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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Red Sox-Yankees Series

    Actually, they could DH for Pokey, but then they'd have to bat their pitcher. I don't think Pokey is such a bad hitter. He needs to take more walks and lower the K's but he can put the bat on the ball and does get some good looking hits. The Sox need to put in some work with him, but they need his defense and with Manny, Ortiz & Co. they can afford a weak spot or two in the lineup. I can't wait for Jon Lieber to no-hit them tonight
  2. Precious Roy

    .dll files

    Try putting it in the folder of the program you're trying to run, and if that doesn't work try the "percussive maintainance"
  3. Precious Roy


    What were Velocity's ratings like when it was on at 10PM? .5 seems pretty shitty, even for one of their jobber/recrap shows.
  4. Precious Roy

    True or False

    Who shit in your cornflakes bro? You asked a question, I provided the answer. You're asking why people in the business give them so much credit and people like Bubba admire them, correct? It's simple. Because they had an amazing presence in an arena and got a shitload of heat. That's what every wrestler strives to have. Now stop being a dick
  5. Precious Roy

    True or False

    They got nuclear heat. Appreciate it.
  6. Precious Roy

    Booker T...

    I thought his matches with Jarrett and also with Steiner were ok. Not great, but definitely world title worthy after all the crap WCW had gone through. That's not entirely true. He doesn't need a top 1% guy to carry him, he got carried just fine by guys like Perry Saturn, Rick Martel and Fit Finlay
  7. Precious Roy

    Should We Be a Bit Worried?

    It's in NYC, right? It's American soil. American soil we've been kind enough to donate to the United Nations. When push comes to shove it's still our land.
  8. Precious Roy

    Third Time Ain't the Charm

    No thanks. If Nader isn't running in the interest of a viable third party what's the point?
  9. Precious Roy

    TNA News from the 6/28 Observer

    I agree, but I'd put the show at 8pm. Most regular wrestling fans set Monday night aside as 'rasslin' night' and are flipping channels before RAW starts. THAT'S the time to get them, put it on at 11 and you have to deal with not only the RAW overrun but people who work on Tuesdays going to sleep when RAW is over. I'm not positive of Tank/Al, but "The Dog" was definitely a Kevin Sullivan creation in the brief period between Russo's booking reigns. He left in late 99 due to disagreements with Turner management and Sullivan & Co. took over, which of course led to the Radicalz leaving the company in early 2000. Russo came back in the Spring of 00 along with Bischoff and they ran the whole "start over from scratch" angle with the titles and started the New Blood angle. Jesus Christ, WCW was so fucked up
  10. Precious Roy

    TNA tag teams

    I like what I've seen from Miyamoto and I think Nosawa is serviceable and better suited to tag work. If they keep those guys together and do more with them than throwing em out to job they could develop into a credible team. I agree that Lynn is better suited to tag work at this point, he's not what he once was as a worker and his "grizzled vet" character lends itself to being part of team. Red would make a great partner for him. I also agree that Gilberti/Swinger and Kenny/Siaki are boring as fuck as teams and I doubt the audience will ever get behind them. Out of the two teams Gilberti/Swinger has a better shot at being relevant. The Naturals are solid, AMW is still the backbone, I liked Kash/Dallas a lot when they worked together, and it may just be me but I think D'Lo and Apollo had a lot of potential as team, though I'm glad D'Lo looks to be getting a singles push. And a XXX reunion, even if it's just Daniels and Skipper, would be a boon for the tag division.
  11. Precious Roy

    What will Eugene pull off next week?

    Arrogance... I'm in the "too much of a good thing" boat on Eugene. I liked the gimmick at first, and still do to a degree, and I understand that it's got a short shelf-life and they want to milk it for all it's worth, but making him the focus of the upper card and the world title picture (at the expense of Benoit no less) and putting him in 5 segments a night is just a bit too much for me at this point. I've noticed that his pops have been dwindling as well. A couple weeks ago he was getting massive, sustained reactions, now he gets an initial pop that dies by the time he's reached the ring. The crowd still pops for some of his retarded quotes and in-ring actions, but it isn't a good trend........ That said, I do like where they're going with HHH bringing out the dark side of his character and Regal being the sympathetic face who the audience recognizes as having Eugene's best interests in mind. This plotline could be GREAT if they book it right, and the Regal-HHH match on RAW was brilliant character development all around. My personal preference is that after HHH ditches Eugene they turn him into an alienated tortured soul who refuses to trust anyone because he feel betrayed by everyone he trusted (Regal, Bischoff, HHH, Benoit), kind of like an early Mankind type character. I see a TON of milage in a character of that sort and after Dinsmore's loco performance on Monday I think he can pull it off.
  12. Precious Roy

    Booker T...

    Summerslam 2001. It was...ok-ish. But it had a really dumb ending, with Rock basically doing a direct no-sell of Booker's finisher and winning with his own. Was that the handicapped match with Shane? That was the biggest problem with Booker's initial push (and the invasion as a whole), they were afraid to let guys like Booker and DDP appear like they were in any way equal to the WWE superstars, so they had all kinds of contrived shit (most of it involving Shane) to allow the heels to get heat.
  13. Precious Roy

    Best of Chris Jericho

    And how can everyone forget Jericho's two excellent matches against HBK (Mania 19 & the LA Raw)? And his match with Goldberg is a keeper, one of the best Goldberg matches you'll ever see. Also Jericho/Benoit v. HHH/Austin, TLC III, Jericho v. Rock from Royal Rumble 02, and the Jericho/HHH HIAC (heck of a match IMO, totally overlooked)
  14. Precious Roy

    Best of Chris Jericho

    The match that turned Jericho against the net?
  15. Precious Roy

    Questions about Taker/Kane

    Taker later admitted to burning the place down after one of his heel turns. That was the last word. So, in actuality, Undertaker has murdered three people. I'm just waiting for Heyman and The Dudley Boyz to take credit at this point
  16. Precious Roy

    McGrady deal done

    I agree that Houston gets the better end of things, simply because McGrady is far and away the best player in the deal and because they also have better parts in place already. Howard will be a great fit for them because they have T-Mac and Yao, but from Orlando's perspective he's a throw-in because he didn't mesh with Gooden on the court and doesn't fit into their future plans. He was a questionable signing for them in the first place. I give Houston the edge, but Orlando came out looking pretty good all things considered.
  17. Precious Roy

    .dll files

    Put it in the windows/system folder, and reboot just to be safe
  18. Precious Roy

    Is there anything similar to KaZaA Lite?

    Agreed. Shareaza is IMO the best P2P file sharing utility out there, and the one I've had the best success with finding hard to find shit and getting fast DL times. It works off of the emule, bareshare, *something else* and torrent networks all at the same time, culling files from all of them. Plus it runs smoothly in the background on my RAM -stressed CPU and doesn't slow down my internet browsing very much. Two thumbs up to Shareaza! On a related note, I had to give up on Kazaa Lite once and for all after I moved back to an old laptop (the newer one has a busted battery input and I've been procrastinating on sending in into the manufacturer). I run the original version of Windows 98 on this computer and EVERY SINGLE version of Kazaa I've tried has freezed up once I start DLing files. Is this a typical problem with 98? I couldn't find any helpful literature on it and gave up all hope of finding a solution
  19. Precious Roy

    Third Time Ain't the Charm

  20. Precious Roy

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Other than Cena they don't have a face who's ready to be elevated, and with him remaining as US Champ I get the impression that they're holding off on his mega push until the winter/spring. RVD could get there, but they need to put in a ton of work on him first, and I don't see any commitment to him from the bookers, he's like a spare part right now. Haas will be there eventually, but right now he's firmly entrenched in the midcard. You don't go from teaming with Rico and feuding with Luthor to the main-event overnight, he's got at least a year of seasoning and some US Title scene involvement before he'll get a major push.
  21. Precious Roy

    Big Show

    Come on, Big Show had a great 03, without a doubt the best year of WWE run. I'd still give the MVP to Eddie, but that's not to discount Show's role in the success of SD! last year. Anyway, good to know I'm not the only one who's really missed his presence, not just in the ring but in promo/backstage shit as well, he's one of the most well-rounded performers they have. But I'm not so sure he'll be a heel when he comes back. It's inevitable that he feuds with Angle, right? I can't see Angle going face after they've worked so hard to put him over as the heel GM and put him in direct opposition of Eddie and Cena, so that leaves Show as the face. I think they're banking on the "welcome back pop" combined with the fans hatred of Angle and the awesomeness of Show taking him out to make Show an instant face, it's not like the fans will really remember or care about Torrie's role in that angle
  22. Precious Roy

    Booker T...

    I don't think Booker is in Lance 03/04 territory YET, but it's kind of hard to dismiss how unmotivated he looks compared to Booker circa 00/01 or even as recently as the Black Gold stuff.... Incidently, I DL'd the 2001 Kane/Jericho v. Storm/Awesome match where ECW re-debuted on RAW a couple days ago, and I was kind of caught off guard by how great Storm looked out there, wrestling with fire, crispness and energy, and in his traditional split color tights rather than the bikini they stuck him in. Kind of sad to see how entertaining he was back then and how the WWE anti-wrestling machine just beat him down to relative mediocrity
  23. Precious Roy

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I think the FBI are getting a face push right now, but since they're only on TV every other other week, and usually just Nunzio popping up backstage, it's kind of hard to tell
  24. Precious Roy

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Bob Holly beat Jindrak last week. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  25. Precious Roy

    WWE News & Notes

    Yes, the literal translation of dummkopf would be something along the lines of "idiot" or "dummy," but it's the TV guide friendly PG version, we know what they really meant