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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  2. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    OMG OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!
  3. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  4. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    *crosses fingers, inverts cap, knocks on wood, chugs beer*
  5. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  6. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  7. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    I forsee Manny Ramirez pitching soon
  8. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  9. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    He actually looks skinner than he was a couple weeks ago, F'n parasites! WE AIN'T, GOIN NOWHERE, WE AIN'T, GOIN NOWHERE, WE CAN'T BE STOPPED NOW, CUZ IT'S BAD BOY 4 LIFE!
  10. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    The Sox are using 5 infielder? OMGLOLWTF! And here comes the human parasite to be the hero!
  11. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  12. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    And that's why Derek Jeter is my pinstripe hero
  13. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Well, with Phoenix's team he WILL put them in the playoffs, he's exactly what they need, he's a much better fit for them than Marbury ever was. Nash is the second best pure point in the league behind J-Kidd and he'll make Johnson, Marion and Stoudemire much better, I can understand why Phoenix felt they needed him. I've gotta think the only reason he was given 65 over say 50 or 55 was just to keep Cuban from matching the offer, they obviously really, really wanted Nash.
  14. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Degenerative condition? Sounds like a long-term steroid user....
  15. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    This self-depricating, quitters attitude is pissing me off. NUT UP AND BE A REAL YANKEES FAN! They always come back just when i give up. It's a plan. Well, they always come back when I DON'T give up Seriously though, it's the Red Sox fans who are supposed to take pity on themselves, we're better than that
  16. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    This self-depricating, quitters attitude is pissing me off. NUT UP AND BE A REAL YANKEES FAN!
  17. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    Oh well, double play is good enough. That was amazing
  18. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

  19. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    TRIPLE PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    FUCK MANNY! Who was having the Ortiz/McCarty debate about slowest Red Sock? It sure as hell ain't Ortiz, dude was MOTORING to get to 3rd! Didn't know he had it in him...
  21. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Bagwell will have off-season surgery, he has to. I'm amazed he's playing through it and I do think he's become a liability the way he's playing, but you can't fault the guy for playing through the pain in what might be this team's last shot. I can't believe they let both Wagner and Dotel go though. Lidge is great, but the three of them together were lights out last year. And speaking of Beltran, nobody thinks he's reupping with Houston, so where does he go?
  22. Precious Roy

    McGrady deal done

    Yao averaged 9 boards a game last year, 15th in the league, in only 32 minutes a game. His career high is 20 boards, against Detroit of all teams. Howard, Mo Taylor and McGrady rebound well, and all Weatherspoon does is rebound. I don't think they're worried about rebounding. As for the PG, word is Derek Fisher wants to play for them. And Steve Nash is officially a Phoenix Sun again. Nash-Johnson-Marion-Stoudemire. Not bad......
  23. Precious Roy

    Questions about Taker/Kane

    Paul London wakes up in the ring with "28:6:42:12" written on his arm.... Vince and Shane walk over to him Vince: Hey, it's Jimmy Snukka's kid! Shane: I think its Paul London Vince: So what were you doing kid? Sleep Wrestling? London: I'm sorry Mr McMahon it won't happen again *London walks off* AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA
  24. I don't know, but.... The bolded guys aren't close to vet status in the WWE, or in the industry for that matter, and half the guys named aren't even on SD
  25. Precious Roy

    Best of Chris Jericho

    The Orton/Flair run-in SUCKED in a million possible ways, but the work in the first 15 minutes was excellent and built off of the Mania match perfectly. They took sequences and spots from the Mania match and modified/expanded on them beautifully. They told another chapter of the story and if it wasn't for the typical WWE "protect the face's heat at all costs" overbooked bullshit with the run-ins it could have been a classic.