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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Oliver Stone says you're stupid

    Oliver Stone has a valid point, you are stupid
  2. Precious Roy

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    I predict Paul London will be in the royal rumble
  3. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah, and there is no way New Jersey should be ahead of Boston, who's beaten Seattle TWICE and just beat the Clippers in double OT the other night! They're giving Kidd a major blowjob here.
  4. Precious Roy

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    They want Jericho to have the record for most appearances in the elimination chamber without winning. He already has it at 2, but hey, why not put it out of reach for the next JTTS they pretend to push........
  5. Precious Roy

    Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

    That's just way off. We would have had Moose, Pettite, Lieber, Weaver and a questionable Contreras as their rotation. Don't forget we also lost Clemens AND Wells after 03, those were our big three. We still would have sought to trade Weaver, only we'd be keeping our only left handed starter, a lifetime Yankee who came up with Jeter/Rivera in the farm system, and a guy who'd delivered in the playoffs. Pettite walking really isn't related to Brown/Vazquez, because even with Pettite we were still bringing some new SPs in. And for the record, I like Vazquez and I see no reason for management to have soured on him so quick, I think we overworked him in the first half last year, and as bad as Brown was in game 7 I'm not calling for his head like a lot of hair-trigger fans. I was reaching and said maybe, because I can't speak for every Yankee fan, but of all the post-championship free agent guys I'd say Moose and Sheff have the most acceptance from Yankees fans. We've had Moose for 4 years now and he's been pretty consistent, pitched pretty well in the playoffs, and Sheff earned a lot of brownie points for his clutch hitting last year and playing through injury the entire season. Sheff got more acceptance than Giambi or A-Rod. Matsui is a Yankee the same way Ichiro is a Mariner, we're the only MLB team he's ever played for, the only American team he wanted to play for, and he's performed very well for us. I've never thought of him as a "free agent" like a Giambi or Sheff because it was a different situation. All the others were part of the championship teams, so obviously a true Yankees fan will be forever indebted to them. Jeter has some margin for error, ya know? A-Rod is a unique case, and I'm generalizing, but the general sentiment from Yankees fans isn't one of overwhelming support. The truth is that with our success in the 90's and all the beloved players those teams produced we expect a lot from our players, and the only way to be truely accepted is to win and produce in the clutch.
  6. This should be called "Worst of the Intercontinental Championship"
  7. Precious Roy

    Death for Scott Peterson

    Peterson is as big a scumbag as they get, what he did and the absolute lack of remorse he's shown for his crimes tells me he is a human paraquat who cannot be rehabbed and would not repent for his crimes in jail. His only sense of guilt would come from the fact that he got caught and is being punished, not because he genuinely feels bad for what he did. People like that deserve to die.
  8. Precious Roy

    New Year Revoloution Card

    Yeah, and to do justice to the early eliminations, which will probably be Jericho and Edge, it's only fair that they get a lot of ring time. I'd like to see this match go at least an hour, and it will need to for this show to deliver.
  9. Precious Roy

    Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

    Letting Knobby go wasn't a problem, he was an severe underachiever in NY. Brosius and O'Neil retired, fine. O'Neil probably would have stuck around another season if the front office wanted him to and been a clubhouse guy, Brosius too, but ok, whatever. But letting Tino go, letting Pettite go, treating Wells like shit, that's the stuff that's hurt NY. Tino struggled in STL and Pettite got hurt, so what, I'd argue that they'd have both been fine if they'd remained in pinstripes. Now there's rumours that Bernie might be on the way out. I've got no problem with making improvements and bringing in new players, but it doesn't have to come at the expense of dyed in the wool players. Did NY get any benefit from letting Pettite walk? I can't see any. Now apart from Jeter, Posada, Rivera, Bernie, Matsui and maybe Moose and Sheff who've "earned their stripes" no pun intended we've got a team full of guys that NYers are either apathetic towards or actively dislike. A lot of Yankees fans resent A-Rod, we've never accepted Giambi with open arms, it's hard to get behind these pitchers they're bringing in, and the mercenary attitude that it breeds causes shit like the ALCS collapse.
  10. Precious Roy

    Funaki's boyhood dream has been realized

    Oh No I added an I Bah Gawd! Errr...it wasn't on spelling, it was on Kaz Hayashi not being in the group. Unless it was some early early version that no one knows about That was the Michinoku Pro version, the WWF 4 + Kaz
  11. Precious Roy

    MLB Winter Meetings

    I'm still trying to figure out why Milton is more coveted than Lowe and Perez. Yes, he's a lefty, big fucking deal, he's a shitty lefty. Am I the only one who saw Lowe in the playoffs? And whoever gets Perez is getting a steal, he was near the top of my list for the Yankees and I guarantee he'll be better than Wright, probably just as good as Pavano.
  12. Precious Roy

    Is HBK over-rated

    I'll agree with that. Better worker as a heel and at his best bumping and retreating rather than controling a match. Offense is spotty and can often come off weak (especially now w/ his lesser physique and reliance on punches) but extrememly intelligent and aware in the ring and in his prime one of the most coordinated and consistent athletes we've ever seen in the business. From 94-96 he was arguably the best wrestler in North America, and other than Bret the best worker in such a high profile spot at the time. In terms of physical ability he is a shell of himself these days and IMO not nearly as charismatic outside of the ring, but he can still work a crowd and tell a story with the best of them. Michaels is really the prototype "sports entertainer" as far as smaller workers go. IMO, in his prime one of the best performers I've ever seen, whether he's overrated or not depends on what criteria you use and who's word you take as the gospel, but I rank him in the same breath as Flair, Steamboat, Savage, Hart and others of that ilk.
  13. Precious Roy

    Flair throws punch at Foley backstage

    This thread deserves to be gassed
  14. Precious Roy

    Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

    Everyone and their mother has been calling Elimination Chamber for MONTHS now. If anyone didn't see this coming they haven't been paying close enough attention. Pretty good show tonight, the Edge v. Orton and Evo v. Benoit/Jericho matches were both very good. Typical RAW where the same 6 guys carry the show every week..... EDIT* the chamber will likely come down to HHH, Orton and Batista, with HHH pulling out some sort of lucky win
  15. Precious Roy

    Funaki's boyhood dream has been realized

    If they really want to do the boyhood dream crap they should book Funaki exactly like HBK in 96, including accusations from a cruiser contender's wife that Funaki made a pass at her complete with shadowy women revealing their past affairs with SD!'s #1 announcer, plus a worked shoot angle where Funaki is knocked out by a Kidman enziguri, and eventually Funaki vacating the title and leaving the company when he "loses his smile" That's comedy!
  16. Precious Roy

    New Year Revoloution Card

    Well, this is going to be a total one match show and really tough to fill up the card with your top 6 guys in the same match, which is no doubt why they've put so much effort into the EC The card in the original post seems pretty likely: Snitsky v. Kane (will be the 2nd to top match on the card based on RAW hype, probably a gimmick match or an unsactioned "confrontation") Shelton v. Maven (not exactly PPV caliber and a shame if the belt goes on Maven, but it's obvious they're going in this direction so I won't argue) Simon Dean v. Hurricane (their RAW match was kind of sloppy but this has the best bet for delivering and making Dean look good, angle will be built around Rosey) Hassan v. Rhyno (total waste of Rhyno, but they need a JTTS here and he's really the only guy who fits the bill without hitting Venis/Richards jobber territory. If the manager guy can work make it a tag with Tajiri) Regal/Eugene v. Christian/Tomko v. La Resistance (might as well throw in La Resistance who will be doing nothing otherwise) Lita v. Trish (gonna need a gimmick for the rematch, I'd go with a strap match personally) Flair doing SOMETHING, it can only help the buyrate. Just goes to show how absurdly thin the rosters are, cuz this card looks like total shit apart from the main.
  17. Precious Roy

    MLB Winter Meetings

    I'd give Jeff Blauser 8 million a year....
  18. Precious Roy

    Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

    One team is the exception, not the rule. In general if you win in sports it's because the team comes together, not because they play in spite of each other and the organization.
  19. Precious Roy

    Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

    Ortiz won't leave because Boston has him locked up on the cheap, but it seems to me that his blossoming as a player has had a lot to do with the camradderie and friendship he has with Manny and Pedro and it's possible that without his boys in the clubhouse he regresses. This was a team that genuinely likes each other, and I don't understand why you want to mess with winning chemistry.
  20. Precious Roy

    Report: Pedro Martinez signs with the Mets

    It's a nice conspiracy theory, but regardless of it's validity I've maintained all along that the Red Sox are on the road to sabotaging their own chances by disregarding clubhouse chemistry and guys who are emotionally attached to the city and team in favor of "moneyball" or a belief that the front office is omnipotent. There was a lot more than just statistics involved in the Red Sox winning last season and Henry/Epstein seem intent on putting that theory to the test by letting the veteran, adversity tested Red Sox players loose. I know how this goes, I've seen it happen to the Yankees and it isn't pretty. Sometimes keeping your players is the most important thing, no reason to mess with success. As it stands Boston will let Lowe and Pedro walk and probably trade Manny if they have their way. What effect does losing Pedro and Manny have on Ortiz? They'd let Varitek go if they thought they could get a cheaper replacement. I don't think they repeat next year, it's a team that's giving me a bad vibe, just like New York in recent off-seasons.
  21. Precious Roy

    MLB Winter Meetings

    Wasn't Jose Hernandez a huge disapointment hitting at Coors? Can't see why Cleveland would want him. Don't they have a hot prospect at short anyway?
  22. Precious Roy

    MLB Winter Meetings

    I thought Pedro was wrapped up with Boston over the weekend? I can't believe he's going to be pitching for the Mets.....
  23. Precious Roy

    The Laker Soap Opera continues...

    That's the rub here, it's obvious that Vanessa Bryant didn't consider Malone a friend so much as an acquantence, or simply another one of her status symbols along with Kobe and his diamond rings and tatoos. He wasn't a friend to her, just another part of her massive power trip. A friend wouldn't have any reason to feel threatened by those comments, plus it sounds like she embelleshed her story to make Malone sound as bad as possible.
  24. Precious Roy

    The Laker Soap Opera continues...

    His dad was a pro player, Joe "Jellybean" Bryant. Kobe lived in Italy for several years as a child while his dad played there, also spent time in France, and grew up very much middle-->upper middle class. So no, he's not "ghetto" and he has no "street cred"
  25. Precious Roy

    MLB Winter Meetings

    Why would Boston be interested in Delgado when they already have Ortiz? Plus you'd be giving Delgado practically as much loot as Ramirez makes, for a guy who while a great hitter, isn't as good as Manny, and I believe is a few years older. And I can't believe Epstien would have the balls to try and move Manny AGAIN, after he totally delivered for them last year rather than being a diva like Nomar. I just don't understand the obsession with moving him.