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Da Maintenance Man

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Everything posted by Da Maintenance Man

  1. Da Maintenance Man

    OAO Raw Thread for 7/11/2005

    Shit man, I'm just glad he hasn't been released.
  2. Da Maintenance Man

    Jim Cornette on thin ice. Again

    I guess stuff like "kike", "cracker", "wetback" & "gook" are just words too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Words are only offensive if you let them be. Once people quit getting offended by racial slurs, people who are trying to offend you will quit using them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So you basically saying it's ok to disrespect people based on race & culture? Excuse me for having some dignity. Crap like that is easy to say when you're NOT a minority. Oh & sorry for throwin this off-topic again. If it helps, yea, I'm still glad Cornette's ass got canned.
  3. Da Maintenance Man

    Your ass is grass!

  4. Da Maintenance Man


    Ha, I'm about to sign the petition. Looking at how she USED to look as opposed to now, makes me wanna cry
  5. Da Maintenance Man

    Jim Cornette on thin ice. Again

    I guess stuff like "kike", "cracker", "wetback" & "gook" are just words too.
  6. Da Maintenance Man

    Jim Cornette on thin ice. Again

    After reading that N word comment on the 1st page & if it's true then I just lost a TON of respect for Cornette. Almost makes me glad his ass got canned.
  7. Da Maintenance Man

    Direction for Hassan's Character on SmackDown

    You've just summed up Hassan's entire WWE run in 4 words, my friend. Personally, the direction he needs to go is back to wrestling school to work on his in ring skills, or lack thereof. Take Cena with you while you're at it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cena doesn't need to go anywhere. Due to the change of his gimmick/character over the years he just doesn't wrestle the same way he did in his debut against Angle (unfortunately). Basically, as long as Cena keeps getting constant pops then no changes are needed. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  8. Da Maintenance Man

    WWE begin the releases

    I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They still have to eat though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Boo fucking hoo. People get fired and layed off every day. In most companies, what we saw today from WWE happens monthly and not just 20 people but add another couple zeros to that. Because they are wrestlers, doesnt mean we should feel sympathy for them getting canned. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't say we had to feel sympathy for them. I just think them getting released isn't cool & shouldn't be made light of. They may be bad in the ring & WWE may need to cut down on their budget but they're still people. I understand that laying people off is neccessary though. I can just relate a bit because I know what it's like to be without a job (I've been tryin to get a damn job for the longest with no success).
  9. Da Maintenance Man

    WWE begin the releases

    I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They still have to eat though.
  10. Da Maintenance Man

    The Bubble Vince lives in

    That's the problem. No one is tuning into WWE television to catch this scandalous character or any of them. It's ruining the product, shoving the image of the company and its fans down a larger hole and running off viewers and advertisers. Where has the benifit of Necrophilaic angles and negative representiations of stereotypes of Minorities paid off? Where has this "constroversey" worked? The attitude era doesn't count because the characters were complex and had depth, while these characters are mere artifical characters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't know if you can really classify this as a racial stereotype or whatnot but the whole Billy & Chuck marriage thing got them a bit of publicity.
  11. Da Maintenance Man

    John Cena's voice

    I'm with him. John Cena sounds like John Cena.
  12. Da Maintenance Man

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    But evidently..you KNEW before you ordered it that you wouldn't like it. And that it would be 35$ quantity. At least that's what I gathered from what you were saying bef ore it even started... So if you know you're not gonna get that quality, there's no reason to expect that quality. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course i was apprehensive about ordering this, as I was for ONS. ONS clearly delivered. If you can deliver 3 weeks ago, Its not out of the question to do so again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Two different booking styles there pal. I think I can safely say that NOBODY is expecting this PPV to be nearly as good as ONS was.
  13. Da Maintenance Man

    Early Smackdown Spoilers

    There's no rhyme or reason to the draft, no specific rules laid out. During the initial draft, tag teams were allowed to be drafted as one pick, and Vince even got all 3 nWo guys as one pick as well. What use would Daivari be by himself? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He would've been a nice addition to the Cruiserweight division.
  14. Da Maintenance Man

    The OAO Smackdown Thread - 6/9/05

    Well, maybe Benoit is mad at JBL for talking shit about Lance Storm and maybe that's the cause of his agg-Goddamn man, I LOVE your fuckin avatar!!
  15. Da Maintenance Man

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Sucks that he won't be able to show up. It would've been cool to see what would've happened with New Jack & the Dudley Boyz under the same roof.
  16. Da Maintenance Man

    John Cena & Tha Trademarc's

    I downloaded the album a week ago and it's pretty good (this coming from a avid hip-hop fan). I like how he kept the album straight hip-hop all the way through and didn't use it to rap about calling out JBL and shit like that (kinda like Savage did). I don't really see Cena blowing up like 50 Cent or anything. I go to a lot of hip-hop forums and such and basically the only thing that's stopping them (other hip-hop fans) from taking Cena seriously as a rapper is: 1.) He's white 2.) He's a wrestler 3.) They think he has a ghostwriter That's just how I'm reading it though. He seems to be hit or miss among some hip-hop heads.
  17. Da Maintenance Man

    Matt responds to Edge/Lita segment

    Agreed. Especially considering that he's talking about this stuff on his OWN personal website that I'm sure he paid for (If I'm wrong, slap me) he has a right to bitch about whatever he wants to. This is a stupid fuckin' world we live in. We got people suing Mcdonalds for making them fat but yet one man can't talk about how he feels about something on his own website?? I say that if Matt is still talking about this thing after a year or so THEN there's grounds to call him a pussy. This whole thing just happened practically. I do agree that Matt calling the whole thing a tragedy is a bit over the top considering WWE's track records with stuff like this. They had Triple H hump a dead mannequin on live TV. What the hell did you expect from them?
  18. Da Maintenance Man

    You can't see me!

    Looks like it might be a decent album. I unfortunately don't think Cena has much of a future in hip-hop due to the fact that's he's a wrestler and the hip-hop community as a whole just doesn't take wrestling seriously. The only people that'll be buying this album will be WWE fans sadly.
  19. Da Maintenance Man

    John Cena to modify the WWE Championship

    One of the things I liked about Cena's speech last week on Smackdown was how he addressed the "wrestling traditionalists" & how he was gonna modify the WWE title like he did the U.S. belt. Like what somebody else said above, it sounded like he was talking to the IWC(ie. all you nitpicky ass smarks). Not to start a mark vs. smark argument but I'm glad they're giving Cena a custom title mainly because it'll piss off these so called "wrestling traditionalists". More power to Cena for bringing hip-hop to wrestling.
  20. Da Maintenance Man

    Two matches announced for Raw tonight

    Why should Christy feel guilty? She can always just make it up to Vince with a blowjob anyway. But yeah, I think Christy has SOME potential. Some of the moves she busted out last night (that sunset flip where she put both her legs on the top rope & rolled over, the twist of fate)impressed me. I agree that with a little bit more training Christy would make a decent womens wrestler.
  21. Da Maintenance Man

    Batista's best threads

    Amazing. Just...amazing. You guys have nitpicked the shit out of past & present workers but then a big, suit wearing hoss can come in & get praise just because of his wardrobe?? Fuckin' incredible. You smarks are a weird bunch.
  22. Da Maintenance Man

    March, 17, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread

    Booker's one lucky man. I'd love to hit that shit raw every night. And I can't believe this damn Heidenreich/Booker feud isn't over...
  23. Da Maintenance Man

    CCC and one more C for Charismatic

    I see some real potential in Carlito. I became a believer after I saw his match against Rey Mysterio a few months ago on Smackdown. He really displayed some good in-ring psychology in that match even though up to that point he hadn't really wrestled much due to the injury. I like Carlito though. He's good in the ring & he plays the classic, cocky heel very well.
  24. Da Maintenance Man

    Can Cena's gimmick keep him over?

    Disagree. I tend to realize that the bigger Cena's opponents are, the weaker the FU looks. Take last week's Smackdown for example. When Cena FUed Teddy Long it looked pretty sick, at least to me it did. It's like he picked him up and slammed him onto the mat like a sack of potatoes. When Cena hits the move against bigger guys like Big Show & Luther Reigns he doesn't throw them down into the mat with that..."sack of potatoes" like impact he usually executes it with. I don't think the move is weak though. It's over though. The fans pop for it when he goes for it so why change it? I think it's more or less Cena's execution of the move that makes it look weak at times. As you can tell from my avatar, I'm a Cena mark and my roof will explode when he wins the title at WM so take this reply for what it's worth.
  25. Da Maintenance Man

    We Want Matt!

    Oh, didn't know that. Started watching wrestling in 98. Forgive me.