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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    BASTARD!!! That was the last guy on my list! should have figured a Lakers fan would grab him
  2. Precious Roy

    Fantasy Basketball Question From An Idiot

    Well, Tinsley is injury prone, but I think it was just bad luck for Magloire. We'll see. Also, PJ Brown isn't getting any younger....and could see a drop to 8-8 levels
  3. Precious Roy

    Fantasy Basketball Question From An Idiot

    I would try and do Tinsley straight up for Jackson. They're about equal in value, but Magloire is more valuable than Brown IMO, they get about the same boards and %'s, but Magloire will give you more points and blocks
  4. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    Hill's injury isn't considered serious... And Hedo and Salim were two of the last guys left on my list
  5. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    I only saw the replay once, the one FOX showed during the game, but it looked to me like the ball clearly hit the bat. I'm not sure how people are seeing it hit Ausmus' glove....
  6. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    Well, that was a crappy ending
  7. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

  8. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

  9. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    No Cubs fans having aneurysms over Bill Murray being in the house?
  10. Precious Roy


    using Waltman would be stupid. They already brought him back once after he fucked them over, rewarded him with a push, then he fucked them over AGAIN. They've made the same mistake with Jeff Hardy, and it's almost a lock that he'll fuck them over again at some point. What kind of message does that send to the locker room? Waltman, if he's brought back, needs to PROVE himself, not be hot-shotted into a PPV world title match.
  11. Precious Roy


    a) Nash having "chest pain" before what is likely his last big match really reminds me of what happened to Austin before Mania 19. If this is legit, it wouldn't really surprise me, for a guy with Nash's habits and health pushing himself too hard for what he thinks may be his last shot at fading glory. The body knows when it's being taxed and will react accordingly. b) the skeptic in me thinks this is a work. the booker in me thinks it's a SMART work, as it gets everyone on the net talking about TNA the night before/day of the show, and makes everyone more anxious to see how it all plays out. With Nash's history, the Raven storyline, the story about him being taken off the show because he dissed the fan fest (which I didn't buy for a SECOND), the core potential audience not sold on Nash, it makes perfect sense.
  12. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    It's amazing how he's bounced back to be so dominant this year. Billy Koch 2005 anyone? Closers like him blow people away at first, then come back to earth once the arm slows down a bit and hitters learn to work around the lack of control
  13. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    Since when does a baseball game on FOX start so early?!? I missed the entire pre-game intros and the 1st inning
  14. Precious Roy

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    Isn't Pierre a FA? His numbers have been in decline anyway.... I'd trade Wang for Hunter in a flash. Bring on Spiderman!
  15. Precious Roy

    2005-2006 MLB Offseason thread

    I know Minaya wants Manny, but I seriously doubt he'd give up Beltran to get him. I might be wrong, but it just seems like it would give them a really bad rep with free agents. Who wants to sign with a team that's just going to turn around and trade them? Plus, haven't the Sox been trying to give away Manny for two years now? You don't take their first offer. It'll get a ton of hype though, people love blockbusters
  16. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    And Al is the one who advocated signing Eric Milton this offseason, AND picked against the Astros TWICE already, like I give a shit what you think about the Yankees
  17. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    That was from a small sample. He'd been a great postseason pitcher for us for years. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whitey Ford was a great postseason pitcher for you as well. Why not trot him out again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because he's a senior citizen. Last I checked El Duque's was pretty good when the Sox needed him this postseason
  18. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    That was from a small sample. He'd been a great postseason pitcher for us for years. *and you can't predict injurys like with Pettitte. He was healthy this year, wasn't he? And who wasn't? The big name signings, Wright and Pavano. Pettitte's postseason history was all the reason we needed to keep him. this shouldn't become a Yankee discussion though
  19. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    Well it serves him right, there was NO reason to let Pettitte go, just horrible, and he should have kept El Duque too. Clemens was out of his hands, and Contreras never assimilated to pitching for NY, he looks 100x more comfortable with the ChiSox.
  20. Precious Roy

    World Series-Astros vs White Sox

    I'm happy enough, I think I'll enjoy this series
  21. Precious Roy

    Foley/Carlito Stipulation

    Dude Love all the way, he's the PERFECT opponent for Carlito, they'd work a great comedy match.
  22. Precious Roy

    Raw rating

    I actually found this week's show much more entertaining than last week's, which was IMO just god awful. But we're talking about the larger trends in the WWE's programming, because that's what ultimately shows up in the ratings, not so much the subjective quality from week to week, which varys greatly and isn't always in line with the ratings. But you all know this already...
  23. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    The first person to wear a PUFFY SHIRT or blazer with a big gold crest is my hero And there's no rule against dressing how you want for SLAM photoshoots
  24. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Have you ever had a job interview? This is the way things work in the real world. Hell, I wish I could wear my Doc Martins, dirty jeans and camo jacket every day....
  25. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    They have to abide by the dress code when they're traveling as part of their job with the team. Not outside of work. Not 24/7. Traveling on a team bus or charter flight is considered part of the job, it's mandatory. You're paranoid, or whatever And anyway, that would effect Steve Nash too! A CANADIAN!! You're still reaching for straws. This ENTIRE new wardrobe is required to be nothing more than a dress shirt, slacks and loafers. Most guards in the league could outfit themselves at a Sears or Walmart for chump change. For the bigger guys there's all kinds of retail and mail order big and tall stores that offer cheap prices. Theoretically, a guy could rotate two or three outfits all year long. Theoretically, a guy could wear the same shit every day until it wears out from dry cleaning (and most teams have people, on salary, who handle shit like laundry for the players). If money IS a concern there's no reason to spend more than a couple hundred bucks, and since MOST professionals in the adult world have to do the same while making far less money, I don't get why the violin plays for these guys.