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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    who's left in the Braves pen?
  2. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    C'mon Stros, END THE MADNESS!
  3. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    that was Nolan Ryan?!? damn he looks old....
  4. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    Wow, great DP. I need to take a shower and go grocery shopping before the Yankees game starts, never gonna happen at this rate...
  5. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    Please, PLEASE let Clemens hit the walk off!
  6. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    Did ESPN's signal just crap out on anyone else?
  7. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    It has nothing to do with the fans really. The fans are spoiled by success, yes...but you have as an example the Chicago Cubs owned by the Tribune. The fans love the Cubs, sell out Wrigley every year, TV notoriety nationwide, but the Tribune would rather make a profit than spend money on players. If it means the Cubs lose 10-15 more games a year, so be it. Carl Pohlad...the Twins owner...is worth double the money Steinbrenner is. He doesn't want to spend the money, he just won't do it. The Braves fortunately can have that matter overlooked per they have John Schuerholz as GM...one of the best damn baseball minds of this generation as well as Cox in the dugout. A salary cap would help in baseball...but they also need a salary floor which is the real solution that helps the NFL. There is a minimum the teams are required to spend on their players. That helps the Green Bays and the Indianapolises and smaller markets of the NFL compete. I'm tired of the whining of the small market owners. Many of them could find some way to spend money if they truly wanted to...they just don't want to they'd rather fatten their coffers with profits. Too bad we couldn't strip them of their teams and give them to companies/people that will make them competitive. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> which is why all the attention and venom directed at Steinbrenner's spending really pisses me off. There's owners and ownership groups with far greater resources at hand who allow their teams to flounder, while Steinbrenner who spends money to make money and deeply cares about the fans being able to take pride in the Yankees gets villified for it. Yes, not every team has a fanbase like the New York metro area to draw from, but competitive teams draw fans. IIRC the Yankees attendance was below league average when they were losing in the late 80's/early 90's. Steinbrenner built the attendance up by winning and bringing in marquee talent. and I agree, I'd like to see a floor/cap in baseball as well, even if it means the Yankees struggling to rebuild through the farm system, it would be worth it to shut up everyone who bitches about the money they spend
  8. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    I have no sympathy for the Braves "being on a budget." Atlanta is anything but a small market, they were owned by billionaire Ted Turner, and are now owned by ~EVIL multinational corporation Time-Warner. Maybe if the fans weren't so apathetic and actually supported the team the suits would have incentive to spend more.
  9. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    I hate the Braves because I've seen them in the playoffs for 14 straight years and they NEVER get it done. They're the eternal JTTS. Ultimate respect for Bobby Cox and his coaches for what they do in the regular season, but I'm just so sick of the same old song and dance every year. And the defeatist attitude of Braves fans like you and BS just brings out the hate, there's nothing that pisses me off more than seeing supposed "fans" give up on their team as soon as the pressures on, predicting losses before the game is even played and such, and when you've got the lead always predicting the worst. And most Braves fans are that way, you don't deserve a winning team. And I'm sure someone will counter and say, "but the Yankees are in the playoffs every year too," but at least they've proven they can get the job done.
  10. Precious Roy

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

  11. Precious Roy

    Cardinals/Padres NLDS Thread

    Game 3 is on at 11PM est tonight. That's just brutal.
  12. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    They beat Colon already. He doesn't scare me, plus they'd have all the momentum
  13. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    Yankees win tomorrow and it's a new series. No fucking way I'm counting them out.
  14. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    this sucks
  15. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    what ethnicity is Damon anyway?
  16. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

  17. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

  18. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    Leiter in with no outs and the bases loaded. Be afraid...
  19. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    god will want what I tell him to want
  20. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    yes, I too wish to see the Braves eliminated
  21. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    that's the best part
  22. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    This is incredible. I never expected the Red Sox to get sweeped. And El Duque helped to put the nail in the coffin, so glorious B)
  23. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    I would keep riding El Duque.....I don't like that move
  24. Precious Roy

    White Sox/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Pinch run for Olerud but lose his defense.....interesting....
  25. Precious Roy

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    Hope the game doesn't get rained out...