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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Pretty much. A really frustrating game for me to watch, New England could and should have won but they got nothing in the way of breaks. If Brady hadn't thrown that pick in the endzone it would have been a different game, that really rattled the offense and I think led directly to the fumble on the kickoff and the missed FG. It was really kind of amazing to see a team that had had seemingly everything go right for it the past couple years have everything go wrong, but I suppose it was bound to happen. Brady's first post-season loss, the end of a fucking incredible run. Super Bowl party won't be the same this year. I really don't want to see the Colts win. Respect them, don't like them, don't want to watch them in the big game. I hate Denver right about now. So, Pittsburgh becomes my default AFC favorite, I like the makeup and style of their team, they remind me of the Pats. I like the city of Pittsburgh too. In the NFC, I can't stand Seattle and I'm apathetic towards Carolina. I really love the Bears though, defensive juggernauts rule, I love watching teams just shut people down. So Pittsburgh v. Chicago is my ideal Super Bowl, I'd really enjoy that. Hardnosed, smashmouth football! BOOYA!
  2. Precious Roy

    The YTMND raid on Ebaums has begun...

    You know, seeing as Haikus are the easiest thing in the world, and it's your whole fucking gimmick, you might want leant how to COUNT ON YOUR FINGERS. 5-7-5
  3. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs

    That's exactly my point. They went from being a feel good story to a too big for their britches, no defense playing bunch of asshats. I respect the Steelers, I don't respect the Bengals.
  4. Precious Roy

    NFL Playoffs

    I'd rather play Denver, because we owe them one. We owe the Colts one too, but that's better saved for the AFC Championship. Plus, I'm kind of sick of the way Cincy got all cocky late in the year. Pittsburgh needs to slap the taste out their mouth.
  5. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    The Rockies signed Jose Mesa
  6. Precious Roy

    The Rose Bowl Thread

    Word. A certain individual made this quite the hilarious thread
  7. Precious Roy

    The Rose Bowl Thread

    It was a great game on the excitement scale...but the coaching and mental mistakes...and officiating....one of the sloppiest great games ever
  8. Precious Roy

    The Rose Bowl Thread

    HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! Damaramu, all you assholes, EAT CROW!
  9. Precious Roy

    WON Notes for Jan 3rd

    Wow, they're really going to do Angle v. Hogan at Mania?! (It won't be Show or Cena). STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER PT. II!
  10. Precious Roy

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    that is straight up retarded
  11. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    They've got their sights set on another subway series
  12. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Mike Miller always plays well against LA, I think he gets amped up to play Kobe. He's the kind of player who can really piss you off over the course of the game, kind of like Rip Hamilton with the way he's always active, but I think Miller can get dirty, the kind of shit that won't call the ref's attention but pisses off the guy he's running against, little hooks, pushes, grabs of the jersey, that kind of shit, throwback style. It probably built up over the game and Kobe just lost it
  13. Precious Roy

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Anyone remember when Taco Bell sponsored that 1-1 game between Shaq and Hakeem? I wish that had actually happened
  14. Precious Roy

    Randy Orton: "Fuck The Military"

  15. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    Camby's injury is going to kill me
  16. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    The Heat still hasn't found the right rotation. Antoine Walker is totally lost from having no time on court with Shaq to this point, Zo is so used to filling in for Shaq that he's out of the loop now, GP played great while J-Will was injured, but now he's in the 15-20 minute role off the bench, Shaq is still getting his legs under him, his season is basically starting right now....the only guy with a consistent role is D-Wade. I still favor the Pistons in the playoffs, but give the Heat some time, they'll look a lot better by the all-star break barring injury
  17. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    I'm extremely weary of the contract, for two reasons. One, the first year of the contract just covers a year Jon Garland was locked into anyway. Second, that's an awful lot of money to spend for a pitcher with one good season, which included an unimpressive strikeout rate. I'm with you on Garland. It's not that he's not a good pitcher, and he may well be as on point as he was last year for most of the contract, but odds are he shows some drop off, it's not like he was blow away last season, he was a control pitcher on a roll. I wanted to make a comparison to Greg Maddux, but Garland's 2005 doesn't touch any of Maddux's prime years. Can you imagine the kind of loot Maddux would command on this market? I can't believe John Garland is almost (basically) making $10 mil a season.
  18. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    He hits for power and draws a lot of walks. He also strikes out a lot. His average is usually around .250, but his OBP will be 100 pts higher. He's a pretty good defensive player too. If he stays healthy you've got yourselves a very productive player and protection for Wells. A lineup with Wells-Glaus-Overbay-Hillenbrand, along with the Jays staff, is bad news for the rest of the AL East.
  19. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    I like how after robbing a jewelry store he goes to PF Chang's
  20. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Millwood to the Rangers for 5 years/60 million. Chan Ho Park says hi.
  21. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    It does seem like he's always injured, but it was really just 03 and 04 where he missed significant time. I'd be wary, but if you're a team like Toronto that can probably contend for a playoff spot if you get put some run production together it's worth the risk.
  22. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Isiah was supposedly set to do a Hardaway for Jalen Rose deal, but James Dolan stepped in and nixed it.
  23. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    It looks like the Blue Jays are about to acquire Troy Glaus in exchange for Miguel Batista and Orlando Hudson. Seems like a fair trade for both clubs. Jays didn't necessarily need Batista anymore, they lose Hudson's great D, but they get the big bat they needed. Arizona gets a versatile pitcher, a great defensive 2B, and they've got other guys they can put at third. Plus they rid themselves of a big contract. The only thing that puzzles me is that Toronto now has 5 guys (Glaus, Hillenbrand, Overbay, Koskie, Hinske) for 3 spots. They have to be looking to make another deal. The Twins picked up Rondell White, 3.25mil for 1 year. Good move, he's in the Jones/Encarnacion/Sanders class but came a little cheaper.
  24. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    why wouldn't Winn be the full-time CF for San-Fran? Didn't he kill the ball after the trade? He hit better than Finley last year, that's for damn sure. JT Snow is gone, right? Could they be thinking about moving someone to first?
  25. Precious Roy

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    wow, all kinds of shit going down... Giambi-ish...minus the roids and parasites... Well, if your theory holds water we're already fucked, picked up both Bellhorn and Embree down the stretch last season.... I'm a little torn on the Damon signing, feeling like it'll balance out in the end, not great, not bad, just is what it is. But, we really needed a CF, and Damon is a very good hitter, especially with the lineup he'll be teeing off for in the Bronx. I'm not so concerned about the arm, because he does have very good range and instincts. Carl Crawford may have scored from second off him once, but Carl Crawford is also the fastest baserunner in the game, and Damon's hair probably got in his eyes or some shit, which won't be a problem anymore. Plus, it's a real slap in the face to the Red Sox, which is cool, and I think Damon will be really motivated to be great next season. It's going to make the rivalry that much more interesting, that's for sure, and it creates a ton of material for the media and fans, which is always entertaining.... The negatives are, a) $13 mil, and b) 4 years. But my feeling is, we're pretty much built to win in the next few years, Torre is old, the pitching staff is old, Mo is getting up there, Posada, Giambi, Jeter isn't getting any younger....obviously we want to be in the hunt 4-5-6 years from now, but with the makeup of the team we have to go for it right now as much as is reasonably possible. Maybe he won't be so great when he's 36 going on 37, but I think they should definitely get 2-3 years out of him where he performs at the level that is expected. Also, a lot of bad money has come off the books, so they can afford to overspend a bit to lock up a player they really want. The money is way out there, a lot more than I would want to pay for Johnny Damon. But by the same token, the Sox were probably offering him close to as much by a few mil less per season, and every FA in demand has been overpaid, it's the reality of the market right now. I think it will be real interesting to see how he's accepted in the clubhouse, but I think in that aspect his presence could be a real positive, and I'd like to see him take a vocal role in some way. Not in veteran leadership or anything like that, we have that, but in being a guy with a good sense of humour who can keep the boys loose, and maybe bridge the gaps between the different personalitys, just bring some good vibes. I mean, I have no idea if he can accomplish that, but I like the attitude he should bring to the table. The Yankee clubhouse has a lot of strong personalitys, but it shouldn't be a problem. But mostly, I love the fact that he's a pro leadoff man who knows how to work counts. That was the one thing that always pissed me off playing against him, that at the top of the order he was real good at being patient, taking his time, waiting for the right pitch. It sets the tone. He frustrates pitchers, gets on base, can distract with his leading/running, and can slug it at a decent rate. Plus, he's got a good glove. He's good in so many areas, on strictly individual merit he's not worth all that loot, but looking at the big picture, and what the Yankees are putting out there, it makes sense. I LOVE the Dotel signing. He was actually one of the few FAs I really wanted the Yankees to make a run at this off-season, knowing what he's capable of, and knowing that it would be low risk/high reward. $2 mil for one season is nothing, he has a fine track record pitching setup, and if it doesn't work out it basically ammounts to a tax write-off. The Texas-San Diego deal cracks me up. Otsuka is old, and he's like the best looking piece for the TX. Eaton is not all that, and Young is young with upside. I can see him dropping the ERA in Petco and putting together nice season next year. Plus San Diego gets Gonzalez. I don't even get why he was supposedly blocked in Texas, when they're the team that traded for Phil Nevin last year. Tex/Blalock/Gonzalez for the corners/DH, Wilkerson/Mench/Delucci in the OF. They were obviously going to trade a couple hitters, but I would think they could make out so much better than Eaton/Otsuka. I like some of the moves the Dodgers have made, Furcal/Garciaparra/Mueller is a nice trio on paper, but the back end of their rotation is a question mark, and they need a full season from Drew. I'd still have to favor San Diego or San Fran, barring any further additions by LA.