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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NWA Wildside/WWE relationship in the works?

    Will Wildside remain under the NWA umbrella? Seems kind of odd to me that they'd be associated with both the E and the NWA.
  2. Precious Roy

    Ricky Williams on 60 minutes

    With that offensive line, Williams would have been lucky to even get 1000 yards. Dave Wannstedt's terrible coaching, the lack of solid QB play, and having noone to catch the ball outside of an inconsistent Marty Booker and a Randy McMichael that's constantly getting doubled had just as much to do with it. Don't forget about Chris Chambers, who'd put up huge numbers in a good offense. I side with Ricky on this, you can't fault a guy for following his heart. Yeah, he had bad timing, but what's done is done, people need to move on.
  3. Precious Roy

    Terrell Owens

    They'll probably make it the super bowl anyway, Falcons have the best shot to knock them off I guess but I have no faith in them. They weren't going to beat Indy or New England anyway.
  4. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    lol Brad Wilkerson and Jacque Jones are very nice pick ups, I'd love to have either of them on my team.
  5. Precious Roy

    So How Bad Did Vince Carter Want Out of Toronto?

    I believe it, but I think he said it because he's arrogant, not because he was trying to sabotage the play. Not to compare them in any way because one is a schmuck and the other is one of the greatest competitors alive, but Larry Bird used to do the same thing, famously in a matchup with Chuck Person, where he told Chuck what play they were going to run and then went out and drained the shot in Chuck's face
  6. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    The 3 point % is deceiving, because Wade hits like .2 per game and Marbury hits over a three a game. Wade is not a very good outside shooter yet, he's a driver and slasher, and Shaq is the reason his numbers are so good. Without Shaq down low defenses can key on his drives and force him to play the perimiter, and you're looking at #'s closer to what he put up last year. Marbury is definitely the better overall player at this point, and he completely carries the Knicks. That's why I give both Iverson and Marbury the nod, they carry their teams while Wade doesn't, but Wade is only in his 2nd season, give him time and he'll be capable of doing what they do.
  7. Precious Roy

    NFL Week 15

    Man, I'm SO glad I drafted Curtis Martin this year. He's carried me all the way to the playoffs of my FFL league, and with his two early TDs today I'm looking at the championship game : Shit, Seattle just challenged
  8. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I think Grant deserves the start just because of all he went through to get back to this level. It really is a great story, and the guy was an all-star starter every year until his ankle got busted. It's going to be really cool to see him out there again, kind of like when the fans voted in Magic for one last game after he retired (the first time). I think Iverson deserves the nod at guard, but both Wade and Marbury are locks for the reserves. It's really debateable between those three, I can buy the argument for any one of them, but Iverson will win out due to popularity. Francis will be a reserve too. The West is INSANE with talent. It's crazy that Dirk and Amare, both of whom are putting up HUGE numbers, won't even start. Duncan should be at the center spot because Yao really doesn't the start this year. And I'd love to see Steve Nash and Ray Allen in the backcourt, I've been voting for them, but obviously T-Mac and Kobe have the marquee names.
  9. Precious Roy

    Randy Johnson Trade to the Yankees

    Scott Podsednik, Robin Ventura.......ummmmm.........Ozzie Guillen?
  10. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Celtics with a big win over Cleveland on the road, in OT. LeBron goes for 31, 6 and 7 and was money down the stretch, but fouled out early in OT opening the door for Boston. Great game. 2nd straight OT road win for Boston, they're really coming together right now and will definitely be dangerous come playoff time if they keep Payton for the whole year. Lots of depth and energy and Doc has them playing the full 48 every night.
  11. Precious Roy

    Randy Johnson Trade to the Yankees

    How did you feel about the Garcia trade?
  12. Precious Roy

    Rick Majerus resigns from USC..

    I like Majerus, but man, why did he even take the job when he knew he wasn't healthy enough to handle the stress? That's a pretty shitty thing to do to USC, but I guess it's better that he's out now rather than down the line. Had to be a tough decision for him.
  13. Precious Roy

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Holy shit, I can't believe that's Rhyno in the still photo, far right next to Venis! Who are the two guys in the back w/ faces obscured? And is that Christian to the left of HHH?
  14. Precious Roy

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Probably, but it's not ECW without "OH MY GOD!" I admire Styles for his anti-WWE stance though, and honestly, as much as this show wouldn't be right without him, I'd probably lose a little respect for him if he came back after how vocal he's been against McMahon.
  15. Precious Roy

    WWE to tape Raw and SD back-to-back

    Maybe it's just me, but I can't see anyone sticking around to see JBL v. HHH I think the best bet would be a 10 man tag, 5 top RAW guys v. 5 top SD guys, that way you cover all the bases And add me to the "how the FUCK will they handle the sets" crowd. I don't see how it's possible without taking a LONG break in-between the tapings, unless that shit is a lot less complicated than I thought. Actually, now that I think about it, the sets are pretty much based on the same stage, right? Just with a different backdrop/screen......
  16. Precious Roy

    A's Firesale Continues

    The Oakland Athletics, I can't imagine them moving, it's almost sacreligious. If they changed their name and color scheme I'd lose all faith in humanity.
  17. Precious Roy

    Randy Johnson Trade to the Yankees

    What's the reasoning for Chicago moving Konerko? Can any White Sox fans shed light on this? Is his contract up next year or something? He was their most consistent hitter last year, who knows how much longer Big Hurt can last, and with losing Mags and trading Lee I'd think they'd want to keep his bat around.
  18. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Marbury and Kurt Thomas with the pick and roll is money + a bag of chips, plus KT can actually, you know, do other big man basketball stuff that doesn't involve a medical degree from Utah J/K, I like Doleac, I just never thought I'd see Knicks fans reminisce about "the Doleac era"
  19. Precious Roy

    A's Firesale Continues

    This is crazy. GREAT pick up for STL though, can't wait for the inevitable Mulder/Hudson duel
  20. Precious Roy

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

  21. Precious Roy

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    Hell yeah! I wonder what kind of shape Kronus is in these days...... Oh yeah, and how could I forget Bigelow and Candido?
  22. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Ready To Make WWE Return?

    Oh yeah, I'm not buying this "we don't want him back" shit for a SECOND, it's so transparent. Shit, back when he first walked the word was that Vince was looking at the positives in terms of publicity and was willing to do business with him again down the line so this complete 180 doesn't make any sense, not to mention Vince's track record. This just further confirms that Brock is on his way back, sooner rather than later.
  23. Precious Roy

    ECW PPV? Roster Switches?

    I didn't make it through all the replys, but for some reason I really like the idea of Cena and Orton switching places and taking their respective world titles with them. I demand shit like that to keep the split interesting. As for the ECW PPV, nice idea if Heyman is given the book, HORRIBLE idea if he's not, and grounds for boycotting the WWE if Stephanie McMahon is involved in any way, shape or form, unless it includes her showing up at the Hammerstein for a patented ECW cat fight with Francine and Beulah! As for who I'd like to see make one shot appearances: Joey Styles (If he's not calling it I'm not ordering the show) Terry Funk Sandman Sabu Super Crazy Francine Beulah Sal E. Graziano Tommy Rich whatever Dudleys they can fish up, a reunion w/ Bubba, D-Von and Spike would be a fun segment 911 Scorpio Blue Meanie Steve Corino & Jack Victory Don Callis Joel Gertner Taka Michinoku Psychosis Justin Credible Jerry Lynn, Shane Douglas and Raven (all highly doubtful due to association with TNA) Obviously all of the E's former ECW mainstays, RVD, Tajiri, Rhyno, Dudley Boyz, Guido, Stevie, Tommy, Lance Storm (give him and Tommy true retirement matches), and it would also be cool to see Jericho, Rey, Eddie and Benoit who got their first major North American buzz from working ECW. Did I miss anyone?
  24. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    how is CAMBY of all people not proven? He almost singlehandedly carried the Knicks to the finals in 99 and when healthy he's an automatic double double and major defensive force. The only question about him is the same one it's always been, can he stay healthy, but *knock on wood* he seems to have put that behind him. Camby in good health is a bigger impact player than anyone on the Lakers' frontline.