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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    This Week In Baseball

  2. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    The Lakers are lacking at guard, right? I mean, right now they're looking at starting Aaron McKie or a rookie alongside Bryant. They could do a lot worse than Spree who would be a bargain at this point. I wouldn't expect his old game, but I wouldn't expect him to pout and play like shit like he did last year either. It would also allow Kobe to handle the ball while keeping the big lineup that Phil Jackson likes.
  3. Precious Roy

    No More Hassan

    Do you not understand what cheap heat is? Hassan wasn't over, he was a walking cheap heat machine. Overness stays, cheap heat fades as soon as the next guy comes out. Pavlovian response is all it was, push the patriotism button and the live audience reacts. That does not equate to Hassan being over. Do you think anyone misses Hassan right now?
  4. Precious Roy

    No More Hassan

    Watch TNA pick him up to let him do the whole "I'm not even an arab and Vince McMahon manipulated me!" storyline while Vince and the WWE laugh their asses off
  5. Precious Roy

    No More Hassan

    His in-ring talent was limited, his talking was overrated, and his heat was of the cheapest variety. Good riddince.
  6. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Radmanovich resigned with Seattle. Lakers are supposedly talking with Latrell Sprewell
  7. Precious Roy

    MLB- MVP, Cy Young, RotY

    who the FUCK would play third base if A-Rod was out? How can a team miss a DH more than the guy playing the hot corner AND putting up crazy numbers? A full-time DH should not win MVP unless his #'s are clearly far and away better than the competition. Ortiz's are not.
  8. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    ...............NOW! LEBRON JAMES! B)
  9. Precious Roy

    This Week In Baseball

    We should have locked up Pettite before he even hit the open market. He was the best Yankee homegrown starter in decades, and helped us win 4 rings. Just the fact that it even came to offseason "negotiations" (we lowballed him all the way and never had any real intent of keeping him) was a slap in the face to the guy. The Andy Pettitte situation is basically a microcosm of what has gone wrong with this team the last couple years
  10. Precious Roy

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    Jimmy Hart works for TNA!
  11. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Would the Bulls be interested in Jerome James straight up?
  12. Precious Roy

    PPVs and your moneys worth

    I pretty much stopped ordering WWE ppvs a couple years ago because I was consistently disapointed with the product. Now, with the glorified TV shows that are the RAW and SD ppvs, I know ahead of time that I won't be satisfied so it saves me the trouble of even entertaining the thought. The only two shows I even consider ordering are the Rumbles and Mania, and maybe Survivor Series if the elimination matches look good. I wish they'd just go back to 6 or 8 ppvs, I feel bad for the people who get suckered into shows like last night's where it's clearly a placeholder card. From my POV WWE would get more PPV money out of me running less shows, but obviously there are enough people who don't mind the lower quality product to justify the insane amount of pay shows they run...
  13. Precious Roy

    And the winner of the Hornets sweepstakes is?

    The Hornets may not be very good, but Chris Paul will put asses in the seats....
  14. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    another question: When you say madness rd. does that mean it's like a scramble and we have to sit by our computer waiting for the bell to ring? Or do we have a set draft order. I'd prefer an ordered draft, but if I have to beat you all to the punch to get LeBron then SO BE IT!
  15. Precious Roy

    NFL Week Two

    that was fucking BULLSHIT!
  16. Precious Roy

    MLB- MVP, Cy Young, RotY

    People would freak out if the Yankees got both the MVP and Cy Young I'd love to see Mo get it, he's had an incredible year, and he may benefit from Santana's lack of wins and a logjam of simmilar pitchers (Colon, Buehrle, Garland)
  17. Precious Roy

    Lengthy Dixie Carter Interview

    I was rolling my eyes at the immediate streak of immature comments. I hope Dixie reads this thread
  18. Precious Roy

    Brock to compete in New Japan

    Lesnar probably got some sort of ruling that allows him to work while the case is up in the air, or he's been sold on that happening if WWE challenges this. Either that or he's got the WWE's blessing (maybe they're the ones who are holding up a deal and want to see the goods first). Id imagine if there was an absolute ruling in the case we'd have heard something about it. I can't imagine New Japan hyping all this without being reasonably certain he'll actually come in, though stranger things have certainly happened.
  19. Precious Roy

    Why RoH will fail

    You're making my point for me. Danielson? When was the last time he worked ROH up until his now scheduled appearances? He's never there on a consistent basis. Plus, he's a sure bet to get snatched up as soon as he tires of touring Japan all the time. Ditto Lo Ki, who was out of ROH for some time, (though I see him less likely to go to WWE and more likely to do the ROH/TNA/Japan thing). Punk? Had one really good year, was hit and miss before that, and was immediately signed up by the WWE. Gibson and Spanky barely had a cup of coffee. Joe? He's TNA now for all intents and purposes. He'll work ROH shows and everything, but.... It's the revolving door thing, and out of the real regulars there's lots of solid performers but nobody I'd really put in the outstanding class. As for the ECW comparison: yes, they had garbage matches on the undercard peppered with high workrate matches. ROH has some indy junk style stuff on the undercard, peppered with higher workrate matches, but it's often hit and miss as sometimes matches become more about spots and sequences and less about character and storytelling, not because the guys don't want that stuff to get across, but because a lot of them are still learning and growing. That's part of the charm of ROH, but it's also part of the reason that they need to stay in their niche. As for polished ECW guys who were there for more than a year.....2 Cold Scorpio, Sabu, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Tajiri, Super Crazy, Guido, Douglas, Raven. These guys may have worked a different style than what ROH pushes, and you might not like some of them, but there's no way you can tell me any one of them from their peak ECW years wouldn't have taken ROH by storm and been an immediate title contender. That's what I mean by polished. The point I'm trying to make is that these kind of guys are hard to find these days, guys who have a lot of experience with various promotions but are still fresh and have yet to really catch a break. That's why a guy like Gibson comes into ROH, with Gabe knowing he could leave at any second, and still gets pushed to the top. Gibson would have got pushed in ECW, but he wouldn't have been pushed that hard. ROH just typically gets different types of workers, which is fine, but it also limits what they can do.
  20. Precious Roy

    2 matches "set" for Taboo Tuesday

    they should bring Hebner back for a one shot deal and fire him the next night over the decision. If they're going to do something like that they need to go all the way and really sell it, because I hate bullshit title rulings. If it's important enough to hold up the world title it's important enough to shitcan a referee.
  21. Precious Roy

    You're my boy and all, but...

    hahahaha! I got a good laugh out of that, mainly because I witnessed pretty much that exact scenario (without the puke feet) with one of my own roommates. Fully clothed shower = comedy
  22. Precious Roy

    2 matches "set" for Taboo Tuesday

    Hell In A Cell I Quit 2/3 Falls (my choice) Last Man Standing (my 2nd choice) I wouldn't want to see them in the cell, but of course if that's what they want it would happen, it would beat any other gimmick in a popular vote. the cell would be perfect for Angle and Cena actually, but we don't get supercage matches unless HHH is involved
  23. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    Question: do newcomers just pick amongst themselves for the first 3 (or however many keepers) rounds? we're gonna be all scrubbed out I'm starksgreatestmisses btw
  24. Precious Roy

    TSM NBA H2H: Year 3~

    I'd love to play if you've got an extra spot