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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    Best Sledge or Insult

    What a brilliant board trend! Koab? More like King Of Redundant Crap.
  2. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Does anybody else feel that good weather is somehow something to rejoice about? I have crammed more bike riding into the last two days than I did in the two years before them.
  3. Copper Feel

    So, i got kicked out of a gig last night

    Would bang not be a more fitting term then?
  4. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Whilst I love his albums as well, Elvis Costello's singles are almost without exception fantastic.
  5. Copper Feel

    Services of the McKenzie Group.

    Advertisments Talent Point | Process Control Automation | Milan Hotels | Secured Personal Loan | Carmen Electra | Loans | Loans Purchasing a human being is the logical culmination of the advertising world.
  6. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Why is listening to Ben Folds such a cardinal sin in your eyes? His first four albums are all uniformly brilliant.
  7. Copper Feel

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

    Well I was CurlyTheGypsy and Languid Reptile before that, you may not remember me.
  8. Copper Feel

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

    When I say ego stroke I obviously mean existence validation.
  9. Copper Feel

    I am starting a TSM Wiki

    I could use an ego stroke while you are working overtime, Dandy.
  10. Copper Feel

    robrabies is wildpegasus?

    HotButterSpoonToaster also posted as Modest Mouse on Smarkschoice with a catchphrase of "I concur".
  11. Copper Feel

    "No-skip" Albums

    I like the title track. Musically the Smiths have many better songs, but contained within is one of Morrissey's deepest cutting and most poetic lyrics.
  12. Copper Feel

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    Dead girls don't say no.
  13. Copper Feel

    Book recommendations

    Re reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound Of The Baskervilles, The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes and The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes, all are incredible novels: Doyle was blessed with some of the most subliminal technical writing abilites in the history of written word. A friend of mine has in the past dismissed these novels as meer "kiddy literature", it saddens me that such labels would be applied to something this well written and aesthetically pleasing.
  14. Copper Feel

    "No-skip" Albums

    I am the same as Edwin, but here is a list of albums I believe to have no weak spots: Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy David Bowie - Hunky Dory David Bowie - Station to Station The Smiths - Meat Is Murder Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Frank Zappa - Over-Nite Sensation The Beatles - Abbey Road Prince - Purple Rain Radiohead - Ok Computer Morrissey - Your Arsenal Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks The Who - Who's Next Oasis - (What's the Story?) Morning Glory Ben Folds Five - Whatever and Ever Amen Elvis Costello - This Year's Model
  15. Copper Feel

    Let go of your old prejudices.

    I think Vivalaultra has scared me away from ever clicking that link.
  16. Copper Feel

    Sex Education

    We were taught via a video by the name of 'Your Germs Ain't Nice'. I think that was the highlight. I'd have more to say if this was about anti-drug education.
  17. Copper Feel

    Happy Birthday, Carnival!

    Happy Birthday, Carnival! Lol, copy and paste.
  18. Copper Feel

    My ex-girlfriend e-mailed me a poem.

    You laugh at me because I am younger, I laugh at you because you are older and still respond.
  19. Copper Feel

    Book recommendations

    Reading Bryan Magee's The Story Of Philosophy, it is a good introduction for those who know little of the field. However by comparison to Sophie's World Magee devotes too much space to matters irrelavant to the Philosophy in question, such as the Philosopher's other intellectual intrests (mathematics, music, encyclopedias) and he can occasionally fall into a reccesion of "this Philosopher was also blessed with some of the best writing abilites ever", however for those adverse to what on the surface appears to be child orientated story telling this is a better starting point.
  20. Copper Feel

    I want to spend money

    A bear for your ice cream truck.
  21. Copper Feel

    Guys, I'm gay.

    It is okay to be gay as long as your partners are chubby, eh Luke-O?
  22. Copper Feel

    My Humps

    Taking a taxi to school sealed my fate. The taxi driver in question has now being fired for stealing fees, so there is some justice to the situation.
  23. Copper Feel

    Outrageous Quotes

    "Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country" - Margaret Thatcher Because anyone who opposes your authority must be punished!
  24. Copper Feel

    I want to spend money

    A shark for your swimming pool.
  25. Copper Feel

    My Humps

    You need to get on that quick man, the original is far more hilarious unintentionally than this cover version is intentionally. Yes, I am being sarcastic the original is a pile of hot poop.