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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    I like them trying to bomb it out. The defense has to be pissed, get em back on the field!
  2. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    TD Carolina a minute in....damn
  3. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  4. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  5. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  6. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  7. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Ok, now that it's a close game I want to see Peyton march down to the red zone and get picked off by Polamalu, who runs it down to the 1 yd line only to get nailed by Dallas Clark as the ball flys through the end zone EH, SACK. EH, INCOMPLETE. YOU'RE FUCKED, INDY.
  8. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    holy shit, 3 pt game!
  9. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  10. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Harrison! They need to punch it in now
  11. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    big break for Indy, but they're running out of time
  12. Precious Roy

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Because he was awesome? And also because 96 was the Don Nelson 3/4 season. He built the offense around Mason's point-forward skills. Actually looking at it, Nelson was 34-25 that year, so it's not like the team was bad, it's just that he built the offense around Anthony Mason and Hubert Davis which really pissed people (Ewing) off.
  13. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    yeah, they got a lucky spot on that ball
  14. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

  15. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    well, that was weird
  16. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    huge play right here, and I don't think Indy can stop em
  17. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Awesome TD by Clark. Fuck it, I'm rooting for Indy to get back into this. I may not like em, but they're the underdog right now and this game needs some excitement
  18. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Ok, Peyton waving off the punt team and getting the first was BAD-ASS
  19. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    They're probably going to no respect themselves right into the Super Bowl if this game holds up, which amazes me, because they look totally beatable. I respect them, I just don't see them as being all that.
  20. Precious Roy

    Scoring the MLB Offseason

    I'm sure they'll be fine in a couple years if everything goes as planned, but they're going to totally suck next season. They have exactly one proven starter and one proven hitter, plus no bullpen, how can they not finish in last? I mean, they might, might have a better record than the Reds or Pirates or Rockies, but so what?
  21. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Denver won. New England lost. All I'm saying is, New England was capable of winning that game. They had lots of opportunities and didn't take advantage. They made atypical mistakes. Saying they got "dominated", "shut down" or "handled" (all phrases I've seen attributed to the game) is just wrong. I still think New England is the better team. They outgained Denver 420 to 286. They also had 5 turnovers (ie. they beat themselves), one of which was irrelevant (Lynch), one a total fluke (the kickoff fumble), and one which was just a stupid mistake that had the biggest influence in deciding the game (red zone INT). "A couple plays go differently" may be every fan's refrain, but that's irrelevant as far as I'm concerned, because it absolutely applies to that game. Brady doesn't make a stupid mistake in the red zone and it's in all likelyhood a tie game. Instead they got themselves down 14 in a matter of seconds and couldn't recover. Denver STILL might have won, I don't know, but I do know New England was in great shape before that INT. Call me a homer, whatever, I don't care, that's how the game played out.
  22. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    They got handled. Is it possible for a Pats fan to just acknowledge that his team got beat, solidly, by a very good team? It was a close game until the Brady int in the end zone, which resulted in a 14 pt swing. Take away the HIGHLY questionable PI call in the first half and the game is quite possibly closer at that point. If that game is your definition of a "handling" you either didn't pay attention or don't fully understand football. Denver is a good team, they played a good game, but the Patriots shot themselves in the foot a few too many times. A handling is a dominant blowout, a couple plays go differently and the Patriots could have easily won that game. Meanwhile, Indy must think they're playing New England as they choke in the red zone
  23. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    yup, Indy getting into a groove now...
  24. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    How in the FUCK is that not pass interference?!
  25. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round
