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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    No Way Out

    I'm finally in a position to watch wrestling again and this is going to be free in England! Looks like a great card, I'm excited about it. Having said that: having two Elimination Chamber matches in one night is overkill. Nobody is going to value the concept at all if they use it this liberally.
  2. Copper Feel

    Help me to decide upon a band name

    I'm emancipating you all from having no say in the name of my crappy little three piece band. You're all free to decide between the act of becoming erect and the name of a Jack the Ripper suspect in my thread.
  3. Copper Feel

    Last Night...

    What the hell? He doesn't even look tanned.
  4. Copper Feel

    Help me to decide upon a band name

    This is a different concept though. I'm not asking them to create a band name for me to use, although that's what they've ended up doing anyway, the cunts. I'm asking for the blue eyed sons of TSM to decide between two handles that I've selected for consideration.
  5. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    I just came back to TSM and was immediately greeted by a rather pleasent private message about this thread. Thank you Steviekick! Without further ado: Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy (1973) By the time of this, their fifth album, people would have generally known what to expect from a Led Zeppelin release. Sure, you wouldn't ever get the macho blues rock of Led Zeppelin II mixed up with the reflective folk rock on Led Zeppelin III. But nonetheless, their influences were evident. Not on Houses of the Holy. This album can be neatly divided into two separate halves. One half finds the band dipping into musical genres such as funk ("The Crunge") and reggae ("D'yer Ma'ker") whilst also refining their previous sound into something less blues orientated but based more around a solid groove. This is where drummer John Bonham excels, creating excellent foundations for the other members of the band to play around. I should at this point mention "Over the Hills and Far Away". That song is completely awesome and completes an astoundingly good 1-2-3 punch. The other half of the album is an absolute anomaly. From the soaring dreamlike charge of "The Song Remains the Same", to the almost classical sounding (this is going to be a paradox) synthesizer washes of "The Rain Song", to the mellotron based attack of the haunting "No Quarter, these songs must have been complete mind fucks to the youth of 1973. However, heard through today's ears they stand up as excellent compositions. Jimmy Page's guitar is in fine form throughout, but that was par for the course. The non bass based playing of John Paul Jones is what really merits special consideration here. Seriously, "No Quarter" is the most awesome thing ever, and that's largely because of his mellotron! So yeah, great album. I meant to write a lot less, but I'm not very good at summarising an entire record in one fell swoop.
  6. Copper Feel

    Help me to decide upon a band name

    We like a bit of everything. That influence should be evident in our sound.
  7. Copper Feel

    Help me to decide upon a band name

    Thank you for your input!
  8. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I deciced to go jogging that one time I was drunk that we'd all rather forget. I'm clueless w/r/t how I managed to both not fall over and escape public scrutiny.
  9. Copper Feel

    Milky is a mod.

    Yeah, Mole's a tard.
  10. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    We should really be required to post Mega Upload files of the albums we choose for this.
  11. Copper Feel

    Grab the nearest book

    And simultaneously there came from the Garden Suite the sudden, sharp cry of a strong man in pain. It was perhaps half an hour after he had left it that Lord Pongo Ickenham returned to the billiard-room. He found Pongo still there, but no longer alone.
  12. Copper Feel

    Desert Island Draft Thread

    This game needs more European posters, I'm in.
  13. Copper Feel

    What songs should be banned?

    Huh? The occasional household item as instrument part aside, how is Pet Sounds a concept album? It's just a really great collection of songs, they're not linked thematically.
  14. Copper Feel

    Grab the nearest book

    One was kicked out of a pastry shop the other day. That's the sort of fellows they are, those writers, those literary gents, those students, those messengers of doom... Pah!
  15. Copper Feel

    What songs should be banned?

    Sorry, I just don't see what makes Coldplay so pretentious. Their music owes no small debt to The Bends, and that's one of the more straightforward Radiohead albums.
  16. That's not what we object to.
  17. Copper Feel

    What songs should be banned?

    Coldplay says HI-YO! What? Of all the criticisms to make of Coldplay.
  18. Copper Feel

    Please Pray For My Little Sister

    I realise that I'm probably going to come across as a major arsehole here, but I'm not sure why anybody would create a thread about the death of a relative on an internet wrestling board.
  19. Copper Feel

    I banned Choken One.

    Also: black people behave differently to white people. For some reason I believe that completes your reference. It's just a shot in the dark. I'm probably wrong.
  20. Copper Feel

    I'm 64 Posts Away From 1,000

  21. Copper Feel

    Imagine there's no majormayhem1

    The sandwhich in your signature looks absolutely disgusting.
  22. Copper Feel

    Imagine there's no majormayhem1

    I can't be bothered to browse through this dude's posts. Summarise why he's so terrible for me.
  23. Copper Feel

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    If TSM is about masturbation, then maybe you should make all of the teenage posters moderators.
  24. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I've prefered the Stones ever since I accepted that, yes, they were a good band. Paul McCartney is still my favourite songwriter from either group though.
  25. Copper Feel

    The ladies of TSM.

    One of my friends is an Industrial fan.