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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Walker gets a really unfair rap. He's a team player, great rebounder, passer and ball handler, and he'll do the dirty work for Miami while Shaq and D-Wade get the glory. He's possibly a little too in love with the long shot, but it's a good dimension for a PF to have, and when he was putting up tons of attempts it was because of the offense he was in, which was designed around him and Pierce cutting and kicking the ball out to each other for 3 attempts. I see Toine in Miami in a Rasheed Wallace, inside-out role, without the great defense of course, but with more playmaking ability. And Toine's interior defense isn't bad, he makes guys work for position and forces them into tough shots, his biggest weakness there will be when he has to guard quicker small forwards who can beat him off the dribble.
  2. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    The Spurs and the Heat are so CLEARLY the favorites at this point, it's not even funny. I'm disapointed to not see Finley go to Phoenix, could have made things interesting....
  3. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    The suns are going to be playing a different style of ball, but I don't see Raja Bell being any more than a nice role player, works hard, 20 minutes a night kind of guy. James Jones is a good pickup though, he can hit the 3 and is kind of an unpolished Q-Richardson type player. I was surprised Indiana traded him, but they've got a pretty loaded roster with Artest coming back and that euro dude they picked up. I like the Celtics picking up Dan Dickau, but they've got a bunch of short guards now. Banks, West and Dickau can't all play. Too early to give up on Banks, but someone might get a bargain if Ainge does. Dale Davis, McKie, Anderson and Van Exel are all good pickups for their respective teams. San Antonio has a guard rotation of Parker, Ginobili, Barry, Van Exel and Udrih, that's solid. Rockets have a ton of injury prone guards.
  4. Precious Roy

    This week in baseball 8/29 - 9/5

    Mark Bellhorn is going to help us win the pennant. This is glorious!
  5. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Whatever they gotta do......
  6. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    I'd like to see one of the first pitchers to face Bonds throw at him. I don't have a problem with the guy, but the integrity of the game needs to be upheld. The Padres offense has flaws, if The San Fran starting pitching holds up, Latroy and Benitez hold together the bullpen, and Alou and Bonds are hitting they could make a run at it.
  7. Precious Roy

    Japanese Arnold commercials

    Are those commercials for liquid acid?
  8. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    English motherfucker, do you speak it?
  9. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    you're a fucking moron
  10. Precious Roy

    Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story

    I did, but I figured it was just to give out the writing credits. Makes perfect sense though.
  11. Precious Roy

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    It's mildly funny, but a huge disapointment to me considering all the hype it brought along, and the fact that I enjoyed Wet Hot American Summer which was written by the same team
  12. Precious Roy

    Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story

    It was OK, had lots of funny moments, but Jesus, whoever described it as watching three straight episodes of Family Guy was on the money. Like 45 minutes in I was just SICK of it and had to put it on hold for a couple hours, probably should have been a couple days. I can only take so much of that show. So no, I wouldn't buy the DVD, but I wouldn't have bought it blind either, I like Family Guy as much as the next person but it's kind of just there for me, not a huge fan
  13. Precious Roy

    If Frank Thomas career is over...

    I'd definitely put him in, he was was THE most dominant hitter in the AL for a good part of the 1990's and while he's been injured recently his career numbers are still pretty F'n good, especially the %'s
  14. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    It's nice to see someone else with common sense.... Goldberg 98 =/= Lesnar 2005 Not to mention they already did the same fucking Lesnar push you all want back in 2002. You're begging for a stagnant rehash. Awesome. Brock Lesnar is too potentially valuable to this company to waste him with this cookie cutter shit. Booking for retards is NOT the way to maximize his drawing potential, but fuck it, I'm done with this argument, y'all will never accept it.
  15. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Would you perceive Benoit or Undertaker to be lower and weaker, because those are the only guys I would even consider letting go over him, and in either case the jobs would be returned in a much more convincing fashion. And of course, I think it goes without saying that Lesnar has to go over Batista.....
  16. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Where is the idea coming from that he carries this untarnished image of being a monster killer? Didn't he job his title to a spear followed by a delayed frog splash? Oh yeah, that unbeatable aura, the one that saw him jobbed out to Goldberg CLEAN in his last match? He didn't go out unbeatable, why should he come back in like that. BUILD IT UP. Right now he DOESN'T HAVE AN UNBEATABLE AURA, it was taken away, IT NEEDS TO BE BUILT UP FROM SCRATCH, which is why you can TAKE THE TIME TO DO IT and have the luxury of jobbing him early if you so choose. Does anyone here honestly think wins and losses are the most important thing in wrestling? Book it smart and you can get away with the jobs, and sorry to say HTQ, but any booker worth his salt could pull it off and draw MORE money than with your sorry excuse for a plotline because the fans might actually, you know, be entertained and surprised at times between point A and point B, plus you'll have more left over to draw more money with down the line. This isn't 1987 and it isn't Hogan/Andre. What's one or two jobs when he comes back in if he goes on a killer run after that? If a football team loses their first two games and then sweeps all the way to the championship are they not a dominant team? Do fans not care about that years super bowl if they lost to a non-playoff team early in the season? Hogwash!
  17. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    That would be an amazing trade for the Mets, and the BoSox might as well just hand over the AL East, so I'm all for it!
  18. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Is what I said really that difficult to comprehend? Maybe HTQ is right, heavy handed, predictable, simple booking is the way to go, I guess I give wrestling fans too much credit....
  19. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    It's not like he'd be doing jobs on shows leading up to the match. How is one or two jobs to main-eventers 3-4 months before the match, jobs that he'll get back clean, going to hurt him as a draw? They wouldn't. If anything, done correctly, they'll make him a more compelling character. He'll get his convincing monster run, but it doesn't have to happen immediately, and undefeated streaks are rather meaningless in this day and age. My initial idea had him being built back up into a killer after working off the ring rust, without doing any jobs, but looking decreasingly vulnerable from the time he debuts. We see the guy who hasn't wrestled in well over a year evolve in a convincing manner, til he regains his old form. How is that possibly a worse idea for the company than making everyone look completely inferior to him off the bat? If any idea is stupid it's that. And something tells me Vince might like my idea a little better.
  20. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Well, you may think what I proposed is stupid, but I'd find what you proposed completely boring and predicatable. To each his own.
  21. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    I don't think it's a dream match either, but it is the most clearly marketable match for both guys, so it's the one they should build to short-term. I don't think you need to necessarily sacrifice the roster to him either, Brock shouldn't be squashing anyone, though he should be going over clean in his matches, and personally I think it would be perfectly fine to job him a few times, say to Benoit and Taker, before really getting his push rolling and giving him return wins over them.
  22. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    the logical thing to do is to bring in Lesnar as an outsider, the guy EVERYONE in the lockerroom hates, the guy who sold out the boys, the ultimate loner the other logical thing to do is to start him off at his most vulnerable, due to the extended time off, and build him up to the point where he is a legitimate threat to Batista. The way I invision this begins with weekly TV matches against guys like Holly, Regal, Booker & Christian, strong midcarders stepping up to him with moderate success, teasing the upset while Lesnar gradually gets stronger and shows improvement in the ring. The next step would be Rey, Benoit and Orton, the finally JBL and Taker. Eddie should NOT be involved in any way, as his current character is too much of a loner himself. Orton is almost in the same boat, but he'd be willing to step up out of arrogance more than anything, while Eddie is too smart for that, and I'm thinking he should be the guy to occupy a couple months of Batista's time, maybe even a brief shot with the belt to break up the monotony, with Batista regaining it in a strong fashion and benefiting from a break in the routine. That's just me though, as I'm already starting to get bored with Batista. Lesnar wins the Rumble....move on to the Batista/Lesnar program.
  23. Precious Roy

    Two Cruiserweights Return to WWE

    Normally I'd be pleased by news like this, but why bother getting my hopes up? I've completely given up on the WWE to deliver anything more than token Benoit matches, Eddie Guerrero rudo greatness, and steaming piles of wrestlecrap. They signed Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy and Psychosis and gave us the fucking MEXICOOLS!!! Seriously, what the fuck?! It's selfish, but I wish these guys would just stick to indys and Japan...
  24. Precious Roy

    What athletes had the best names

    Bimbo Coles
  25. Precious Roy

    Smackdown/Christian rumors

    And HHH and JBL are both big, strong dudes who can believeably beat most guys. Christian is a skinny guy who does nothing of note in the ring. He's not a power wrestler, he's not a high flyer, he's not a great mat wrestler unless you count chinlocks as mat wrestling......to have him winning all the time wouldn't be believeable. He'd be perfect for a Honky/HBK style secondary title run, where he constantly cheats to retain his title, but no more.