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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel


    why are they billing jeff hardy as the charismatic enigma when hes got less charisma then a.j freaking styles?
  2. Copper Feel

    Real Life Heat

    Where did you hear that? I don't ever remember reading that, though it sounds true enough. Hate to say it, but I don't remember the original source. It has been discussed here before. that was from a bam bam bigelow shoot interview.
  3. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    wont the vast majority of their shows be money losers then? also what iwa shows would you recommend? and who the fuck is this arikk cannon dude? did he spring up over night or something?
  4. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    i dont mind death matches as long as there not used all the time infact czw tournament of deaths are some of my favourite shows of the year.
  5. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    if the iwa is still anthing like the crap that i saw a while back i dont think i want to catch up.
  6. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    from the little iwa which ive seen there main events always feature light tubes they use vulgar language and perform in tiny arenas if thats not a garbage promotion i dont know what is.
  7. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    i cyber mark would like to annoce my commitment to the cause of getting this adam gooch fellow into the garbage promotion that is the iwa.
  8. Copper Feel

    Blatant Stealing from the WWE Folder

    statement: tna should make ron killings there no.1 guy.
  9. Copper Feel

    1992 Dream team vs 1992 Dream team

    ive never heard of them.
  10. Copper Feel

    Most Improved Wrestler this year...

    definatley homicide as recently as december 2003 he wouldnt have sold long term damege in the slitest but his match with amdrag showed his massive improvement.
  11. Copper Feel

    List your five favorite wrestlers

    latley ive watched roh era of honour begins and pro wrestling noah. so: 5. naomichi narufuji. 4. kenta. 3. christopher daniels. 2. american dragon. 1. low ki.
  12. carry: to guide an inferrior or less experinced opponent through a match. veteren refferes like nick patrick or earl hebner have been known to guide green wrestlers trough matches when they get lost. in an extreme cases like when pat patterson reffereed first timer lawrence taylors match against bam bam bigelow a member of the booking committe will act as the special refferre to make sure everything goes to plan.
  13. Copper Feel

    Quick WWE survey

    1. true. 2. false. 3. true. 4. true. 5. false. 6. true. 7. false. 8. true. 9. true. 10. billy kidman.
  14. Copper Feel

    List your five favorite wrestlers

    1. low ki. 2. christopher daniels. 3. doug williams. 4. homicide. 5. james tighe.
  15. Copper Feel

    Tell of a time when someone said

    im not sure if this really counts but my mark friend once said that the way owen hart died proves how fake wrestling is.
  16. i think this is stupid i mean what would the average fan (mark) think if they saw stone cold come to the arena dressed up in a shirt or tie?
  17. Copper Feel

    1994 and 1995 ps top 10.

    these are u.k based magazine powerslams top 10 wrestlers from 1994 and 1995. 1994. 10. vader. 9. nobuhiko takada. 8. sabu. 7. steve williams. 6. bret hart. 5. jushin liger. 4. mitsuharu misawa. 3. toshiaki kawada. 2. chris benoit. 1. shawn michaels. 1995. 10. ken shamrock. 9. keiji mutoh. 8. kenta kobashi. 7. sabu. 6. bret hart. 5. toshiaki kawada. 4. eddie gurreou. 3. shawn michaels. 2. chris benoit. 1. mitsuharu misawa. discuss!
  18. Copper Feel

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    its strange that angle would take potshots at hhh as in his book he had nothing but praise for hunter.
  19. Copper Feel

    1994 and 1995 ps top 10.

    i didnt become a wrestling fan until early 2000 so i wouldnt know about michaels not wrestling much in 1994. but i heard somwere on this board tat for the first year or so powerslam was bill apter type levels of markish.
  20. Copper Feel

    1994 and 1995 ps top 10.

    seeing as the nasty boys had reputations as being legitimate tought guys it was two against one and ken shamrock didnt get involved in shoot fighting until 1990 id imagine they whooped his ass.
  21. Copper Feel

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    ill go for suplex on floor. dont want to battle into the library cause that guys name sounds like that of a nerd and i dont want him to have the homefield advantedge.
  22. Copper Feel

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    its gotta be the nacho cheese
  23. Copper Feel

    The OaO 7/28 PPV thread

    that ending sounds like a piece of crap. kazarians perfect for the x division and im all for a.j styles in the x if it keeps him out of the main event. but i see michael shane as being more of a intercontinential champion. i wonder if theyll take the wwf route with co champions and put them in a triple threat match with somone the fans dont care about.(gleen gilberti).
  24. Copper Feel

    CM Funk's Once a Day *IN DEPTH* Match Review

    i would like to inform everyone that i also have a tread in this forum and i would apreciate your votes.
  25. Copper Feel

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    ive got a few 1.austin .vs. undertaker summerslam 1998. 2.sting .vs. ric flair the great american bash 1990. 3.chris benoit .vs. jeff jarrett starcade 1999.