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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Athletes you were wrong on

    No, the other way around. I hated a player for (looking back) no good reason that ended up being better than I thought. If you say Jeter, Pettite or Posada I will reach across the information super highway and smack you!
  2. Precious Roy

    Athletes you were wrong on

    I thought Kevin Maas was the second coming of Mickey Mantle I really thought Laetner and Bobby Hurley would be great pros, both were servicable (Hurley would have kept improving if it weren't for the car accident), but Laetner especially I thought would be a perenial all-star. The star running back from Ohio State 4-5 years ago, can't remember his name, thought he'd be big but he flamed out in a couple years.
  3. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    K-Mart will be fine. Denver RUNS and that's all K-Mart needs for easy baskets, Dre Miller and Boykins will look for him the same way Kidd did, and I can see Martin and Melo developing some nice chemistry in the halfcourt. Martin isn't just a guy who catches lob passes, he runs through the offense really well and has a three tool game from 15 feet in. Plus his defense, as stated, is the real reason Denver got him anyway. They've got a scary rotation, run and gun w/ great D to back it up, should be fun to watch. As for the Warriors, I was a huge fan of Chris Mullin the player, but someone needs to put Chris Mullin the GM out of his misery. Cardinal, Foyle and Fisher!?!? Those are three role players I'd want on a contending team, but for minimal contracts. The type of money Mullin dished out to those three is obscene, and they don't even NEED D-Fish, who will end up being the biggest bust of the FA market. He doesn't fit their team and Claxton has more upside, what a boneheaded move. I'm a Knicks fan, happy about possibly getting Dampier, and hoping we can swing something for Vince Carter, though that deal will undoubtedy involve several teams should it materialize. The Jamal Crawford deal seems to have fallen through, which IMO is fine. We're stuck with Houston for good or bad and Marbury gets 40 minutes a night, there's no room for a PG/SG who deserves as many minutes and touches as Crawford. Nice player, I'm sure Isiah loves his game, but he doesn't fit. Oh, and Kobe + Odom = Jordan + Pippen, mark it down.
  4. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Blow me. People were discussing bad strike zones and that was the worst recent example I could think of from a game I watched. I don't give a fuck if somebody else freaked out about it when it happened, I wasn't even posting here at the time, and I'm hardly bringing "all that bitching." And I don't even like Anglesault, don't insult me by calling him "my boy." Dickface
  5. Precious Roy

    Best Sports Radio Talkshow

    WFAN was great 10 years ago but they've gone WAAAAY downhill.
  6. Precious Roy

    This "favoritism" towards RAW

    August 31, 1999
  7. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    I think the worst strike call I've seen this year was the final pitch from Gagne in the Yankees series, I think it was Matsui batting. The damn ball was 6 inches outside, Matsui takes the pitch and gets called out looking
  8. Precious Roy

    Manute Bol seriously injured

    This sucks, and is decidedly NOT funny
  9. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    I don't know Epstein personally, but last I checked he was trying to WIN a world series
  10. Precious Roy

    Best Sports Radio Talkshow

    No. Rome owns Patrick like the Yankees own the Red Sox
  11. Precious Roy

    Best Sports Radio Talkshow

    The Jungle. There is no debate.
  12. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    I wonder if GP would be available in this potential Shaq deal if Dallas was willing to part with Daniels or Harris?
  13. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Bob Brenly got JOBBED!
  14. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    You can say whatever you want about the Yankees spending the most money, but they also MAKE the most money. They have the largest market to pull from and Steinbrenner is a great businessman. The Yankees spend money to make MORE money, it's simple economics. There are rich owners out there who aren't willing to take risks and spend the money it takes to win, and in the end it's winning that makes teams profitable. Last time I checked they weren't breaking any rules and baseball wasn't a communist sport, all's fair in love and baseball. Personally, I'll go to war with the team the Yankees have. I LOVE guys like Wilson and Cairo and Tony Clark and Ruben Sierra. I LOVE Brad Halsey and Sturtze and want the Yankees to keep them on the roster. I think the Yankees are better off with a Cairo/Wilson platoon then they would be getting a guy like Hairston Jr. or whoever. Cairo and Wilson play hard and smart and it's role players like that who you need in the playoffs. I don't think they NEED to go out and get a top 2B or P to win, but that's out of my control, it's the Yankees front office who makes those decisions and if they make a move to bring someone in I'll welcome them with open arms.
  15. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    Let me just say that before the series started, in this very thread, I more or less called the outcome of the Halsey-Martinez matchup and placed the ball of game 3 and the entire series in the court of the bullpens, which proved to be true in games 2 and 3 at least...... Peter Gammons, look out!
  16. Precious Roy

    So lately I've loved chick bands.

    Big Brother & The Holding Company
  17. Precious Roy

    Huey Lewis & The News

    Power Of Love Back In Time I Want A New Drug If This Is It Hip To Be Square Working For A Living I was a big fan of theirs when I was in elementary school, back in the early days of MTV they were one of the bigger video bands. I still have a soft spot for their hits and own a copy of the Sports album. BTW, bit of trivia, the band that became "The News" was Elvis Costello's backing band on his debut record (and for my money his best) My Aim Is True.
  18. Precious Roy

    Kerry's VP

    LOL, he actually won NC by a landslide And realistically, there's nobody out there who's as appealing and balances Kerry as well as Edwards, unless maybe he could get Bush Sr.......
  19. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    Yeah, this game meant a hell of a lot more for Boston than it did for NY, that's why it's NOT better than game 7 last year. Last year was a pressure cooker and both teams had a lot on the line. What was on the line tonight? The Sox settling for the wild card? Doesn't compare to being 1 game, 1 out, 1 strike away from the world series. The magnitude of last years game sets it apart, I don't care if more players were used tonight and there were a bunch of weird double switches. Are you honestly saying you were more into tonights game than game 7?
  20. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    The fact that almost every man on both teams played and that the score see-sawed made this better. But it's July 1st... I'm sorry but the fact that it was YANKEE STADIUM YANKEES-SOX GAME 7 CLEMENS V. PEDRO and that is was so fucking dramatic and IMPORTANT makes it the better game. Are you honestly telling me you had more invested in this game and marked out more than you did in game 7 last year. The Yankees, realistically, had NOTHING on the line tonight, they're just playing for pride. Game 7, Sox win and "the curse" is over, that game was infinitely more important in the big picture of the rivalry, plus it was a HELL of a game to boot.
  21. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    There'll be at least two teams not making the playoffs in the West who'd have a shot at homecourt 1st rd in the East
  22. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    No, game 7 last year was much, much better, but this was a hell of a regular season game, best I can remember.
  23. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  24. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series
