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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    This Week In Baseball 8/20-8/26

    the Tigers look like they spent the last 4 hours huffing pinetar
  2. Precious Roy

    This Week In Baseball 8/20-8/26

    Yankees-Tigers game starting after a 4 HOUR delay. Damn. We'll be lucky if this one is done before 2am.
  3. The difference is that in MLB guys have big money and careers to worry about Jose Offerman was probably thinking, "I'm almost 40 years old and playing in some semi-pro league and some fucking SCRUB is going to throw at me and try and take away my last chance at getting back to the dance?! FUCK THAT!" Honestly, can you blame the guy? What does he have to lose in that situation? He knew the guy nailed him on purpose, why shouldn't he go after him? Really, I think the pitcher is more at fault for being stupid enough to throw at a veteran like Offerman in a fucking meaningless game.
  4. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

  5. Precious Roy

    This Week In Baseball 8/13-8/19

    In the Post yesterday it was said that there's a debate between using Karstens or calling up Kennedy to fill Clemens spot this week (Tuesday). JOBA
  6. Precious Roy

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    Well, it was a young braggart heel gimmick based mostly on getting over on 'legends' who were way past their prime/not on tv/not active regulars. It worked fine in that context, except they built up all that cheap heel heat on Orton and decided to turn him face before they did a comeback on it, that was the real problem
  7. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball 8/6 - 8/12

    for what?
  8. Precious Roy

    WWE General Discussion for August 2007

    He was the sole survivor of 'Team Bischoff' against 'Team Austin', thus ending Austin's run as co-GM of RAW. That match is also notable for one of Shawn Michael's best babyface performances.
  9. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Butler missed 6 games in March, came back for 3 games, then missed the last 10. Arenas missed the last 9 games. They were 35-28 when Butler got hurt. 50 wins might be a bit of a stretch, but their April schedule was fairly soft, something like 12-7 or 13-6 is perfectly reasonable, they certainly could have approached it.
  10. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    2 comments - Washington was only 41-41 because Arenas and Butler came up with injuries that took them out down the stretch. They were on a pace for 50 wins before that. - Ray Allen had ANKLE surgery, not knee surgery. If you're going to be the anti-Celtics-bandwagon guy at least know what you're talking about.
  11. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball 8/6 - 8/12

    756 should have been a special once in a life time moment and I literally felt nothing when it happened. And I actually like Bonds, more than most people anyway, but really, this record doesn't mean shit. Barry's unique talents and consistent performance in the face of so much pressure and scrutiny, that's memorable to me, but celebrating this moment is so hollow.
  12. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    According to some reports I've read the deal breaker was Bird asking for Bynum AND Odom. The Lakers were countering with Bynum and spare change contracts.
  13. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I like the deal for Boston. They have a great player who's nearing the end of his prime and managed to add two hall of fame talents, one of them being one of the most talented bigs the game has EVER seen and the other one of the purest shooter and effortless scorers you will ever see. KG, Pierce, Allen is a HELL of a trio. Al Jefferson should be really good for a really long time, but they had a choice to make between building a young team and going for broke with Paul Pierce, and they already made that choice when they traded for Ray Allen. Acquiring KG on top of that is a major coup. As far as the bench goes, as long as they pick up a couple of competent role playing vets they'll be fine. Powe and Glen Davis should give them good bench play up front. They're thin at guard and I'm not sure how much they get from Tony Allen this year, but there's always good guards to be found if you look in the right places. It wouldn't surprise me to see them go after a Damon Stoudamire or Brevin Knight type veteran PG, and they'll probably end up with someone like Trenton Hassell or Marko Jaric through the deal. Holding onto Gomes is important though, he's the jack of all trades type they need as a 6th man.
  14. Precious Roy

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    I'm glad to see Mikki Moore get paid. He's been a journeyman for a long time, I remember when he was playing on 10 day contracts and bouncing in and out of the league. He always stuck out to me as a guy who was active and could make things happen in a limited role, and he can make a difference in the right situation like Jersey last year or when he was in the Detroit rotation a while back. Unfortunately for Sacramento, I'm almost positive that won't be the case there. If the Nets or maybe Memphis gave him that deal I could see it, but I think he's wasted on that team.
  15. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    I had to pull out because of my hat
  16. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    Knicks took Chandler, no surprise as it's been in the NY papers for weeks. No complaints, I don't really know his game but I trust Isiah and our 3 spot is wide open. Can't wait to see Zach Randolph in blue and orange.
  17. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    They were damned if you do damned if you don't. They had to make a move with all the talk in the media about KG and Pierce being unhappy, but if they traded Jefferson and Green to get KG they wouldn't have been guaranteed to win now AND would have sold their future in the process. They made a deal that should make them a favorite in the Atlantic and poised to make it past the first round of the playoffs, makes Pierce/the fans happy, and keeps Jefferson/Green ensuring that their future remains bright. I don't see how you can give them anything but a thumbs up. Plus from a salary cap standpoint it's a huge move by moving Wally and still having Ratliff (their top salary/tradepiece throw in). KNICKS ON THE CLOCK
  18. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    They still have their top 3 rated young players (Jefferson, Green and Rondo) so I wouldn't say they threw away their future. Pierce and Boston fans want to win now, and they got a hall of fame caliber player without giving up all that much. Managing to trade Wally SZ in the deal while still having Ratliff to deal puts it over the top IMO. I didn't see anyone there at 5 who would have been a great fit or made an imediate impact. West is a good young player but it was a small price to pay for a player of Ray Allen's stature.
  19. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    the Knicks trade Francis and Frye for Zach Randolph HOLY SHIT! :worship: Isiah
  20. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    first steal of the draft goes to the Clippers....
  21. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    Jermaine O'Neal is on the block right? Why couldn't Chicago go after him? Ben Gordon, Noah and a contract for O'Neal + a player or two? HOLY SHIT ATL TOOK A GUARD!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    oh man, I can't believe Jordan took Brandan Wright.....
  23. Precious Roy

    2007 NBA Draft Thread

    I love the trade for Boston. Ray Allen is a great player, they've got enough young talent, they need to try and win with Pierce right now. Pierce, Allen and Jefferson is an awesome trio for the next 3-4 years. I don't really get Seattle taking Jeff Green with the pick when both him and Durant seem like natural 3's. Do they think Durant is going to become a 4? That Green can play 2? Good player but I would have gone in a different direction there. Delonte West is a damn good player in his own right and will be a fan fave in Seattle as he was in Boston. Ridnour for #11 seems like a no brainer to me for Seattle. Not sure why ATL would do that. I do like Ridnour more than most, but Law might be a better player right now, and Crittenton surely has a much higher ceiling with a few years of NBA experience.