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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    Aronofsky's "The Wrestler"

    Is this likely to be a movie I can take someone who doesn't like wrestling to without them cottoning on that I do?
  2. Copper Feel

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    I've sort of realised that I'm not getting much enjoyment out of alcohol anymore.
  3. Copper Feel

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

    Chigurh would win. He has no remorse. Omar is a homosexual, so he must at least have some remorse for himself.
  4. Copper Feel

    Notorious BIG biopic

    I found I'm Not There to be fairly disappointing. Control is much better.
  5. Copper Feel

    Your top 10 films of 2008

    I didn't see much, as this was the first year I really began watching movies that weren't currently in the cinema (cheers Love Film!). Of what I did see, I liked: Pineapple Express Quantum of Solace Reading Burn After Reading Forgetting Sarah Marshall Zach and Miri Make a Porno In Bruges The Dark Knight
  6. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

  7. Dr. Venkman Dandy Incandenza EHME (lol) Byron the Bulb Brooklyn Zoo (coin flip) Slayer Ortonsault Kinetic Broward83 (Who is he?) Matt Young Burning P.S.S (Like the sound of this fellow) Mellow Obi Chris Kenobi Edwin MacPhisto Andrew TS KOAB The Franchise (coin flip again) Smues Mattdotcom King Kamala Pbone Luke-O (is British. I don't post in the same folders as Al Keiper) Agent of Oblivion S.J Kreese Cyber Mark Treble Black Lushus (is black) Milky Gary Floyd Vitamin X (heh... 'Scroty'... heh) GodtheDog
  8. Copper Feel

    So I've been sober for 3 days.

    Is three meager days really that much of an achievement?
  9. Copper Feel

    Ask Milky.

    Have you ever tried 2C-B? What are your experiences with it if so?
  10. Copper Feel

    Book recommendations

    Never read Christie, but Conan Doyle is marvellous.
  11. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Why did you towels close this thread?
  12. Copper Feel

    I am the God Star

    Zorin Industries is one to watch in 2009.
  13. Copper Feel

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    I feel the same way about EHME.
  14. Copper Feel

    I am the God Star

  15. Copper Feel

    Happy new year!

    Why? What motivates you?
  16. Copper Feel

    Chinese Democracy Leaks

    This is the only way you can justify liking a 'fantastic band'?
  17. Copper Feel


    edit: no, this deserves its own thread.
  18. Copper Feel

    Ortonsault, where are you?

    He's posting as Xavier in some section or another, I think.
  19. Copper Feel

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    There was this bloke called Gregg who frequented the ROH boards (probably still does) and talked of seeing wrestling matches in person forty years ago. I have an inkling that he posted here for a time, but I might be wrong.
  20. Copper Feel

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    U-G-d, Goliath Killah
  21. Copper Feel

    Happy new year!

    It's my brother's birthday, and, being the Bond fanatic that he is, he took us to see Quantum of Solace.
  22. Copper Feel

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Happy 27th birthday to Agent! Oh man, two years past the traditional cut off age for someone to become famous in the world of music.
  23. Copper Feel

    So how was your 2008?

    They got taken away from her because of how she reacted to them not saying 'thank you'.
  24. Copper Feel


    Can't really say I've heard anything aside from Marley.