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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Carmello going to athens

    I'm glad most of the "stars" backed out. That's a hell of a team right there, talented, guys who CARE about winning gold, and I expect them to play as a team and not embarrass our country like that "ME FIRST!" team we suited up for the world championships Possible starting 5: Center - Duncan PF - Odom SF - Marion SG - LeBron PG - Iverson Knowing Larry Brown he'll opt against starting James though, probably plug Jefferson into the 2 spot.
  2. Precious Roy

    Raptors to hire Sam Mitchell

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with Sam Mitchell. The guy mentored Kevin Garnett when he came into the league and KG credits him with a lot of his success and with helping him mature as both a player and a man. He's a good guy, smart, NBA vet who the players will respect. This is probably the smartest coaching move the Raptors have EVER made. As for Vince Canada, he's not all that his acolytes claim him to be, and he's not all that his detractors claim either. He's too arrogant for my tastes, but he is a hell of a scorer though, and with the right team around him there's no reason he can't take a team far into the playoffs. You can blame his injuries for Toronto's recent slide, but remember that when he was healthy he got his team to within a missed FG attempt of the EC finals. Get him some more help besides Marshall, Rose and Bosh and that team can be a contender again. What they really need is a legit center who can board and clog the lane on D, so for their sake I hope Araujo works out for them and can produce right away.
  3. Precious Roy

    Moore ripped to shreds in review....

    Hey Seth, how's the blog working out? And Mike, what, were you worried Seth might upstage you as the resident extremist conservative?
  4. Precious Roy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    Well, Eugene is just as hypocritical as the other WWE refs, admonishing the faces for minor violations while letting the heels get away with murder. Can this all be part of his, "absorbs everything he watches," gimmick
  5. Precious Roy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    Stacking the deck against Benoit? *yawn*
  6. Precious Roy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    "When I get angry......bad angles happen.....and the viewers need to sufferrrrrrrrr....."
  7. Precious Roy

    The One and Only Raw Thread for 06/28/04

    RAW Diva search. I can feel the ratings skyrocket........ *click*
  8. Precious Roy

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    I think the point here is that it was the water produced at the Kent, England factory that was fucked up and that the product has been discontinued in the UK. It's still for sale nationwide in America, I see vending machines that sell it all over the place, and I've NEVER heard anything about it containing cancer causing agents.
  9. Precious Roy

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    The audience for RAW is so much bigger than that of TNA's PPVS, it's not even in the same league, plus the house is much bigger. She's never wrestled in that environment with that much pressure, so it's premature to crown her as the saviour of the women's division.
  10. Precious Roy

    TNA tag teams

    Yet still better than any team in the WWE.....
  11. Precious Roy

    Kash Injured and of the Anniversary Show

  12. Precious Roy

    Kash Injured and of the Anniversary Show

    I expect it to be Dallas and I expect AJ to be able to carry him to a good match. I'd prefer it to be Lynn though, and the idea of a couple guys wanting the shot and making it a multi-person match is a good one.
  13. Precious Roy

    Midcard treatement of a champion

    There was a REASON Sid's match was the main event, and it wasn't Hogan politicking his way there..... Papa Shango?
  14. Precious Roy

    Tentative SummerSlam card

    I don't like that idea. I know they're building an anti-authority feud between the two of them, but if Big Show is back he should really be wrestling Kurt, and you can't main JBL two PPVS in a row and then leave him off one of the biggest shows of the year. I'd rather see JBL doing a job to Cena while he has good heel heat rather than him not being on the card at all. Save Angle v. Cena for Survivor Series.
  15. Precious Roy

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    All I've ever seen her do is bump and hit a few highspots (rana, crossbody) It's WAY too early to know how she'll be in actual MATCHES in front of an audience of millions, so don't believe the hype just yet.
  16. Precious Roy

    Brian Pillman

    Pillman would have been a huge asset during the attitude days. Even without wrestling he was must see TV, they'd have found some outrageous stuff for him to do. I can definitely see him being a part of the Austin-McMahon feud in a major way, probably on both sides at various points in time (like Taker, Rock and Mankind).
  17. Precious Roy

    The Article that cost Luger the WWF Belt

    This is legit and the Luger title switch was indeed nixed (The Hart/Hart scenario was in place before this article remember and wasn't contingent on Yoko/Luger). I believe the plan was for Perfect to do something somewhat questionable (like DQing Luger against Yoko) but not outright HELP Hart win, like maybe get in Luger's face only for Bret to role him up, thus Luger would save face by being able to blame Perfect while Bret could still claim that he won fair and square. The plan at the time was to run a Luger-Perfect feud that summer as Perfect's comeback, but he decided against it at the last minute, wanting to collect his insurance money instead. And he did the same thing with HHH in 96 before he ran to WCW's money and was miraculously "healed" and perfectly (no pun intended) capable in the ring again. And I guess Piper would have reffed the Yoko/Luger match rather than the main event.
  18. Precious Roy

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    I have a bad feeling that "Tina" will end up being Lita's sister
  19. Precious Roy

    Vengance card

    HHH v. Benoit v. Eugene? HHH v. Benoit v. Kane? HHH v. Benoit v. Jericho? IMO Benoit has been in too many triple threat PPV matches already, but I doubt the WWE cares about that.
  20. Precious Roy

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    The Saudi princes and bourgeois have been backers of Al Queda and simmilar outfits for a long time, but that's why making them "oblivious" Saudi royalty is the perfect way to do it. It's not as blatantly ignorant as making them straightforward Jihadists, but there's still the subtext there. It's like the ONLY way to approach a "muslim heel" gimmick with some intellectual depth.
  21. Precious Roy

    News on new tag team/Nova/Alexis Laree

    That's the best case scenario. I'm expecting raghead jihadists though
  22. Precious Roy

    Vengance card

    What I'm expecting at the moment (assuming Benji and Christian are injured)...... Benoit v. HHH Orton v. Edge Jericho v. Batista Eugene v. Flair Hardy v. Kane La Resistance v. The Super Friends Trish v. Victoria Of course that could ALL change after RAW tommorow night, the HHH v. Eugene match and the use of Kane, Jericho and Edge should give us a solid idea what direction they're going in. Personally, I think they're unwilling to pull the tigger on an Edge/Jericho title shot and don't have the confidence to run Kane/Benoit again without a stronger co-main (nothing is stronger than HIAC at this point), and I think they will go the safe route with HHH challenging. HHH/Benoit will still be the main at SummerSlam but probably with a gimmick (iron man? ladder? 2/3 falls?), and I can honestly see HHH winning at Vengeance and defending against Benoit at SummerSlam.