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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    He actually got him to tap to the Walls of Jericho, but it was after interference from.........someone, I forget who......
  2. Precious Roy

    Two More Releases

    CHILLY WILLY was under contract!?!?!? As for Jesus, never did anything for me, but it sucks to see a guy get released while he's injured.
  3. Precious Roy

    Rhyno and Matt Hardy release

    Nah, but he did confirm that it was Edge, and his friend, through the website, released a detailed account of how/why Edge and Lita hooked up. Matt could have kept all of that private if he'd wanted to. Hell, it's possible that he could have requested the release, because he wants a fresh start. As for Matt being an "instant main-eventer," I don't know about all that. I like him well enough, but I've never considered him to be main-event caliber. Would you order a PPV to see him? And if it's ever going to happen it has to be as a heel, because his babyface character just isn't suited for the top of the card.
  4. Precious Roy

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    Internet wrestling physics. All threads eventually devolve into a discussion of HHH.
  5. Precious Roy

    The Hulkster gets a reality TV Show?

    I think it's on VH1 and it's going to be Osbournes style, cameras in the Hogan house, following Hulk & Brooke around etc.
  6. Precious Roy

    Warrior to sue somethingawful.com

    Wait, so Warrior is suing Something Awful for something someone, unaffiliated with the site, said on the FORUM!??! Look out Smartmarks, if Warrior catches wind of what we say about him here we're ALL fucked!
  7. Precious Roy

    This "week" in the NBA

    Of course they do, when we're without 60% of our starters. Way to go out on a limb there. Well, I thought that was obvious, but from the tone of your post you sounded SHOCKED that the Pacers could lose to the Knicks so I had to come out and say it. The guys who are out don't factor into the equation, and in today's game the Knicks had more talent. Like I said, you guys are lucky to even be headed to the playoffs, enjoy it.
  8. Precious Roy

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    You can't be serious.... Shawn was in the biggest fued of the company (Taker), was getting a World title shot in 6 weeks at a major PPV and was a leader in a major stable. Bulldog was a midcarder, tagging with Owen vs other midcard tag teams and was viewed as the third guy in his stable. I am dead serious. And it would have hurt him to lose to Bulldog, with homefield advantage, due to Hart Foundation interference? He needed the European Title more than Bulldog? Please.... I don't even have a problem with him going over in that match if that's what the booker wants and it's done for a legit reason, but the way it happened was just wrong, especially with Bulldog being the top draw in England and dedicating the match to his sister and everything, and being led to believe he was going over. It also led to HBK just giving the belt to HHH after he won the WHT because so little forethought had been involved, which pretty much killed it as a meaningful title. And as for your general logic that "guys like Shawn" shouldn't lose to "guys like Bulldog," it's that kind of attitude that prevents anyone from getting over and makes for boring, paint by numbers programs, and it's the kind of attitude that has plagued the WWE for years. HBK would lose nothing putting over Bulldog. Bulldog had been in numerous PPV main events, losing narrowly to both HBK and Bret, and Bret Hart, an equal of Shawn Michaels, put him over in the main event of SummerSlam 92. Is it THAT much of a stretch to think he could get a 3 count on Michaels?!?! If a guy like Davey Boy can NEVER go over a guy like HBK, who the fuck can?
  9. Precious Roy

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    You can't be serious....
  10. Precious Roy

    OaO Baseball Tonight Sucks Thread

    "But, if they hate it, why do they watch it!?!???"
  11. Precious Roy

    This "week" in the NBA

    Oh shut up. The Knicks have more talent than your team, they just forget to show up half the time. Today they showed up, and won a hard fought game. You're lucky you're even in the playoffs, but hey, I'll hold you to that "we oughta get swept" bullshit.
  12. Precious Roy

    This "week" in the NBA

    Do one for each conference
  13. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Y'all are going to be kicking yourselves when the Mets lose the East by like 3 games
  14. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Pedro still on in the 8th. They REALLY don't trust their pen. Might as well go the distance with him. Yankees trail 7-1 to Baltimore. I have Rodrigo Lopez on a couple fantasy teams and benched him, because, "hey, it's the Yankees!"
  15. Precious Roy

    The Old School questions thread

    UWF-I was worked, shoot style pro-wrestling
  16. Precious Roy

    The Old School questions thread

    Bruno, Warrior....and I guess Savage, though I figure he'll get in at some point...
  17. Precious Roy

    Carolina Championship Wrestling Results (4/9/05)

    David 'unover' Flair?
  18. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Well, across the board bullpens have been pretty shitty thus far. I think there's a lot of merit to the idea that relievers are getting hit hard by the steroid witchhunt, because a LOT of guys are getting lit up
  19. Precious Roy

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    IMO yes, as Austin was redhot regardless, and WCW was becoming a mess of nonsensical booking and politics.... But even Vince admits that he didn't see the Mr. McMahon character coming, so using that as justification for Montreal doesn't fly
  20. Precious Roy

    EWR.. read if you want.. just notes and stuff.

    I haven't played EWR in a while, just wondering, where can I DL an updated/accurate roster set?
  21. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Well the poor defense at least can be put on the loss of Haywood. They play a run n' gun, outscore the other team style anyway, but without Haywood defending the paint it's a lot riskier for Hughes and Arenas to gamble in the passing lanes the way they do. Before, if they missed a steal, they had a big time shotblocker back there....
  22. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Nice to see Bonnar get a contract too. I was expecting an extra round, honestly kind of surprised that Forrest won unanimous. To answer a question someone posted, I was surprised there wasn't more takedowns, but like they said in the post-match interviews, they were in the mood for a shootout And to answer another question, I'm looking forward to Diego getting a real test, not necessarily losing. I've got mad respect for his no nonsense approach, dude is a warrior, but it's not as easy to root for him as it is a guy with an engaging personality like Forrest. It'll be interesting to see how Diego reacts to taking punishment..... Congrats to UFC, Diego Sanchez, Stephan Bonnar and Forrest Griffen, I think they won a lot of fans tonight. MORE UFC ON SPIKE!!!!111!
  23. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Rd 2 to Bonnar, and it looks like he's got more gas I think Forrest should have focused more on going for a takedown that rd, and conserving some energy.... I can't see this going the distance, someone's getting knocked this rd
  24. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Fuck, I hope Forrest can last the rest of this rd...
  25. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Forrest is juicing hard