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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

  2. Precious Roy

    NFL: Let them play

    18 in the NE/Denver game.... I'd thought there'd been more penalties than usual as well, and just generally poor officiating, glad I'm not the only one noticing
  3. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    Houston had to be the underdogs going into this series, so they're making a lot of people (like myself - Houston in 6) look smart. That said, they're not dominating by any stretch, and if STL wins game 5 I think they could easily turn around and win game 6 back at home, and then it's a whole new series. A Houston-Chicago WS will be great for those of us who like pitching duels, but outside of Clemens' starts it'll probably tank on the coasts.
  4. Precious Roy

    Brett Hull retires

    As a super casual follower I always thought of him as a St. Louis Blue Also, far as I knew he was already retired, so I don't see it as shocking Where does he rate all-time?
  5. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

    Astros playing some great baseball, thanks for not making me look stupid boys
  6. Precious Roy

    Tragic News for the Hawks

    holy shit
  7. Precious Roy

    Energy Drinks

    red bull is good, so is the mt. dew one, but they all have pretty much the same ingredients so just go for the cheapest one that tastes good to you and mixes well with vodka I like a shot of espresso in my coffee, but starbucks also markets energy drink style cold espresso shit which is decent, it's pretty expensive though
  8. Precious Roy

    Vikings cruise was allegedly a sex party

    I found the super bowl shuffle quite indecent and offensive
  9. Precious Roy

    Goodbye and nice to know you

    Zimmer quits....Mel quits.....Torre is miserable.....I'm starting to think King George might be a little overbearing
  10. Precious Roy

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    keep it in your pants xhttp://s38.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=27LIAB7RVQPUF10W5WLA70G54L
  11. Precious Roy

    Teh Ratingz~!

    USA is also available in more homes though, correct? I would say that gets them a point or two.
  12. Precious Roy

    Vikings cruise was allegedly a sex party

    Tony Kornheiser made a great point. The only reason people will be outraged over this is because the Vikings team is a mess on the field, and their lack of discipline off the field is a major culprit. The Cowboys got away with all kinds of shit like this because they were winning Super Bowls. I also agree that this has to be the last straw for Tice and his staff. This team needs to be blown up.
  13. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    I think that's something we can all agree on. They've played sloppy, while the Angels are in a zone coming out of the tough series with NY. By all rights Chicago should be down 2-0, and the caught a big break here. There are no excuses if they don't take advantage of it.
  14. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    A Happy Medium found a happy medium
  15. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    I can't stand the Angels after they eliminated NY and would rather see Chicago (Contreras and El Duque mostly) win this series. This just feels like a bullshit play and a major injustice in an important game. I'd be pissed if this happened to ANY team (unless they were playing NY )
  16. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

  17. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    after seeing the replay for the millionth time, the ball DID NOT hit the ground, and any dirt kicked up was from the glove
  18. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA This series is really calling for a bench clearing brawl now
  19. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    Seriously, am I the only one or have the AL umpires been absolutely ATROCIOUS this postseason? Between blown calls, phantom calls, absurd interpretations of the rulebook and INSANELY inconsistent strike zones they've had way too much influence on the outcomes of the games
  20. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    And a BULLSHIT call costs the Angels the game. Fuck this.
  21. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Astros NLCS Thread

  22. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

    And the AL umpires continue to suck
  23. Precious Roy

    Where's Shelton Benjamin?

    I nominate:
  24. Precious Roy

    Where's Shelton Benjamin?

    If they don't think his mic work is up to snuff there's two easy solutions - put him in a tag team with someone who can talk to take the pressure off him. Big Show possibly. Or team him with Tajiri where you'd have a wealth of "odd couple" material for backstage skits and Shelton wouldn't be forced to deliver insincere bad-ass dialogue - turn him heel and pair him up with Angle and Bischoff. Let them cover for him and he does his talking in the ring as their hitman. Instead they just job him out and let him flounder, undoing a year long push. Real smart.