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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    Jeepers Creepers, just be glad you've got a hitter like Sosa in your lineup and move on, trading him will do Chicago no good
  2. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    HHH is doing an interview on Stern today to hype Blade: Trinity. He should be on within the next hour or so, I'll be listening, and I'll post any interesting soundbytes as they come up. I encourage everyone to tune it.
  3. Precious Roy

    ACLU strikes again

    I like guns too, and I hate nambla. Has your head exploded yet?
  4. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Atkins can hit the 3 and play ok d, that should be all they need out of that spot with Jesus Bryant playing the 2
  5. Precious Roy

    Red Sox sign Edgar Renteria

    I want him............for me to poop on
  6. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    here's the recap from pwinsider
  7. Precious Roy

    ACLU strikes again

    Hey, I'm angry too, but I'm a liberal, so I don't take it out on everyone else
  8. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Hey, I'd pay to see Derek Fisher!
  9. Precious Roy

    Red Sox sign Edgar Renteria

    Fuck Boston, I'm so ready for this season to start
  10. Precious Roy

    ACLU strikes again

    your friend is correct
  11. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    Oh, come on. You said you would, and I for one intend to hold you to your word. I couldn't do it justice anyway. Stern & co were very respectful, HHH was at his political best, it was just a good solid interview with nothing juicy for the smarks as far as gossip goes. The most rumour worthy thing he said was about Snipes taking libertys w/ stuntmen w/ a possible dig at Holly thrown in about not respecting guys who take libertys, but other than that it was very straight forward. Chyna/X-Pac came up, HHH was very reserved, said he's still friends with Waltman and wouldn't say anything bad about Chyna, said he would never watch the tape. Gave respect to Rock for his movie career, took a couple digs at Hogan but nothing serious. Stern kind of tried to bring up his marriage to Stephanie in an off-hand manner but you could tell that he knew HHH wasn't going to get into that, he definitely let HHH dicate the pace. It was a really good interview and HHH came off great, but you really need to hear it to do it justice, it wasn't really a sound byte thing, ya know?
  12. Precious Roy

    Smackdown spoilers for 12/16/04

    I'll definitely tune in for Angle v. Bradshaw just to see what Angle can do with him, but from 8pm to 9:45-50pm I'll be watching the NBA
  13. Oh man, that was so great. Genius. You know, how you played on the words of the title there? Wow. You're so it.
  14. Precious Roy

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    They had the tables match v. the Hardys at MSG in 00, great match, wrestled Edge & Christian in 01, Spike/Tazz in 02, Storm/Regal in 03, and Flair/Batista in 04 Kind of crazy that they've been in a tag title match at every rumble.....
  15. Precious Roy

    Buff Bagwell

    But seriously, what the FUCK was Vince thinking putting BUFF BAGWELL in a RAW main-event? God, that was just retarded. And the whole idea of booking WCW matches as a seperate thing on a WWF card was just so wrong. The only cool thing about it was that they had AA on commentary
  16. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    That was a great interview, too lazy to type up a recap
  17. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    lol, for a guy who claims to be a rasslin fan he's AWFUL at trivia, I think he's getting em wrong just to get spanked questions were: 1) What's HHH's real name? 2) What year did he debut in the WWF? 3) who did he team with when he got his quad teared and he got em all wrong
  18. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    Hahahahahaha, they're ripping on "Double A" for having replica belts And he's in a thong and getting into the spanking machine just to meet HHH :lol:
  19. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

  20. Precious Roy

    HHH on Howard Stern

    Stern said early in the show that HHH has dissed Wesley Snipes and that they tried to schedule Snipes but he was "MIA" according to the studio, so that will definitely come up
  21. Precious Roy

    And So it Begins

    I still maintain that they overworked Vazquez in the first half, which led to his poor second half. They often pitched him on 3 or 4 day rest for the first couple months, he was burnt out by July and then combined w/ the media it led to a snowball effect as far as his confidence went.
  22. Precious Roy

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    I think you will find that Foley bashed Flair A HELL OF A LOT MORE in his books before Flair made any of his comments. He bashed Flair as a booker and politician, but went out of his way to praise him as a performer. Flair shit all over Foley's in-ring career, it's a huge difference.
  23. Precious Roy

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    95....that was awesome Yeah, it was. First time I actually saw an Airplane Spin used in wrestling. ...course, I didn't start watching until Mid-94. My favorite was the headbutts delivered from the all fours position, and then watching whoever it was having to sell them
  24. Precious Roy

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    95....that was awesome
  25. Precious Roy

    Non spoiler SD and Velocity listings for 12/16/04

    And who the fuck did the Dudley Boys piss off? I'm guessing they're the talent that Heyman wanted a major push for and was vetoed by Stephanie/Gerwitetgyyzyzyz, because they've been persona non grata as of late