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Everything posted by benoit4hor

  1. benoit4hor

    30 Man Battle Royal to take place at Wrestlemania

    Predict the winner if it's legit. Chris Masters or Muhammed Hassan
  2. benoit4hor

    WWE to start steroid testing

    "Our performers need to get off the juice, look what it did to me. I tore two quads getting in the ring"
  3. benoit4hor

    Tough Enough 4

    I wonder how Puder would have done on The Ultimate Fighter.
  4. benoit4hor

    Tough Enough 4

    Is there anything worth watching on this DVD? Do they show any training or anything?
  5. benoit4hor

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

  6. benoit4hor

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    How hyped? I haven't decided if I'm gonna order it or not. But hell it's a Sunday and I'm on house arrest so why not.
  7. benoit4hor

    New gimmick for a WWE superstar

    Why stop there he could go own to insult members of popular wrestling forums, such as this. He could cut promo's on the TSM posters.
  8. benoit4hor

    Matt and Lita

    That was pretty funny
  9. benoit4hor

    The Next HOFamer....

    Vince McMahon "Bruno said no? Well who's next on the list?" John Laurinaitis "Um, lets see.... It's Duggan"
  10. benoit4hor

    On the Barbwire Cage

    Dusty Rhodes and Tully Blanchard had that style of a barbwire match long before ECW or Paul Heyman even existed. and I'm sure it was done long before I ever saw that.
  11. benoit4hor

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Hercules Hernandez used it for awhile when he was feuding with Billy Jack Haynes. I think their WM III match was a full-nelson match actually. But for the most part he used a torture rack I think.
  12. benoit4hor

    A sickening feeling...

    It's obvious that Koscheck & Southworth are the ones screwing with Batista. The've been setting it up for weeks.
  13. benoit4hor

    Chris Masters

    Sorry if this has been brought up, but I didn't see it. So whats the word on Chris Masters can he work? He obviously has a good look, and looks to be getting a narcissist type gimmick. Chris "The Masterpiece" Masters. Whats he use for moves? Hoss set #3? Finishing move?
  14. benoit4hor


    For everyone who keeps saying "stupid crowd he's from america" Maybe the reason they are chanting USA is because he's badmouthing the USA, not because they think he's foreign.
  15. benoit4hor

    Chris Masters

    You know I really wouldn't mind seeing Vis teamed with Henry when he comes back. It would make for an interesting tag team. As for Masters I guess I should just wait and see before I decide if he's crap or not. Anyone know about his mic work?
  16. benoit4hor

    Chris Masters

    Do we wanna see Vis period?
  17. benoit4hor

    Chris Masters

    Actually set #2, omits the Sidewalk Slam, and Set #3 uses a Rhyno style Belly to Belly. Other than that you're right.
  18. benoit4hor

    New tag team signs with WWE

    They should make them Snitsky's brothers. They kinda look similiar.
  19. benoit4hor


    I wouldn't mind seeing Sting but I think they gave up by giving Shelton his moves. Even his chops and kicks look the same as Stings.
  20. benoit4hor

    Someone explain the NO DQ...

    Thats how I meant it.
  21. benoit4hor

    Someone explain the NO DQ...

    A better ending would have been after Shelton hit his finisher, Batista came in and dropped an elbow or something on HHH. Causing Shelton to be DQ's and furthering the possible tension between HHH & Batista.
  22. benoit4hor

    Daniel Puder's MySpace Profile

    "Hey dude watch out for Bob Holly"
  23. benoit4hor

    New John Cena United States Championship

    Thats the worst belt I have ever seen. I'd rather they used the harcore belt and painted U.S. on it.
  24. benoit4hor

    Most impressive wrestling debut.

    The Radicalz debut was cool.