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Copper Feel

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Everything posted by Copper Feel

  1. Copper Feel

    The OAO CM Funk Tells you to Do Something Thread

    i dont feel like laying down for you. big daddy cool prefers to stay on top.
  2. does anyone know where i can find misawa .vs. kobashi from 1997? i think its the one that went for almost 60 minutes.
  3. Copper Feel

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    i think in the extras of the summerslam 2002 dvd. on the hbk legend thing shawn sais something to the effect of hbk lays down for nobody.
  4. Copper Feel

    A cat sucking on a black man's nipple.

    i need this for my sig.
  5. Copper Feel

    JoeDirt's Battle Bowl #1~!

    1. sabu and stone cold steve austin. 2. scott hall and road warrior animal. 3. lord steven regal and dean malenko. 4. jamie knoble and tommy dreamer. 5. hakushi and mick foley. 6. james tighe and sting. 7. chris benoit and magnum tokyo. 8. low ki and dusty rhodes. 9. eddie gurreou and abdullah the butcher. 10. raven and bret hart.
  6. Copper Feel

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    how about: stephanies a hoss. or please dont push batista. or j.rs bbq sauce caused mark henrys injury.
  7. Copper Feel


    I don't understand.
  8. Copper Feel

    JoeDirt's Battle Bowl #1~!

    1. stone cold steve austin. 2. sting. 3. sabu. 4. james tighe. 5. dunn.
  9. Copper Feel

    pwu october 23rd thread

    booking a midget against real wrestlers is just terrible. and the s.a.t blow enough spots against normal wrestlers.
  10. Copper Feel

    pwu october 23rd thread

    which of these guys is a midget? and by midget do you mean the amazing red size or puppet size?
  11. Copper Feel


    im not sure if this was supreme or kaos. but if it was kaos can you ask him about the accident where he was almost burnt in the ring? and also what deatmatches in general are like?
  12. Copper Feel

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    here are another two i just came up with: ive been hedienraped. and joanie luarlers my dad.
  13. Copper Feel

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    personally i always wanted to try generic guy with arrow sign no. 74985.
  14. Copper Feel

    Full Impact Pro 9/24 & 9/25

    im glad that homicide won. hes in my opinion the best worker in that tournament.
  15. Copper Feel

    Top 5 drug users in wrestling?

    im gonna have to go with rob van dam. nobody gets higher than r-v-d.
  16. Copper Feel

    Best Match of the Decade So Far?

    steve austin .vs. the rock my favourite match.
  17. Copper Feel

    My HUGE wrestling media list

    sorry i misunderstood you forget about my whole post.
  18. i dont think memphis style booking would work as whell nowadays. mainly because back in the day there was a strong focuse on the difference bettween a face and a heel. wheras nowadays its more about winners and losers and after the face fails to win the title over and over again the fans would probably turn on them.
  19. Copper Feel

    IWA-MS TPI Night two ongoing results

    well i dont think that much of a.j in the ring anway. but thats not what really bugs me about it. see as crap as i believe styles to be in the ring hes one of the biggest names on the indie scene so he didnt really need to go over. plus jobbing your new champion in his first match with the belt and then having him claim the title wasnt on the line aftewards makes him look really weak and putsthe chances of his title reing being taken seriosly in jeoprady. there i hope that ansews your question.
  20. Copper Feel

    IWA-MS TPI Night two ongoing results

    so a.j one the tournament. guess i was right about the iwa.
  21. Copper Feel

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    ive got ewr loaded onto my computer. but whenever i click on the television logo i get the following message: sorry the data folder was not found and so the game cannot load. please set up the folders correctly as specifified in the instillation documement that comes with the game. but i cant find any instillation document. what should i do?
  22. Copper Feel

    Funny reviews on amazon.com

    this was too funny. major props to joe dirt for posting this shit! and may the retards of the interweb keep being retarded!
  23. this was a great angle. geat promo from shane as well i was there live and thought it was fantastic also mainstreem publicity for the fwa rules!
  24. Copper Feel


    brilliant articales so far. whell done from straying from the tipical xpw and rob black suck biased point of view others use.
  25. Copper Feel

    The PCN Present: Operation Get the Gooch Back

    im sorry that i dont like spottiness and head dropping which is all a.j can do. and you might not have noticed but i asked what iwa shows people would recomend hows that not giving them another chance?