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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 4~

    ODOM AND CAMBY, SON! I will cry when Okur gets picked No offense, but I would have won if I'd managed my team properly in the playoffs
  2. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 4~

    It pains me to see my former players get picked
  3. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    What are you, like 14?
  4. Precious Roy

    NBA Preseason Thread

    http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2606187 I don't really see him making the team when they have Kidd and Marcus Williams at the point already, but congrats to him for getting a shot with someone
  5. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    The Dodgers are now up 17-10?!???!??
  6. Precious Roy

    NBA Preseason Thread

    1) Who will win the MVP? LeBron James 2) Who will win the ROTY? Adam Morrison 3) Which team will be most improved in 2005-06? New York Knicks 4) What player(s) is most likely have a breakout season? Josh Smith or Danny Granger. Also, look out for J.R. Smith in Denver IF he can stay on George Karl's good side 5) What team had the best offseason? New Orleans Hornets 6) What team had the worst offseason? Detroit Pistons 7) What one move will make the biggest impact? Golden State hires Don Nelson, returns to playoffs 8) What was the most surprising move of the offseason? Tim Duncan @ UFC 62 9) What was the most underrated move of the offseason? Utah acquires Derek Fisher 10) What was the single worst move of the offseason? Steve Nash shaves head 11) What team(s) will move into the playoff picture? New York Knicks, Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, Utah Jazz, Golden State Warriors, NOKC Hornets - all in the picture, not saying they'll all make it 12) What team(s) will fall out of the playoff picture? Memphis Grizzlies 13) Who is the best player in the league at each position? PG - Steve Nash SG - Dwayne Wade (Kobe is disqualified for being a total bitch who stopped shooting in a game 7 to try and prove a point) SF - LeBron James PF - Dirk Nowitzki C - Tim Duncan 14) Will Isiah Thomas still be with the Knicks after this season? YES 15) Will Kevin Garnett still be with the Wolves after this season? YES 16) Will Allen Iverson still be with the Sixers after this season? YES 17) Division winners: SPURS SUNS NUGGETS BULLS KNICKS HEAT 18) Eastern Conference Finals: CLEVELAND OVER CHICAGO 19) Western Conference Finals: SUNS OVER MAVS 20) NBA Finals: SUNS OVER CAVS 21) Make one bold prediction. see question 17
  7. Precious Roy

    NBA Preseason Thread

    Juwan Howard gets no respect... And how about that Luther Head guy? He might make the team. I like the Rockets pieces, but I'm waiting to see how they fit together on the court, and if McGrady can actually stay on it in one piece. I'm also skeptical about Battier playing the 4. Dirk, Duncan, Brand, Garnett, Kwame Brown.....how is he supposed to guard those guys?
  8. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

  9. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 4~

  10. Precious Roy

    So who has the best NFL coverage now?

    This is almost word for word what I would have written, except I instantly remembered how jarring Pink is and didn't even consider voting for NBC. I'm a football fan. I'm watching first and foremost for the game. Bells and whistles are nice, but they are secondary. Fox is just WAY too busy, I find it visually unappealing. And I don't like Joe Buck. NBC's game presentation is fine, but fucking Pink....it can't be stressed how bad that is. If you need a pop music opening get like fucking Kid Rock or Jay-Z or someone like that....PINK?!!!? I go with CBS because it's the closest to what I want out of a football broadcast. The game comes first and is treated with respect as an athletic contest rather than some big fucking pagent. The presentation doesn't overwhelm the game. The announcers are a BIG plus for them IMO. Nantz, Gumble, Eagle, Enberg, Harlan....it's just solid across the board. I like the graphics and the music they use. Classier than the other channels. I've always liked CBS sports the best out of the big 3 networks. I wish they still had baseball. Plus, I'm mainly an AFC fan, so I watch the CBS games the most.
  11. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Thread

    That's a great deal for the Warriors. Gerald Wallace is one of the most athletic defenders in the league, and Ely is very good backup/rotation at the PF/C spot. Both Dunleavy and Pietrus have been underachievers thus far. Wallace is far and away the best player in the deal. It makes more sense when you look at it as clearing a spot for Wells, but at the same time you're bringing back a 2/3 and a 3.
  12. Precious Roy

    Chris Jericho might make a WWE return

    It can't be stressed enough how badly the WWE needs Jericho right now. The worst part is, IMO, he was just hitting his peak as a performer when he left. His last 6 months or so were great. He's one of the few guys who can make a big contribution from any slot on the card.
  13. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Oh yeah, forgot.... Loria is a real ass....iago
  14. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    What the fuck is wrong with Loria?!?? He's going to get rid of a manager who in his rookie year has a team everyone thought would be in last as a wild card spoiler longshot (they can't possibly win it, but even so) because Girardi had the gall to tell him to stop yelling at an ump in the middle of a game?!!!? That is seriously some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. As far as Girardi becoming Yankees manger in "a perfect world..." I'd like to see him back on the staff, but I don't really think he's ready to manage a team like the Yankees with so many all-star players and oversized egos. Managing a bunch of kids is one thing, but I think the Yankee clubhouse might eat a guy who's basically a peer alive. And who knows what might happen between him and George. The Devil Rays need to fire whoever the fuck is managing their team now and go hard after Joe G
  15. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 4~

    Just off the top of my head from looking at the keeper list... Gasol Webber Al Harrington Tayshaun Prince
  16. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    A-Rod, like me, should just keep his mouth shut
  17. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Again, I was mostly talking about the over-the-top reactions of WFAN callers, not the celebration by the players But yeah, seeing the Yankees celebrate with champagne after LOSING to the Blue Jays basically makes me feel like an asshole. I should have just kept my mouth shut
  18. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 4~

    I'm playing. Got to defend my regular season crown and avenge my crushing playoff defeat. I might add a third keeper as well, either Okur or Odom....I'm on the fence about it.
  19. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Dude, I completely understand why people are happy, more power to them, and more power to the Mets. I'm happy for them, got absolutely nothing against the Mets, I love Omar, love Pedro, love Beltran, love Wright and Reyes, they've got a real likable team. What I'm saying is take a step back and realize you've got a long way to go before you've actually accomplished anything. My main issue stems from the blithering idiots calling into WFAN. I don't know if you listened to WFAN last night, but if you did you'd get where I'm coming from. A whole bunch of people counting their chickens before they hatch, basically talking like this is the greatest Mets season ever, talking about how they'll "always remember this moment" and "tell their grandkids about this moment" when all they did was clinch a division they've been leading by 10 games for months. Hey, what if you lose in the first round, will you still think this was so special?!? I mean, I could understand if they clinched in a tight race and people got all emotional about it.....I don't understand the level of emotion Mets fans were showing when they've been leading their division all year and have basically never been in any sort of jeopardy of going into the playoffs as favorites, plus they're only 6 years removed from a world series appearance, so I can't even buy the "this is the first time the Mets have been good in my lifetime" argument. But shit, maybe that is the Yankee fan in me speaking. We've made the playoffs the last five years, the only team that's made the world series twice in the last 5 years, yet we've got absolutely nothing to show for it other than a bunch of people saying, "hey, you guys have the highest payroll every year and always make the playoffs." Big fucking deal. You win or you lose, and the last five years we've been LOSERS.
  20. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    I get that, but it's not like it's the end of some huge drought. They were in the NLCS in 99 and the World Series in 2000! The Yankees went 14 years before their playoff appearance in 1995. The Mets went 13 between their appearances in 73 and 86 and 11 between 88 and 99. Those are droughts. I understand going crazy after that long. And I don't have any problem with the players celebrating it, they have a lot of pressure on them in NY and deserve to cut loose after basically wrapping up their regular season. But the Mets franchise was there six years ago, and these people calling up WFAN were talking like this was some unbelieveable, magical life changing moment. They sounded about as goofy as Red Sox fans did after finally winning a world series, and I just thought that was completely insane. Save the 'THIS IS THE HAPPIEST I'VE EVER BEEN AS A SPORTS FAN AND NOTHING CAN COMPARE AND I'M SO GLAD I GOT TO SHARE IT WITH MY KIDS/MOTHER/BROTHER/FRIENDS' shit till you actually WIN A WORLD SERIES. Fuck.
  21. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Congrats to the Mets, but I think they might have gone a little over the top in their celebration. Mets fans stayed after the game celebrating for a couple of hours, the Mets came back out on the field an hour after the game to celebrate with the fans, apparently there was champagne and cigars a-plenty.....and people were calling up WFAN like they were celebrating the end of a 100 year championship drought. It was the fucking division which you've basically had clinched for two months. Ease up on that shit. It's going to look real dumb when you get bounced in the NLCS.
  22. Precious Roy

    Scott Hall interview

    Can someone post more of this?
  23. Precious Roy

    NFL Week 2

    Why the fuck is Pink singing about Sunday Night Football?
  24. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    Looks like you'll be a Yankees fan now, huh Al? I wonder why they're leaving Columbus.......
  25. Precious Roy

    TWiB 9/11 - 9/17

    http://www.wfan.com/ Kaat did an interview with Mike and the Mad Dog today, they've got it archived. Good listen.