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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NFL Week 7: You Mean There's A Football Team In Denver?

    http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/7343980 Terrible article by Jason Whitlock. How does crap like that get published by a major website?
  2. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 5

    12 hours is iffy for me with work/commute etc., especially if the guy before me makes a pick in the AM. 24 seems fair for the next week or so, but I've also made all my picks in timely fashion and don't think be punished for other people slacking and I don't like the idea of sending a list of the players I'm targeting to a fellow league member. Nothing personal Alf.
  3. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I don't think the Lakers would want/need Devin Harris as they already have Derek Fisher, Jordan Farmar, Javaris Crittenton and Coby Karl. Other than Howard I don't see much that LA would want, so I can't see that deal happening. Chicago I don't see happening unless LA is content with something consisting of Gordon/Thomas/Nocioni or an approximation of that, because I don't think Paxson will trade Deng. Didn't Kobe make a comment about not wanting to play for NY? If he was willing to go there the Knicks might have the pieces to pull off a deal, but probably not. I thought about Philly because Kobe played high school ball there, but then I remembered that the fans there have always booed the shit out of him, and aside from Igoudala they really don't have any players that LA would value. One team that makes sense to me on paper is Memphis. A package of Rudy Gay/Mike Miller/Hakim Warrick would be worth looking at for LA, and the pairing of Kobe and Pau would be an instant contender.
  4. Precious Roy

    MLB League Championship Series Thread

    whoa, I'm not making any insane statements like that, but he's clearly been a much better player in Colorado than he was for the Mets. Yes, his road/home splits show him to be more productive at Coors field, but so do the splits for practically every player on that team, Holliday and Helton included. And he was pretty awful in the field for the Mets, whereas he's been very solid for the Rockies. He was also a real threat on the bases this year, 32 steals in 36 attempts. I'm not saying he's a superstar or a sabermetrics stud, but he's clearly been a valuable player to this Colorado team and to call him 'filler' is ridiculous.
  5. Precious Roy

    MLB League Championship Series Thread

    I certainly wouldn't refer to Matsui as "filler". He's played out of his mind since he got to Colorado, and people act like it's a fluke because he was a disappointment for the Mets. He's 32 so he isn't a future cornerstone, but he's been one of the biggest catalysts for the Rockies' success and should certainly be capable of helping them out for a couple more years. The Rockies are loaded with positional talent, the question for me is the pitching. Is this a fluke? Is it lightning in a bottle? Whatever it is they're performing right now, but I'm going to have to see that pitching staff do it over a whole season before I'm sold on them.
  6. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 5

    Al Horford, F/C
  7. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 5

    Kareem Abdul Jabbar, C, LAL
  8. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    plus Renaldo Balkman
  9. Precious Roy

    WWE/USA network update

    Wasn't one of the conditions of the WCW sale that TBS/TNT couldn't counter program with any sort of wrestling? I thought I remember hearing something like that at the time
  10. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Allan Houston re-signed with the Knicks. He'll be fighting with Fred Jones and Dimitrius Nichols for a roster spot. Nichols has a future in the NBA IMO but the Knicks are down on him for refusing to play the year in Europe and the rumour is Jones had the edge due to being a veteran and a better defender. If Houston can't beat out Fred Jones he probably shouldn't be in the NBA. There's also a chance that Jerome James is bought out, though with Curry getting hurt that's less likely to happen I guess. I hope Houston makes the team. He's a genuinely good guy, great with the media, and he'd be a good veteran presence and role model for the Knicks young players. And it would be a great feel good story.
  11. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    He doesn't have a contract for next year, so there's no quitting or firing involved, he just won't be brought back.
  12. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    And oh yeah, other than Mo, everyone must go!
  13. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    The Yankees are a perennial contender with a team featuring the last remnants of a dynasty. They have a star-studded, veteran ballclub. The only guy on the Indians most people could pick out of a lineup is Kenny Lofton, and maybe Sabathia, but only because he's a massive black guy. And don't forget that the Yankees went 6-0 against them this year. Of course the Indians were the underdogs.
  14. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Torre looked like the weight of the world was off his shoulders in his press conference.
  15. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

  16. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Jeter hits into a leadoff double play. Write it down.
  17. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Posada needs to hit a homerun off this fucking rookie. I'm sick of this shit. SCORE SOME FUCKING RUNS!
  18. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

  19. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    A-Rod needs to hit a homerun off this fucking rookie. I'm sick of this shit. SCORE SOME FUCKING RUNS!
  20. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Derek Jeter: Rally Killer
  21. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    Sizemore was out. Fuck these umps.
  22. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread

    I don't understand using Chamberlain for two innings with a 5 run lead. Now he's likely unavailable tomorrow when we might need him in a close game. 8th inning would have been a good time to trot out the Farns
  23. Precious Roy

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    Vince will grant Orton his rematch tonight
  24. Precious Roy

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    I bet Orton walks out of the show with the belt
  25. Precious Roy

    MLB Divisional Series Thread
