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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Matt Hardy signs to Smackdown

    He's wrestled both of them. I'm not sure if this is WWE "midcard prior to the year we're in never happened" kayfabe or just Matt doing a Jeff impression.
  2. Precious Roy

    New projections on ECW ONS

    Says the kid with 8 posts in this thread saying absolute dick this has to be a gimmick right, nobody can be this stupid....
  3. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    There's SO many ways to bend the rules without breaking them, it just forces dudes who want to make a statement to be creative. I have faith in the Iversons of the game to shove this back in Stern's face without overtly breaking the rules, and that's where the fun starts...
  4. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    BULLSHIT. I'm sorry man, 600K, ANY way you slice it, is god damn fucking good. There are ALL kinds of people who have to dress up for work who aren't making CLOSE to that. You're telling me 600K isn't enough to take care of a family? You can get a "nice" wardrobe for fucking peanuts, it's not about the label it's about the look. Even having to get things tailored it's not like they all have to wear Armani. And do you know how easy it is for pro-athletes to make connections and get deals/freebies? That's the reason why a guy like Camby is bitching, because his entire wardrobe was probably comped. Dude probably hasn't spent money on clothes since his moms was buying for him back in Jr. High. And yeah, it's "just" sports, I had to wear slacks, dress shirt and tie on game days in high school, and kids have to do it in college. It's sports and it's their job, if the boss says dress up for your job you dress up. I think the hats and sunglasses thing is overboard, don't these people remember Clyde Frazier?? But other than that I applaud the NBA on this, and laugh my ass off at anyone who wants to play the $ card, or even worse the fucking race card (I'm just dying to hear what Screamin A has to say )
  5. Precious Roy

    SD wrestlers fined;

  6. Precious Roy

    New projections on ECW ONS

    why do they not have solid numbers yet?
  7. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    Is Battier's wife like seriously 6-7, or is she on a chair? Darko is a good pick for a keeper league, if you plan on staying alive for a couple years
  8. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    He gave up a homerun to the best hitter in baseball. It happens.
  9. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    And everyone starts hating on Lidge, predictable....
  10. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    I've been a fan of Camby for years, but he's a moron
  11. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    Shane Battier and Jimmy Jackson
  12. Precious Roy

    Are hosts becoming too hyperbolic these days about

    he isn't?
  13. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

  14. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    Between Bags/Biggio, Clemens, the horrible start, Pettite, Berkman coming back from knee surgery, the young kids like Burke coming up big in the postseason, Lidge's dominance.......there's an assload of stories with the Astros The White Sox have been hyped all year, I just don't think it ever caught on. How funny is it that a couple weeks ago we were talking about the ChiSox collapsing and missing the playoffs? The Indians could have changed the course of history if they avoided that total meltdown
  15. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

  16. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

  17. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    Yanks would have put up a better fight
  18. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    well, nice knowin' ya Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, California and Konerko puts the nail in the coffin no less
  19. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    Oh come on, he made the right call. Thats all that matters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know, but the umps are so spooked they can't even get the hand signals right
  20. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    Ump calls him out while OBVIOUSLY meaning to call him safe, this is just getting sad....
  21. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    That might have something to do with it, Banks anyway (I don't even know who Billy Williams is ), and Harry Caray.... also, I bet middle America hates Ozzie Guillen
  22. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    Which brings up the question again, why doesn't America care about the White Sox? I don't buy the "Black Sox" scandal, because we're an insanely forgiving nation, we embrace public scandal. My theory: Cubs = red, white, blue White Sox = black, white Americans can't deal with a black and white color scheme
  23. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    uh oh, umps trying to blow ANOTHER one *edit, got it right, thankfully what the hell was Esco doing there? just throw it to 1st!
  24. Precious Roy

    Charles Rocket dead

  25. Precious Roy

    SNL Review

    Charles Rocket died?!