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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

  2. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

  3. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

    good point, why is the Sox field in such shitty condition? I don't trust Leiter in this situation...deep breaths....
  4. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

    that was clooooose
  5. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

    Why don't you watch the fucking game instead of trying to fantasy book next year's team
  6. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

  7. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

  8. Precious Roy

    Yankees-Red Sox Thread

  9. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    I figure the White Sox will play better now that the pressure is off. They've got nothing to lose, and they've probably got some frustration built up they'd like to take out on Cleveland. Indians better nut up, because with the impending war between NY and Boston they're in the WC driver's seat.
  10. Precious Roy

    Ross Report for Sept. 29

    Interesting that JR chooses to answer e-mails about Jeff Hardy and Kevin Nash with both being on Spike TV soon....
  11. Precious Roy

    Rodney Harrison out for year

    I think this is going to hurt a little bit more than losing Ty Law last year. All I'll say is, we get a pass this year, but whatever we do get done without Bruschi & Harrison is going to be amazing.
  12. Precious Roy

    Rodney Harrison out for year

    Kevin Faulk expected to miss 8 weeks with a leg injury....when it rains it pours
  13. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    someone had Randolph as a keeper
  14. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Penny Hardaway and Tim Thomas' contracts expire after this season. Mo Taylor and Malik Rose's expire in 07. If the Bulls are just looking to clear space the Knicks can probably help them out. The NY media think Isiah is setting up to make a run on LeBron in 07, but I seriously doubt that would get done.
  15. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Sweet, SF/SD is on ESPN2 now, it was girls lacrosse or some shit for a while there...3-0 San Diego
  16. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Oh great, and Anaheim is putting out the total scrub lineup.... GIVE ME BONDS DAMNIT!
  17. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    So, is anyone actually getting the Giants/Padres game? I don't understand showing most of the country a game (Oakland/LAA) that lost all significance last night. At least the Giants still have a punchers chance.
  18. Precious Roy

    *SPOILERS* First hour on Spike

    The thing is, Raven DOES have creative control in TNA, he controls the direction of his character and the details of his programs. Obviously he can't just say, "give me the belt and let me be the top heel," but his programs and all that are most definitely designed by him. They've used his programs with Mitchell, Sandman, Sabu, Abyss, etc. as a "special attraction" type thing, it's almost like Raven has had his own little corner of TNA to play in most of the time, because he does draw in a niche audience and doesn't need a title to do so. Having the belt during the dark period was his reward for bringing all of that to the table. *EDIT* and WCW was much the same way, give Raven his space to do his thing, off in his own little corner of the company, and try not to get him too involved with anything important because he's his own draw. Difference is, Raven was a much hipper, younger, more motivated performer at that time, and the results were much better.
  19. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    THE RED SOX ARE DOWN 5-1 IN THE 3RD INNING!!!!! *runs around screaming, doing the tomahawk and wooooing*
  20. Precious Roy

    *SPOILERS* First hour on Spike

    It isn't? I like Raven well enough, but how can anyone not see that he's been going through the motions? Other than the Gathering angle, which was like two years ago, it's been same old same old for Raven, either as a babyface getting the shit beat out of him or a heel beating the shit out of someone, it's the same routine, and it was done better in both ECW and WCW. He has such an established character than I think he's just gotten lazy and coasts on his reputation. And some of his promos are downright embarrasing, nowhere near what Raven was capable of at his peak. Replace the heroin and ecstasy with steroids and you've got the Ultimate Warrior. Those promos are NOT any sort of way to bring in a new audience, they only appeal to pre-existing Raven marks. This is clearly a case where people can't see the forrest for the trees. Like I said I've been a fan of Levy for a long time, but he's not this ultra hot guy being held back by the man like everyone is making him out to be. And no, he's NOT a bigger name than Kevin Nash, just accept it.
  21. Precious Roy

    Chad Pennington may miss season

    With a torn rotator cuff it takes time to build up arm strength again, especially when a repetitive whipping motion is going to be resumed. The tear itself may have healed, but his arm was clearly not back to 100%. He overcompensated, and reaggrivated the original injury. Plus, Dr. James Andrews is now saying it may not be an actual tear and is more of a stress/long-term damage related injuryt, which gives further credence to the theory that he wasn't right in the first place.
  22. Precious Roy

    Badmouthing my favorite player...

    this team really self destructed, huh?
  23. Precious Roy

    Rodney Harrison out for year

    yeah, part of the reason the defense plays so well is because they actually get some extended rest when Brady and the offense burns clock. It's a two way street, you have to share credit with Brady and the offense. Not any QB could pace the team like Brady does.
  24. Precious Roy

    Bobby Lashley

    Not really. He's big (par for the course) and black (a rarity), but so what? The two guys I've seen everyone rush to compare him to are Monty Brown and Bob Sapp. He's bigger than Brown, but I didn't see any of the intensity or charisma. He looks better in the ring than Saap, but again, I'm not seeing the character. He seemed slightly more polished than the usual OVW monsters, but that's not really saying much. That said, it was one week, I'm not ready to make any sort of definitive judgement about the guy either way, but on first impression his credentials were more impressive than anything he did.
  25. Precious Roy

    *SPOILERS* First hour on Spike

    We're gettin a match between one of the hottest indy wrestlers in the country and TNA's golden boy, a 3-way match with three very talented juniors as a starter course for X-Division, and a match between two of TNA's most recognizable ex-WWE characters. The third one doesn't do much for me, but the first two are sure as hell reasons to tune in and both the kind of matches you won't see on WWE programming. Add to that Tito Ortiz, Kevin Nash and The Dudley Boys all making appearances, plus all the intro video package stuff they need to do to educate a new audience, and all things considered this looks like a pretty stacked show, at least half of which is likely to take place in the ring. I think a lot of people complaining about this card on paper had already set themselves up to be disapointed. The point of TV is to hype the matches you sell on PPV, and I'm not sure how much more they could have given away on free TV. Hardy/Rhyno (I know, but keep in mind that it's TNA we're talking about) and Styles/Strong are both PPV caliber matches that they'll likely run with down the line. I'm a Joe mark and would have liked to see more than just a video package on him, but I can understand the approach they're taking, and I'm betting on him being the 3rd guy to face Daniels in week 3, which sounds like a pretty righteous way to start him off on TV. No point would have been served giving him a squash match, and it would take too much time to do a proper Joe match. the PPV match with Liger will be his proper introduction.