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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Trading Marcus Banks is a mistake.
  2. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    I think Sacto would want more in return than just Wally or Reef. They'd definitely want/need a SF in return so those deals fit their needs, but they'd also want a guy like Miles or Hassell and would probably want to include Christie in the deal. The Kings aren't even thinking about uprooting Bibby for Kidd at this point so that would never fly. Kidd for Carter sounds nice but I doubt Kidd would want to play there. LA could aquire Kidd if they were willing to move Payton, Butler and Grant, but would they do that?
  3. Precious Roy

    OAO Smackdown! thread 8/5/04

    How is it a no sell? They're both down from the superplex, RVD does his customary roll over into a pin (he does the same on vertical suplexes) and Cena caught him in the small package. And like you just said they'd been beating on each other all match so either guy was ripe to take a fall at that point. If you don't like it, fine, but there's nothing wrong with it technically in the context of that match.
  4. Precious Roy

    OAO Smackdown! thread 8/5/04

    Like that finish as RVD rolls over into the pin attempt Good match
  5. Precious Roy

    Tim Brown Released

    I'd like to see the Patriots take a flyer on him, he'd be a good fit in their multi dimensional attack. Brady is probably the best QB at spreading the wealth and using all his options and Brown would be a good situational recieiver in that scheme.
  6. Precious Roy

    Clemens ejected

    I used to play 3rd, 1st, left and pitch. I was like Albert Pujols with a sinker
  7. Precious Roy

    Cowboys release Quincy Carter

    If I'm a Cowboys fan I'm not thrilled with the idea of Vinny as the starter. It's inevitable that he won't play in all 16 games so that leaves a guy who's never played pro football and Tony Romo. I bet Romo gets in before Henson, I know Parcells doesn't want to throw him to the wolves. The plus for Vinny is that they look to have a semi-dependable ground attack and Keyshawn is a much better short-mid range reciever than long threat which plays to Vinny's strengths. The guy can't throw the long ball anymore, which will hurt Glenn's effectiveness. I feel bad for Carter, but it's his own damn fault, he should have been smarter than that. He'll get a second chance somewhere though,no doubt about that.
  8. Precious Roy

    The Keltner List

    Cocaine SCHMOCAINE! Players get in for what they do on the field, the hall of fame is full of assholes. Hernandez making it or not shouldn't hinge on that. Will Bonds, Sheff, Sosa and Big Mac be out for their widely agreed upon performance enhancement? *EDIT* And the only hall of fame Hernandez should be in is the Television HOF for his guest spot on Seinfeld, but whatever recreational drugs he did is neither here nor there
  9. Precious Roy

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    Great comeback by The Yankees tonight, even with Rivera looking as shaky as I've ever seen him. The guy went over 50 pitches in TWO INNINGS! Should be a fun day game tommorow.
  10. Precious Roy

    The Keltner List

    Is Ty Cobb in? Nuff said.
  11. Precious Roy

    The Keltner List

    I would vote in Mattingly, but he was also my favorite player as a kid so I'm hardly impartial
  12. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Shareef is just a horrible fit for Minnesota. He's not a very good defender, all he does very well is score, and Minnesota has no shortage of capable scorers with KG, Spree, Cassell, Wally and Hudson. He'll get 8 boards a game on a weak inside team but he's not very agressive on the glass, gets them more due to length and good read of the carems. IF there is a better rebounder on the team he will not make an impact. Look at his stats once he started playing with Randolph, he went down to like 4 or 5 boards a game. KG shouldn't play center because he's simply more effective at the four. And as for Kandi Man, he's a good player who had some bad luck last year. If you watched the Playoffs you'll notice that he turned in some very good performances in a limited role. Even with Shaq gone you need a capable big man in the West to compete with Yao and Duncan and when Olowokandi is healthy and on his game he can give those guys a tough matchup. This was also the first real injury of his career so it's too early to write him off as injury prone and I suspect he'll have a very productive year this season, not to mention that Ervin Johnson offers nothing except 15-20 minutes of effort a game. McHale would be a fool to take "the first offer," but thankfully he understands the value of a skilled big man.
  13. Precious Roy

    Smackdwon Spoilers for 8/03

    Low morals are fun though. All of Eddie's fun is derived from his lack of morality. I do agree however that Eddie needed to start off this program more intense after Angle cost him the title. Do the comedy this week, last week should have had more fire.
  14. Precious Roy

    Julian McMahon IS DOOM

    As long as it's not Tim Robbins....
  15. Precious Roy

    Jeff Garcia Dating Carmella

    Because they've seen her naked. They'll cheer for anyone who's willing to get naked. If the other chicks were PMOY they'd get cheers too.
  16. Precious Roy

    USA Basketball embarrassed by Italy

    I won't say they have no shot, but the style of the international game is a completely foreign concept to these guys who've spent their whole lives playing a wide open, one on one oriented game. I knew they were in trouble in the first quarter when they'd give the ball to Duncan and everyone would stand around on the perimiter rather than making cuts. You'd have like one guy make a half-assed cut after Duncan had the ball for three seconds and you can't play like that in the Olympics. If this team is going to win it will take Iverson and Marbury subjugating their games, playing pass first at all times, and leading by example on the court. If they can do that I think the rest of the guys will fall in line. They're definitely hurt by the lack of pure shooters though. Any one of those guys can light it up but they don't have anyone like Bird, Mullin, Miller who knew how to move without the ball to stretch the D and find spots for open shots. All the NBA guys wan't to get the ball with thier defender right on them and use the drive or threat of it to create their shots, and that will never work against a REAL zone defense (not the NBA's watered down version) It's also a problem that a bunch of these guys skipped or played one year of college ball. I think Duncan, Boozer and Okafor are the only 4 year players, and they're all big men. Carmelo Anthony should at least have a better concept of the zone because he played it for a full year under Boeheim.
  17. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Nah, that couldn't be more off base. I think they're MUCH better off with Wally and Kandi than any of those guys. They need Kandi's minutes at center, plus he was fighting a knee injury all last year and should be ready to play more minutes this year, and Wally was a scoring machine in the playoffs. I wouldn't even give up JUST Wally for Shareef, when would he even get the ball or good position with the offense revolving around KG, Spree and Cassell?
  18. Precious Roy

    RIP Bob Murphy

    He had a hell of a voice for radio, whenever I hear the Mets on FAN it doesn't sound the same without him. RIP.
  19. Precious Roy

    Who will Angle wrestle next week?

    My money is on Charlie Haas, seems like a natural matchup to get Angle back in the swing of things, plus with Haas jobbing to Gunn on SD it doesn't look like he'll be on the SummerSlam card nor does another loss hurt him.
  20. Precious Roy

    Contreras for Loaiza

    This trade sucks. I hate Esteban Loiza, he's a fucking bum
  21. Precious Roy

    The Undertaker: 5 months later

    That's about right...
  22. Precious Roy


    Well, he sucked in his one start this year, he might be better out of the pen...
  23. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Why did they trade Felix Rodriguez anyway? I thought they'd want to ADD to the bullpen, not subtract from it.
  24. Precious Roy

    Marlins trade Penny/Choi to Dodgers

    When a team who's still in the race for the playoffs basically gives away one of their starters (Valdez) you know he's not that good...... Anyway, Beckett is a guy who, if they get that far, I can easily see being an ace again in the post season. He's just a clutch guy in my book, compare the regular season stats to last year in the playoffs, he stepped it up. Remember, he wasn't throwing that great last year until the playoffs either. The big question marks for Florida are D-Train and Burnett, both of whom have KILLED me in fantasy baseball this year. Can Burnett stay healthy? Can he get to full strength on a consistent basis? How will he fare with postseason pressure? D-Train in particular is a complete puzzle when it comes to fantasy benching/starting. Whenever I start him he gets rocked, whenever I bench him he pitches great, and when I leave him in for a couple weeks straight I end up with a cumulative 4.8 era 1.4 whip. I really hate Dontrelle Willis
  25. Precious Roy

    Mets acquire Benson in 3 team deal

    Whatever happened to Dallas Green?