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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    Ever been fired or let go?

    Don't be such a knob cancer, he never hired you.
  2. Copper Feel


    Defiantly Black Lushus.
  3. Copper Feel

    Vanhalen sucks

    In England.
  4. Copper Feel

    Defiantly Mole

    It occasionally proves problematic for my otherwise good spelling, but luckily I can usually just use "obviously" in it's place.
  5. Copper Feel

    Defiantly Mole

    This thread is defiantly lacking in content.
  6. Copper Feel

    Milky tells you to go fuck yourself.

    Milky, you wounded me earlier in the thread, you cad!
  7. Copper Feel

    What do you completely and utterly suck at?

    I don't leave my house very often, and see very little need for multiple friendships. The problem goes beyond that though: a lot of people seem to find me interesting when they first meet me, but I drive them away by paying virtually no attention whatsoever to them in return.
  8. Copper Feel

    Vanhalen sucks

    I will be here until you all die.
  9. Copper Feel

    Milky tells you to go fuck yourself.

    Your mum talks in a monotone.
  10. Copper Feel

    Milky tells you to go fuck yourself.

    Do me Milky, do me!
  11. Copper Feel

    It's my birthday.

    Hey Shooter, you're old as fuck.
  12. Copper Feel

    What do you completely and utterly suck at?

    Put me down for tools as well. I cannot master them at all. Looking up when walking in public. I seem to constantly stare at the ground and when I try to look up my head spasms and forces me to look at the ground. This especially happens if I am walking past somebody, particularly if they're female.
  13. Copper Feel

    Vanhalen sucks

    There are so many ways to trace virtually any once frequent poster within this online community though.
  14. Copper Feel

    What do you completely and utterly suck at?

    Whilst both of these things would apply to me, I would never dream of hitting a child. The poor buggers just antagonise me with their mere presence, is all.
  15. Copper Feel

    Cheech's 300th Post Spectacular!!

    You're about to make your 2'000th post, Sideburnious. How do you feel about this pivotal moment?
  16. Copper Feel

    What do you completely and utterly suck at?

    Talking to females: why, oh why has God given me this curse? Liking people: I seem to take a "guilty until proven innocent" stance as it pertains to other human beings.
  17. Copper Feel

    Cheech's 300th Post Spectacular!!

    You joined a day after me, I see. Bow down.
  18. Copper Feel

    Orange Coke

    I prefer the taste of Dr Pepper, but Cherry Coke is my favourite form of Coke.
  19. Copper Feel

    What was your first ever post

    Many users will not be able to contribute to this thread due to having been active members before August 2003. Anyway, here is my contribution: What a fabulous sense of grammar I possessed!
  20. Copper Feel

    Vanhalen sucks

    I believe that "Cheesala" was an old old wooden ship from the civil war era.
  21. Copper Feel

    Rank albums by ________

    The Smiths: 6. The Smiths 5. Hatful Of Hollow 4. Strangeways, Here We Come 3. The World Won't Listen 2. Meat Is Murder 1. The Queen Is Dead Bob Dylan albums that I have heard: 8. The Times They Are A'Changing 7. The Freewheeling Bob Dylan 6. Blood On The Tracks 5. John Wesley Harding 4. Another Side Of Bob Dylan 3. Highway 61 Revisited 2. Blonde On Blonde 1. Bringing It All Back Home
  22. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Just So You Know, I am fond of his posting. Get it? har, har, har.
  23. Copper Feel

    Rank albums by ________

    Songs For Drella above The Velevet Underground and Nico? Wow, I like Songs For Drella and all and would actually probably argue that it is more consistent, but for an album to be great so do the tracks that comprise it. I don't think there is anything on Songs For Drella I would personally rank as highly as "Sunday Morning", "Venus In Furs", "All Tommorow's Parties", "Heroin", "There She Goes Again" or "The Black Angel's Death Song".
  24. Copper Feel

    So, I lurk now

    I have been on that chatroom too frequently recently. Happy lurkings, anyway.
  25. Copper Feel

    The Simpsons Movie

    I thought it was quite a good movie on the whole, although why a cartoon would rely on visual jokes so heavily, I do not know.