL. Everyone the Magic got was considered an important piece, not so for Houston. Put T-Mac back on the Magic w/ the addition of a healthy Hill, Dwight Howard, Turkoglu and Jameer Nelson (who would get time w/o Francis/Mobley there) and you've got an Eastern conference contender, they wouldn't even need Lue and Juwan.
  23. Precious Roy

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    If you don't believe in the ideals of America you don't have the right to benefit from the rights it provides, that's the breakdown of what he said. I may not agree with JBL much, but I agree with him on that, and he even makes a point of saying anyone is free to criticize the leaders and military as long as they do it out of love for the country. Seems fair to me.