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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    holy shit that was an awesome catch by Smith, nevermind the PI call
  2. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    omg Tom Coughlin! Wear a ski mask or something!
  3. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    And finally we get the predictable Favre gimmie pick, and the Giants fumble the fucking return. Unbelievable.
  4. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

  5. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    get em while they're hot!
  6. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    haha hell of a catch by Faulk there
  7. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    Maroney is a beast today
  8. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    The Pats are always tough in the red zone, but damn
  9. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

  10. Precious Roy

    AFC Championship: The San Diego Chargers vs.

    Brady was simply lulling the Chargers into a false sense of security so he could beat them with reverses and screen passes
  11. Precious Roy

    College Hoops: January '08

    And USC just beat UCLA. Couple of nice upsets today.
  12. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    It's too early to brag about predicting Glen Davis would be the better pro from that LSU team, but yeah, I'm sticking to that. On the other hand, I think Scott Skiles and now the guy who's taken over for him probably haven't done Thomas any favors. Yeah, Thomas seems like a real dickhead, but at the same time he's like 20 years old and went from being an unheralded freshman to a top 4 pick in one year. Skiles immediately puts him in the doghouse, it's no wonder he hasn't reached his potential yet. Tyson Chandler looked like an inconsistent underachiever under Skiles too. On the bright side for Bulls fans, at least you didn't draft Sheldon Williams
  13. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

  14. Precious Roy

    TSM Fantasy Baseball 2008

    Yahoo results say rd. 4....
  15. Precious Roy

    NFL PLAYOFFS! Divisional Demolition

    I've never understood the fascination with her. I'm sure the whole "virgin til she got married" act had something to do with it since America is full of dirty old men and perverted christians, but lookswise she's got an average body, kind of a weird face, frequently looks completely demented in photographs. Not like anyone wouldn't be happy to take her home from a bar, but that's exactly the kind of looks she has, good enough but nothing special, yet she's got a freaking industry built around celebrating her beauty. I don't get it.
  16. Precious Roy

    NFC Championship: Packers vs. Giants

    Oh, it's definitely the Packers. The Parcells era was the precursor and foundation for the Belichick/Brady dynasty, and we definitely remember losing to the Pack in 96. I can't think of anything better than getting revenge on Favre and maybe even retiring him in the process. That would be pretty fitting.
  17. Precious Roy

    NFL PLAYOFFS! Divisional Demolition

    Tiki Barber looks like such an asshole right now
  18. Precious Roy

    NFL PLAYOFFS! Divisional Demolition

    that was a hell of a play by Romo right there