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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Jaric's had problems with injurys EVERY year, which is why he's not as highly regarded or known as his talent would indicate. The dude misses 20-30 games a year, and half the games he plays he's hobbling around playing through pain. If he can play 80 games in a season, great, but let someone else take that risk, the Clippers really don't need him.
  2. Precious Roy

    Baseball dropped from Olympics

    Actually, I honestly used to dig the "women's" gymnastics when I was like 10, 12 yrs old, back when I was in the early stages of puberty and could relate to the girls on some level. I specifically remember being really into the 92 US team. Now? I may be perverted, but lusting after 15 yr old flat chested foreign chicks is not happening...
  3. Precious Roy

    This week in baseball

    Wow, Corey Patterson is fucked.
  4. Precious Roy

    Baseball dropped from Olympics

    As long as the proposed World Cup of baseball goes down this is not any sort of loss, but I always enjoyed Olympic baseball, even though the games never got serious coverage. I mean fuck, at least it wasn't gymnastics...
  5. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    To be fair, it's not really Isiah's fault. The Knicks were over the cap long before he got there, and due to the fact that Cablevision refuses to deal with a full-scale rebuilding process he has their blessing to remain over the cap. He's also done a decent job getting financial trade pieces, but it's pretty much been one step forward, one step back to this point, because he gets the trade pieces 1&1/2 to 2 years before they're worth anything, and then moves them for big contracts or more future expiring contracts, while picking up draft picks here and there that he hopes to strike gold with. It's not a horrible strategy given the situation he inherited, and to his credit it looks like he can get us to better than mediocre with his philosophy, but unless we get really lucky we're not contending for rings with the team he's building. but after Layden's reign, Isiah looks like Jerry F'n West. I like the mention of Jay Williams to the Rockets. Yeah, we don't know if he'll ever be the same, but the prospect of a strong Williams along with T-Mac and Yao is exciting. I also like how NOBODY is listed as having interest in Damon Stoudamire. I mean, WTF, he's not a bad player, what's with the hate?!?
  6. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Kevin Duckworth will coach for food
  7. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    How weird would it be to see Terry Porter coaching the Sonics?
  8. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Good hire for Portland. I figured with Allen in the fold the Sonics would keep McMillan.
  9. Precious Roy

    All-Star Selections

    I'm almost glad he didn't make it, hopefully it motivates him, and through him the team, for a monster second half
  10. Precious Roy

    This week in baseball

    I love Pedro, he was the most fun opponent we ever had, and the easiest to respect. I was really disapointed that we didn't push to sign him.
  11. Precious Roy

    WWE just cut a lot of guys

    I'd like to see them pick up Akio, and maybe Moore and Kidman to deals. Maven could take off with smart booking and a good heel character, but he better have a lot more in his arsenal than what he's done in the WWE, because his bland, dropkick-centric style won't do anything to get him over in TNA. Ditto with Jindrak, but I've never been a fan of his, he seems to have a large enough cult following in the IWC that maybe he's got something I haven't noticed yet. The way I see it though, if you can't get over in a stable with Kurt Angle, you're fucked in North America. He'd probably make a good addition for All Japan though. I think they'd be wasting their time with Gangrel or Spike, and I expect Spike to hang on with WWE in a limited capacity anyway. EDIT* they'll probably pick up Fertig simply because he's had so little exposure on WWE tv that he isn't branded as anything, and they'll take a chance on a reclamation project with a guy that the 'E was obviously high on at some point.
  12. Precious Roy

    WWE News and Notes

    I really dug Edge from his heel turn through the Benoit feud, but to me he's in this weird limbo of getting a super strong push that isn't going anywhere, and all this running in place has burned me out on the character. He wins the money in the bank. Then, because that wasn't enough, he wins the gold rush tournament too (this is where the overpush really started getting annoying) and promptly jobs to Batista despite three people and a briefcase working on his behalf, and the entire match, and thus entire tournament, is revealed to be only a cheap setup for the Flair fake turn and HIAC match. Then he's sunk into a crapfest with Kane, and if that isn't bad enough loses his money in the bank shot when the world title moves (though I'm sure they'll change the rules on the fly like usual). IMO his credibility as a top guy has been shot, they waited too long on him, and they'll REALLY bust him down once he jobs out to Cena, thus making the feud and subsequent match more of a mercy killing than anything. Running a mercy killing on the third biggest show of the year is stupid when you have a hot option of Cena v. Jericho on the table.
  13. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

  14. Precious Roy

    This week in baseball

    Jeter has 1! HAHAHA! YANKEES RULE!
  15. Precious Roy


    Yes, another Mickey's man! You sir have impeccable taste!
  16. Precious Roy

    Favorite potato chip flavor

    Kettle Chips, either Jah-la-peno w/ Tequila & Lime, Roasted Red Pepper & Goat Cheese, or the old standbys, New York Cheddar or Sea Salt & Vinegar. Once you eat Kettle Chips there's no turning back, Lays and that other shit just doesn't compare. I never like Lays anyway, too damn thin and greasy.
  17. Precious Roy

    Suggest meat

    Scallops wrapped in bacon :drool:
  18. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    If the Clippers can add Ray Allen they're instantly the best team in Cali, if they aren't already.... Livingston, Allen, Maggette, Brand, Chris "Island Unto Himself" Kamen....SICK! Meanwhile, the Knicks are heavily persuing Kwame Brown, while the Nets are early favorites for the services of a Mr. Abdur-Rahim. Kill me now.
  19. Precious Roy

    Midseason Awards

    Winner, runner up AL MVP- Brian Roberts, Miguel Tejada NL MVP-Derrek Lee, Albert Pujols AL Cy Young-Roy Halladay, Mark Buehrle NL Cy Young-Roger Clemens, Pedro Martinez AL ROY-Chris Young, Jorge Cantu NL ROY-Chase Utley (is he technically a rookie?), Clint Barmes AL MOY-Ozzie Guillen, Mike Scoscia NL MOY-Frank Robinson, Bruce Bochy AL Improved-Brian Roberts, Jon Garland NL Improved-Nick Johnson, Chad Cordero
  20. Precious Roy

    OAO WWE released talent/staff thread

    Which chick does that stupid dance? Candice? She's gone. Ivory & Victoria? Tough break. Sylvain Grenier? Useless. Todd Grisham Steve Romero Kenzo
  21. Precious Roy

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    I like the Knicks getting Nate Robinson in that deal. I don't know how much he's going to play this year, they'd be smart to give Marbury more rest, but he's a good player. I think Isiah thought he was drafting Marcus Camby and Damon Stoudamire.
  22. Precious Roy

    NBA Draft

    Ok, what does Pete Babcock pull out of his ass this time.....
  23. Precious Roy

    NBA Draft

    Lakers grab Turiaf, I like it, he was a good, tough hustle guy on Gonzaga. I could see him getting some quality run under Phil
  24. Precious Roy

    NBA Draft

  25. Precious Roy

    NBA Draft

    steal of the draft so far for Indy, and insurance for the next time Ron Artest loses his mind