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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    4 pitch walk to Craig Wilson. I heart John Lester.
  2. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    It was ball 4, but the Yankees didn't help matters by turning that AB into a double play. I can't even remember the last time I saw a strike out/throw out. If the Yankees can keep being patient they'll get a ton of walks off Lester, he's not getting a whole lot over the plate. RBI double by Cano. 1-1
  3. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Thread

  4. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I've only caught one ball in over 60 games the last two years. Granted I'm usually in a relatively difficult place for a ball to land. Beyond AAA the stands are set up in a way where not many baseballs land. It takes a fair bit of luck. When I was a kid, maybe 9, 10 years old, I actually got hit in the head by a foul ball. It was a Columbus Clippers game, and for some reason I wasn't paying attention, probably I was busy with with score sheet or concessions......but it fucking HURT! My parents escorted me out of the building and it was very traumatic
  5. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I haven't been to a game yet this year (well, one minor league game, but that doesn't count) One of my friends HAD tickets to Yankees/Mets and I was going to go with him but the FUCKING ASSHOLE SOLD THEM! Can't really blame him though, he got like five-six times the face value for them I'll definitely go to Yankee stadium by the end of season though. Need to see Abreu in person.
  6. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    I go to Cooperstown every couple of years, used to go every year when I was a kid. It's nice to be within driving distance of both the baseball and basketball hall of fames And Cooperstown is such a quaint little country town. GREAT location for the baseball HOF, right near a beautiful lake, surprisingly uncommerical, it's just not what I think you'd expect. Springfield, Ma on the other hand.....
  7. Precious Roy

    LWIB 8/14-8/20

    Potential Starters for Yankees/Sox Friday: Wang v. Lester, Ponson v. Jason Johnson (?) Saturday: Johnson v. Beckett Sunday: Moose v. Schilling Marquee matchups on Sat/Sunday. Wang pitches pretty well against the Sox, but Lester's first look at us could go either way, who knows. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the flip side of the double header battle of Orioles rejects. That's looking like a 12-11 game.
  8. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    Bah. He admitted in 99 that he used...God, I forgot what he admitted to using, but it wasn't steroids. He was good friends with Ken Caminiti, though...I miss Cammy. Best 3rd baseman the 'Stros ever had. Yeah, he probably admitted to the same shit Big Mac copped on I'm not judgemental about that shit, if I were a big league/prospective big league ball player I would absolutely look for every possible edge, I'm just saying....
  9. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    I just want to say that Bagwell was a huge juice monkey, and he was smart to just fade into oblivion rather than push it and get caught.... Yankees lost. Sox are on track for a win over the Orioles. They'll be one game back. Methinks the Sox fans spent the last week protesting too much, but the overreactions were fun while they lasted.
  10. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    Yankees are down 3-0 after 4, in danger of losing 2 out of 3 to the Angels after losing 2 of 3 to the White Sox. I know people are ragging on the Red Sox, and rightfully so, but the Yankees aren't exactly giving them the deathblow *EDIT* I don't mind the Astros. I usually root for them in the NL Playoffs (unless the Mets are around and there's a Subway chance). Clemens and Pettitte are two of my favorite pitchers, Berkman is great, and I have a lot of respect for Biggio. I'm not really a fan of their (mis)management, but oh well. And really, they probably have as good a chance as anyone at the WC, so you can't blame an Astros fan for pimping them.
  11. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I like the deal for both teams. Joe Smith is good insurance for Camby/Nene/K-Mart, at least one of which will be hurt at some point, and they didn't really need Patterson as Melo can play 40 a night. And Patterson is a great fit for Milwaukee, an athletic, defensive minded slasher off the bench at the 3 spot.
  12. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

  13. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    Jeter is having a great season, but it is not a "career year" like he's never done this before. Am I the only one that remembers 1999? .349 ba .438 obp .552 slg!!! 134 runs 102 RBI 24 hr 37 doubles 9 triples 18 SB
  14. Precious Roy

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    They have a cruiserweight division?
  15. Precious Roy

    WWE News and Notes - 8/7

    Albright was in OVW for like two years. I think his problem is that he doesn't really have one standout strength to his game. He probably should have been brought up in a tag team, but with the push they gave him he ended up looking like a 2nd rate Benoit immitator and was dead in the water when Chris got injured. The writing team is too busy writing dick and fart jokes to research new talent (not that they'd know how to spot and classify workers anyway), they probably watched two OVW shows, saw his look and saw him using a couple Benoit moves and decided they had Benoit Jr. on their hands. Yeah, there's at least a dozen better ways to handle it. Why not come up with a kayfabe suspension for Kash and continue with Kendrick/London and Noble by having Noble try out different partners every week. Heck, maybe him and a random partner manage to win the belts, then when Kash comes back he and Noble just jump the guy and claim themselves as the champs. Better than doing nothing. As far as AA rumoured as being down on Punk, you've got to remember where his bread is buttered. He's Flair's boy, and Flair is in HHH's pocket. If Michaels and Hunter come to him and say they had x, y and z problems with the match is he going to disagree with them? He's not above being a stooge, and you don't want to get on those guys' bad sides. But is it not just as likely that they didn't air it because they decided they didn't want Punk's first TV match to be a loss, and fed that story to the sheets to keep up his 'street cred'? I mean, if guys with clout are going to bitch and moan about that match then practically every match on RAW should fail to see the light of day. I didn't see anything particularly wrong with the match, except maybe Punk using the ringpost and an Indian Deathlock. Those are reserved for main-eventers.
  16. Precious Roy

    TWiB 8/7 - 8/13

    On MVP, I'd vote for Ortiz. Last year he and A-Rod had a push on numbers, so a very good year defensively gave him the edge. This year nobody is matching Ortiz's numbers and making an impact on the other side of the ball. Jeter would be my runner up.
  17. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Joe Barry Carroll, but for different reasons than Kandi
  18. Precious Roy

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    yeah, but that first joke was crazy delicious
  19. Precious Roy

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

  20. Precious Roy

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    there is no fucking way manram gets the RI crown. Dude is like 34 already, no happening
  21. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I don't understand that rule. Does that mean they have 15 available at all times? Or does it mean that if one of the 12 or 13 (whatever it is now) gets injured they can be replaced?
  22. Precious Roy

    TWiB 7/31 - 8/6

    Is Wood a free agent? I hope the Yankees sign him and convert him into a great reliever. Just to infuriate Bruiser and Czech
  23. Precious Roy

    2006-2007 NBA Schedule releases

    Oh, that's definitely part of it, but still, Stern's petty beefs (and hog riding of certain teams) doesn't impress me. I'm not even saying this as just a Knicks fan, I'd like to see a variety of games on TV. Honestly, from a marketing standpoint, I think it's bad business to overexpose the 'premier' teams during the regular season. Give them time, for sure, but I know a lot of people who weren't all that into the playoffs because those teams had been on every week since november, the NBA burned em out. I'm a huge basketball fan and even I got sick of watching Phoenix/Dallas/Miami every single week. There's so many good matchups that don't get shown on national TV, just so we can see office approved teams. I'd rather see something like Grizzlies/Clippers or Nets/Bulls than Suns/Kings or whatever. And another issue I have is that they don't have a lot of flexibility in the televised games. That's something the NFL did right in the last TV contract, they made it flexibile so that the best games in the second half would get on TV, they switch around the MNF games to get the best matchups instead of having some shitty game between two non-contenders that nobody cared about. The NBA setup is so rigid, like a couple years ago when Seattle was having a great year they were never on TV.....as a fan it sucks
  24. Precious Roy

    2006-2007 NBA Schedule releases

    What annoys me the most is that we'll get Miami, San Antonio, Phoenix and Dallas to the point of burnout. I got so sick of seeing some combination of those teams every single week last year.