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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    There's a couple points my paint chip-addled brain can agree with
  2. Precious Roy

    Terrell Owens

    You'd be arrogant too if you'd...................never won anything..........
  3. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I'm totally stealing that line.
  4. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    I wouldn't change a thing. You gonna cry about it?
  5. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I don't want him. The guy couldn't hit his way out of a wet paper bag the last couple years. I wonder who plays short in STL now?
  6. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    Fuck you. Agree to disagree, don't be a dick about it.
  7. Precious Roy

    WCW: The Essential "Must Have" List

    Truth, but the highlight reel blows away the best of the WWF in the 90's, a company that was not without it's share of crap as well.
  8. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    His interview on that Canadian talk show. He didn't name Orton but the comment about "young guys not being ready for their push" I interpret as a veiled commentary on Orton.
  9. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    But it was never done in the brand split environment, and it was done in such a way that was perfect for Chris Benoit, with the way Lesnar beat him and the 1-30 Rumble win sealing it. It doesn't have to be groundbreaking to be brilliant.
  10. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    Yeah, and I like how HHH tried to blame Orton for "not being ready" rather than looking at the numerous and obvious missteps in the booking
  11. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    Nah, doing the switch at Mania was the right move, and doing it against Bret Hart's #1 foe and IWC whipping boy HHH was a nice touch. I wouldn't change anything about it, the results were too good to nitpick about.
  12. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    Totally agree. That match in San Jose was awesome. I wish they had a rematch. Yeah, but it kind of makes the match they had more special, ya know? I have that match on my computer and it still feels epic every time. And I won't lie, I absolutely loved the angle with him having to wrestle Cena early in the show softening him up for Lesnar and then Heyman barring future title shots prompting him to jump to RAW. I thought the whole thing was brilliant and of a quality deserving of such a historically important push.
  13. Ditto, and I don't see it ever changing
  14. Precious Roy

    What was the one angle the WWE screwed up?

    Orton's turn, easily. The night of was good, but everything following was fumbled, with Orton's Austin-esque activities turning into a joke. They've scaled back on him and with good reason, the "beat the fans into submission" push would have driven them to turn on him. 2nd place goes to Edge's return, horribly mishandled, though thankfully they've rectified things with his heel turn and IMO he's the hottest character going right now. 3rd place to JBL, it should probably be #1 but I really don't care anymore, so fuck it
  15. Precious Roy

    WCW: The Essential "Must Have" List

    You gotta have Hogan v. Goldberg at the Georgia Dome on there for historical significance, especially if you've got him dropping the belt to Nash
  16. Precious Roy

    Is Keanu Reeves a good or bad actor?

    To be fair, My Own Private Idaho was good, that's the kind of role he excells in, and the seemingly forgotten River's Edge was very good. Permanent Record is a another pre-Bill & Ted film that I enjoyed.
  17. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Miller would be a nice pickup for Seattle, but they can't have much more cash after shelling out for Sexson/Beltre. As long as he doesn't go to Boston I'm happy.
  18. Precious Roy

    Is Keanu Reeves a good or bad actor?

    Yeah, I had the exact same feeling. As soon as the character matured his performance suffered and his weak points started to show.
  19. Precious Roy

    NFL Week 15

  20. Precious Roy

    Terrell Owens

    Go Pats! Fuck Pittsburgh!
  21. Precious Roy

    Is Keanu Reeves a good or bad actor?

    I always liked it better than Shawn's. totally
  22. Precious Roy

    Movies that killed a career

    I've always liked Michael Keaton for some reason, and I think White Noise has him poised for a comeback. I can totally see it becoming a surprise hit. I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but it's up there. Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange are gods among men.
  23. Precious Roy

    Is Keanu Reeves a good or bad actor?

    Keanu Reeves is a great actor if we're using "great" as a euphemism for completely average. How the hell can you call him great with a straight face and what does it mean for the better actors of his generation like say Johnny Depp or Val Kilmer? Are they "greater than great"? Reeves is in Affleck territory with me, tolerable and believeable in a limited range of roles, comically awful when he trys to stretch.
  24. Precious Roy

    Terrell Owens

    They're cliche when other guys do em, but Lewis practically invented it.
  25. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I think this is a very solid move by the Mets. He won't duplicate last season but he's still good for .280 and 25-30 knocks. If Reyes, Matsui and Cameron get on he'll put up good RBI numbers. I thought they'd give him 10 mil and more years so I'm impressed that they got him relatively cheap.