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Everything posted by Dips

  1. Dips

    The Office

    You HAVE to watch the original. The acting by Ricky Gervais as the boss is fantastic, Carell is nowhere near as good. I watched the US pilot and thought it was good but not as good as the original but I will still be watching the rest of the series.
  2. Dips

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    Download it from here and have a listen: http://www.dubcnm.com/audio/will-mr_niceguy-dubcnn.wma
  3. Dips

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    Just got the album off mIRC. Those lyrics are fakes.
  4. Dips

    John Legend

    I've listened to John Legend's album so many times - it's that good. Has 9 or 10 very good tracks out of 14. Was one of my favourite albums of last year.
  5. I find Cohen hilarious in all the roles he plays. The new role, a gay fashion designer sorta guy, is really funny too. The Ali G show has been on air for years here in the UK and I still find it funny. His movie is funny at times and worth watching if your bored.
  6. Dips

    Tupac - Loyal To The Game

    Downloaded this and listened to it, gotta say I love it. Especially like the tracks with Elton John and Dido. Overall, it's a very good album and I don't normally like most of Tupac's stuff.
  7. Dips


    Just downloaded it myself and was wondering what people thought of it.
  8. Dips


    I have an idea. Before you post another thread like this, let us know what you actually thought of the movie. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...topic=62315&hl= I bought the DVD the other day for $5, and I'll watch it sometime soon. I haven't watched the movie yet, hence I am asking people if it good so I can decide whether to watch it or not. If I had watched it already I would give my opinion on it.
  9. Dips

    Women of WWE in Playboy

    Why haven't PWInsider, WObserver or PWTorch reported anything yet?
  10. Dips

    Napoleon Dynamite

    Anyone seen this film? It's got a decent rating on IMDB so I decided to download it.
  11. Dips

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    I downloaded this film from Suprnova a couple of months ago because there were so many people getting it so I thought it must be worthwhile. Then I saw it's review on IMDB and it had a good rating, so I thought it's definetly worth watching. I never got chance to watch it since then but after reading what people have said in this thread I will watch it tomorrow night. I would watch it tonight but I've left the CD at my Uni house.
  12. PWInsider.com hasn't got this news now. I doubt they ever did write this, if they had they would never have taken it down. WWE couldn't have made them pull it from the site.