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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    Top 10 Favorite Musicians of All Time

    Sounds like the logical culmination of "Clap Hands"' percussion.
  2. Copper Feel

    How long before you throw it out?

    I cannot stand stagnant food at all, thusly I always throw food out as soon as I realise its time of usage has passed.
  3. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Mine favourite solo is quite possibly "Stairway to Heaven", as much as I hate to admit to such conformity. "Time" would actually be another contender. "What's New in Baltimore?" as well.
  4. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Mine favourite solo is quite possibly "Stairway to Heaven", as much as I hate to admit to such conformity. "Time" would actually be another contender. "What's New in Baltimore?" as well.
  5. Copper Feel

    Top 10 Favorite Musicians of All Time

    You say that as if being greedy never leads to a pleasurable outcome... it actually does.
  6. Copper Feel

    One Word Bandit

    I'm Luke-O's less articulate gimmick account.
  7. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    The controvery regarding Ravenbomb's latest pick... it's just preposterous. I really wanted Swordfishtrombones for my list as well.
  8. Copper Feel

    Top 10 Favorite Musicians of All Time

    I know that I'm late to Corey's (unfortunate) evisceration, but Run DMC are really not "better than average at what they do".
  9. Copper Feel

    Elementary Backtrack

    We were graded on a system of 1 - 5 at my primary school, but that was a national thing. Lowest possible grade was 1C, highest was 5A. I pulled off a couple of 5C's in English. I recall that the first one was in the first test we ever did. Its subject matter was advertising a backpack.
  10. Copper Feel

    3 Doors Down and Staind: THE THREAD

    I see the awful bands that your girlfriends like, and I raise you the Wombats: http://youtube.com/watch?v=gyCi4CMD29w
  11. Copper Feel

    Glenn Beck and Hershey Park in the same day

    I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of listening to anything by those bands, shitty as I gather they probably are.
  12. Copper Feel

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    My "What did you eat today?" reputation precedes me.
  13. Copper Feel

    Ask Wilford Brimley

    How long did it take for you to grow that mustache?
  14. Copper Feel

    How Do You Like Your Steaks?

    I've recently decided to become a vegetarian. I think that steak is going to be the hardest food to say "fare thee well" to.
  15. Copper Feel

    Your table's ready

    Moses is just in there to endure the wrath of those who don't believe in anything that he does.
  16. Copper Feel

    Glenn Beck and Hershey Park in the same day

    I am actually intrigued by Marvin's taste in music. List all of your personal favourites for the sake of my bemusement.
  17. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Radiohead - The Bends (1995)
  18. Copper Feel

    Drunken Munchies

    Usually just whatever is there, but I can never stop eating when I am drunk. I went through an entire box of biscuits last week. The main effect it has on me is that I become far less discriminatory.
  19. Copper Feel

    Top 10 Favorite Musicians of All Time

    When I get home I'm going to edit a picture of a bong into this post.
  20. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    Yeah, that's it. It wasn't my turn anyway.
  21. Copper Feel

    Your table's ready

    Oliver Cromwell George Orwell Tom Waits Karl Marx Moses
  22. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    So, this is extremely late in coming, but oh well. Black Sabbath - Paranoid (1970) There's something about Paranoid which I find to just be fascinating. It's probably the mixture of heavyness, and more progressive elements. Or it could be the sheer monotomy. The songs on this album don't exactly vary a whole lot, "Planet Caravan" is probably the only truly divergent song on the entire record. But repetitive as it might be, Tony Iommi's blistering guitar riffs and solos make it more than a worthwhile listen. Power chords piled on top of each other complemented by drums that're rawly produced, and suprisingly literate lyrics about war, abandonment and the downside of drug use. What a great formula. My favourite songs on here are "War Pigs", "Ironman" and "Hand of Doom".
  23. Copper Feel

    In this thread: share your own motivational posters.

    Maybe TaigaStar should muster up some self restraint - as hard as I would imagine that concept is for one such as herself - and never reply to any of my threads... ever.