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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Pride results

  2. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Last years Magic was T-Mac alone? It was a one man team? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. How is it "last year's magic" when they only have one guy from that team, a different coach etc. etc. The actual trade, it was pretty even, edge probably goes to the Magic in the short-term, but Orlando has the additional benefit of Hill, Howard and Turkoglu, which has absolutely nothing to do with the trade. Even so, put this years Rocket team in the East and they're a playoff team. Put this years Magic team in the west and they're probably not. That's my point.
  3. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Eh, switch conferences and it's a completely different story.....
  4. Precious Roy

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    Is that the american defintion of freedom of speech? Yes.
  5. Precious Roy

    Hall of Fame Discussion Thread

    Abbott - a special case. wasn't the greatest pitcher, but what he did in spite of his handicap, the guy deserves it Boggs - no brainer Mattingly - numbers aren't as strong as some others, but he was great for several years, and I'm a homer, so Blyleven - this guy needs to get in at some point, he was on "outside the lines" around the time of last years vote and just humiliated some sportswriter in an argument over his credentials. Sandberg Dawson I'd like to see Jack Morris get in too
  6. Precious Roy

    I think I accidently threw out my remote

    The worst case of this for me was when I returned home drunk one night, put my wallet in a boot in my closet that I NEVER wear, god knows why, and spent several hours the next day freaking out looking for it before I happened to throw the boot across the room in a fit of rage and it fell out. I've never felt more retarded.....
  7. Precious Roy

    What keeps you tuning in?

    At the moment: 1) Chris Benoit 2) Chris Jericho 3) Edge 4) Evolution 5) Trish Stratus 6) Bischoff and that's about it. I don't watch SD anymore, and the other guys I like on RAW (Tajiri, Rhyno, Hurricane, Richards, Venis) aren't utilized. I'm a fan of Christian, but he doesn't really rank as a reason to watch. I like Regal, but I wouldn't say I tune in to see him, especially considering that I hate the Eugene character and consider that a detriment towards my enjoyment of Regal as a performer. I'd watch to see Eddie, Rey, Angle and London if SD weren't such a mess.
  8. Precious Roy

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Ok, apparently it was Nitro: 2-1-99. I could have sworn it was on PPV, maybe he did it more than once
  9. Precious Roy

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    If I remember correctly the announcers and performers all ignored it and went about their business, but of course the entire audience was like, "WTF did he just call him Clarke?!!?!" Can't remember which show it was at though
  10. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    And apparently there is mutual interest between the Cubs and Magglio Ordonez, so all is not lost Cubs fans.....
  11. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I can't find anything supporting that claim, though I did find THIS
  12. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I'd love to see Beltran go to Detroit, just to fuck with everyone
  13. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Minnesota scares me the most of any non-East team. Santana will be a year better, Nathan is a hoss, Mauer and Morneau are poised to break out, and they're solid across the board.
  14. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I think it's superstition
  15. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Finally we got Johnson, and we got him for exactly what I said we'd get him for back when the trades were first broken off way back when. Just a matter of waiting em out, I knew Arizona would crack. We're only a piece or two away now. Be afraid American League, be very afraid....
  16. Precious Roy

    Interesting matches we've never seen/heard about

    Yeah, I remember that Brawler show making the rounds back then, it was considered a reward to Lombardi for his years of service. I'd love to find a bootleg of that match with HBK.
  17. Precious Roy

    Which former WCW really benefited from going to

    Mark Calloway, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Steve Austin and Paul Levesque. All but Austin were B show midcarders in WCW, yet Vince helped mold them in to superstars. Austin, while very successful and over, hit the ceiling once Hogan and his buddies started taking over. His was more a case of necessity rather than Vince finding a diamond in the rough. Same goes for Foley.
  18. Precious Roy

    How Reggie White's death ties into steriods

    Again, before my time, though I've seen the highlights and heard the stories....
  19. Precious Roy

    An open question

    The reason I've always heard is that Vince decided he looked too small compared to his big stars, and that it didn't really set in with him until he actually saw it in his own ring and then decided it was unbelieveable for Taz to compete with Rock, Austin, Undertaker HHH etc. Take that for what it's worth....
  20. Precious Roy

    How Reggie White's death ties into steriods

    Having never really watched Payton in his prime, I say Sanders was the most impressive back I've ever seen, just for the fact that he could singlehandedly shake everyone and make the entire defense miss him, and would break huge runs out of nothing plays. I've never seen anyone do what he did, breaking shit that didn't look possible. If he had the Cowboys' line, damn, he would have done some crazy shit. Emmitt was a great runner, but he was no greater than Curtis Martin or Rickey Watters IMO, just had a better team to support him. One guy I've always respected is Jerome Bettis, because like the last poster said about Payton, he would bring it to the D full force and just bowl over guys, the very definition of a punishing runner. He attacked the D rather than the D attacking him.
  21. Precious Roy

    An open question

    The last clean Taker job I remember was against Austin at SummerSlam 98. Stunner, clean pin. I don't think he's dropped a match that didn't involve bullshit since then, and if he did, it wasn't anything that mattered. Jericho made HBK tap to the Walls on the LA RAW in 2003, the Mania rematch. It involved a ton of interference, but he still made him tap.....
  22. Precious Roy

    A Few Opinions Please

    Alpha Male Monty Brown - a lot like early Goldberg. Impressive power-wise, great intensity, but needs to be carried to have a good match. Potential to develop though, as he's still very new to the game. Hector Garza - has good size but works the X style, better in tag matches IMO. I've yet to see him have a great singles match, and is at his best when his weaknesses are hidden by the performers around him. Petey Williams - solid. has mat skills and air skills, can keep up with anyone, one of the better all-around hands in the X-Division. Reminds me of Jamie Noble in a lot of ways.
  23. Precious Roy

    Will Smith's "Gettin' Jiggy With It"

    Better than the original
  24. Precious Roy

    Anchorman- The Legend of Ron Burgundy

    Just watched this, and it was hilarious
  25. Precious Roy

    Is Brandon Truitt ever going to....

    I can't afford to buy them myself, and his reviews were some of my favorite things to read at TSM. I know he was pissed over the Feinstein stuff and said he give RF anymore money, but it seems like RF is totally out of the picture now, and ROH is releasing the "Straight Shootin'" series with some intriguing new tapes, Liger and Rotundo just to name a few..... So, what's the deal with Brandon? Suckas gotta know.