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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    All-Star Voting has started

    I hate voters like you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It was my 1st ballot out of 25 fool, homer picks. I'll vote a handful of times for the guys I root for, and the rest for the guys who deserve it. My real AL ballot: C: Pudge 1B: Teixeira 2B: Roberts SS: Tejada 3B: A-Rod OF: Ichiro, Sheff, Vlad
  2. Precious Roy

    Interbrand Match on 7/11 Raw

    New two man power-trip? I could see JBL helping HHH win the HIAC, working an alliance on SD for a while, and then turning face to feud with him.
  3. Precious Roy

    All-Star Voting has started

    What part of HOMER PICKS don't people understand?
  4. Precious Roy

    NBA Finals

    Agreed. This, on paper, is the most even Finals matchup in a long, long time. It might not be "marquee" to the fairweather fan who thinks fundamentals and defense is boring, but to true basketball fans what more can you ask for than the two best, most complete teams in the league, the last two NBA champions, finally going head up??! Prince on Ginobili, Bowen on Rip, the Wallaces and McDyess head to head with Duncan, Mohammed and Horry, and the contrasting styles of Billups and Parker....great matchups across the board. I like San Antonio because they're deeper, better rested, and I think a little more focused, while Detroit went through an absolute war with Miami and has the Larry Brown drama hanging over them, but there's no way I'm counting Detroit out. Billups has a favorable matchup against Parker IMO, the Wallace boys should counter Duncan well on defense, Horry may be neutralized by Sheed while Ben switches onto Duncan, this is going to be a great series!
  5. Precious Roy

    All-Star Voting has started

    I'm a Yankees fan, of course it makes sense. You think I'd vote for some scrub like Konerko over the almighty TINO MARTINEZ?!?!
  6. Has anyone noticed that he sucks?
  7. Precious Roy

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    HHH has heat with him?
  8. Precious Roy

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    I'm thinking Batista retains in the HIAC, and Bischoff uses the leverage of having both world titles, plus HHH sticking his nose in, to trade Batista and the World Title to SD for a king's ransom, a deal revolving around Undertaker probably, since he's the strongest booked guy in the company. But who knows, there's many ways to take it, I just pray they don't move Cena back to SD because that will piss off people just as much as the bait and switch with HHH last year
  9. Precious Roy

    Possible new signings soon?

    Oh, of course the Bashams were playing heel, but if you know Teddy's reputation it's the kind of thing that makes you pause. It wasn't a coincidence that it was Teddy, they made sure to get it on the mic, and he wasn't talking like that with the Michaels guy. Doug Basham, Teddy Hart and the agents having a little fun with Teddy's reputation? not a chance
  10. Precious Roy

    All-Star Voting has started

    It's so awesome that Tino is leading at 1st. Doesn't deserve it, but I'll take it My votes, 1st ballot: AL (homer picks): 1B: TINO 2B: Soriano SS: Jeter 3B: A-Rod C: Posada DH: Ortiz OF: Matsui, Sheff, Ichiro NL: 1B: Derrek Lee 2B: Jeff Kent SS: Jimmy Rollins 3B: David Wright C: Ramon Hernandez OF: Abreu, Cabrera, Carlos Lee and my starters, if we could vote, would be Halladay and Pedro
  11. Precious Roy

    Possible new signings soon?

    Did anyone else notice Doug Basham "shooting" on Teddy Hart in their Velocity match? They did a reversal spot on the mat, Hart gained control and tagged in the Shawn Michaels clone, and Doug said something like, "next time you tag in I'm gonna slap the taste out of your mouth!" It seemed like they were doing a little inside work based on Hart's reputation, and if WWE is still interested after the match it obviously was, but I thought it was a neat thing to toss in. I really hope they bring in Hart and Smith, Punk too, but I don't understand the logic behind sending him to OVW.
  12. Precious Roy

    Playing a WMV file on a DVD Player

    First, you need a DVD burner and not just a regular CD burner. Second, there IS a program that does it, my friend uses it to rip DVDs, but I don't have the name off-hand. My guess is, if you had a DVD burner it would be bundled with it....
  13. Precious Roy

    ROH Debuts in Manhattan!

    I wonder if "The Original Changster" was in the house....
  14. Precious Roy

    Kentucky Derby

    Like this? I'm hoping Stottlemyre's got a spot for Bellamy Road, he can't be any worse than Kevin Brown
  15. Precious Roy

    Artie Lange

    Dirty Work is the only one where he's in a good role and gets to play himself a bit, and that's a damn funny movie. He's written/starring in an independant film that's going to be shot this summer, big controversy on the show this week over his taking time off to film it..... I've been an Artie Lange fan for a long time, anyone know how I can see this DVD without buying it from his website? because I doubt Blockbuster will be carrying it....
  16. Precious Roy

    NBA Playoffs

    No game 8?
  17. Precious Roy

    Hes coming back for Lita

    With the new deal Velocity is canceled and replaced with an exclusive Telemundo show. So not only will the cruisers continue to not get pushed on SD, now they'll be on a fucking Spanish language station that I don't even get! Awesome!
  18. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Nobody cares about the fucking Lakers, Christ! You can't take a little ribbing when your team falls off? Keep that shit out of the baseball thread. What does a Lakers off-season have to do with the Yankees IN-season? I went through the last Yankee drought, the Patriots pre-Parcells, the Knicks recently, boo fucking hoo. As far as I'm concerned it's open season on the Yankees and I welcome it, fuck sympathy, it'll just be that much sweeter when they get their shit together. Anyway, Moose threw a CG shutout day, WE'RE BACK ON TRACK!!!!
  19. Precious Roy

    John Rocker, Victim

    "SHUT UP!! What are you looking at, you homo MEXICANS?? Any of you ever been bow hunting? I bow hunt! I love my FATHER! I love IRON EAGLE MOVIES! THE BRAVES AND WHITE PEOPLE RULE!"
  20. Precious Roy

    This Week in Baseball

    Get used to it. We're a long way from .500 right now, it's the haters time to shine.
  21. Precious Roy

    Reefer Madness

    I should add that, from the tone of his posts, MikeSC seems like the kind of guy who would narc on someone, which is probably why he doesn't "KNOW" anyone who smokes the stuff. I certainly wouldn't tell him if he was my co-worker or something.
  22. Precious Roy

    Reefer Madness

    Hahahahaha Agreed. The culture of buying/selling/using marijuana, a direct result of the "war" on it, is the most dangerous thing about it. The man-made consequences of getting involved in that world are more harmful than anything smoking the plant can do to you. You smoke a blunt you lose a couple hours of clearheadedness, you get caught buying or carrying that blunt you lose a lot more than that. That's why the smart pot smokers divorce themselves from dealers and having to put themselves out there in a seedy environment and just grow their own stuff for personal consumption. Anyone who's ever known a drug dealer knows that they are by far the shadiest breed of people you'll ever know, you have to be to protect yourself, and all that shadyness can only lead to negative consequences at some point. That's my biggest beef with marijuana in this country, not the usage, but everything else. The "burnout" argument doesn't sway me at all, because 90% of all burnouts will sleep, slack or drink themselves to that state anyway. Some people just lack motivation. Marijuana doesn't make people lazy, it may make it easier to be lazy, but alcohol makes it easier to be reckless and stupid and not everyone who drinks takes that route. And much like other people have said, the people I know who smoke pot on what I consider a regular basis (a couple days a week) run the gamut from successful and hard working to down and out and lazy to everything in between. The bad apples are not indicative of the entire crowd. Nah, everyone knows someone who smokes pot, they just might not know it, because it's so taboo and wrong to talk about it, what with people going to jail for it and all. People who engage in illegal activities, regardless of degrees, tend not to broadcast it to the world. I bet we all know a couple kleptomaniac shoplifters and sexual deviants too, a lot of people do a lot of shit that they don't make public knowledge.
  23. Precious Roy

    The more I watch Christian...

    I'd say the Unprettier and reverse DDTs, he's got that inverted backbreaker thing, all his driver/impact type moves, they all work for him. The Unprettier is as close to an "RKO" as he's going to get. It's visually impressive, it looks like it can put a guy down for three, and built up like that, which it hasn't been yet, it has the same impact as finishers like the RKO and Pedigree. His problem is the stuff he uses in the body of the match, and that he doesn't have the threat of busting out anything unexpected.
  24. Precious Roy

    NBA Playoffs

    You're insane. Kidd is a no-brainer, Bibby maybe could have had a comparable year, but give me a fucking break!! You KNOW Nash can't get respect when dudes are talking about Tony Parker and Sam Cassell
  25. Precious Roy

    Steve Nash Wins MVP

    Why would you pick this season's MVP based on what the team he's no longer on did? Nash running Phoenix's offense and swinging them to the best record in the league is a lot more significant than the fact that his old team continued to be good. Dallas also underwent a complete roster overhaul, moving Jamison and Walker who got heavy minutes but never fit in there, bringing in a real center in Dampier and giving themselves the flexibility to have a rotation of veterans and kids. It's a smarter put together team this year. Last year's Dallas team just had too many guys who played the same spots on the roster, and was weak as hell inside, all of Nash's PG skills couldn't change that. Next white MVP: Joel Pryzbilla