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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    New TOOL single - Vicarious

    Schism was also one of the worst songs off of that album, to me pleasure, since that song as a single didn't thrill me. To be honest this new one sounds a LOT like schism as well. I hope it'll be a good album though, I'm sure to... "get" it. Somehow. If it wows me I'll definitely get it, I have all of TOOL's other stuff.
  2. EricMM

    Scary Movie 4

    If you're a David Cross fan you can do better than Scary Movie 2..
  3. EricMM


    He really had a theme like that going, with his stories Rage and Carrie. That fucking hand scene isn't canon btw. It just feels like a rip off of the end of Friday the 13th..
  4. EricMM

    Tom Cruise's latest announcement

    it would have to be next week
  5. EricMM

    I got a new printer

    I'll onyl allow his Eutheniziation if we can stuff him and turn him into a table.
  6. EricMM


    My advice is to be like Niskie if you can. I haven't been on Ritalin in a looong time. It wasn't just the raised heartrate or the weird feeling, it was the money. But if you can learn to cope, keep things copacetic, etc. without the meds, do it.
  7. EricMM

    500,000 march in LA

    12,000 years ago? So brief!
  8. EricMM

    Cena's heel turn

    That would actually be better than HHH v RVD.
  9. EricMM

    Cena's heel turn

    No way a mostly white adult male NY crowd does anything BUT shit on Cena. No fucking way.
  10. EricMM

    Cena's heel turn

    I don't feel like they would put a big event at ONS, but who knows. It would certainly be a crowd ready to boo Cena. But my feeling is, if it hasn't happened yet, it won't happen soon.
  11. EricMM


    I had a bout with depression in 00, when I found out that college could whup my ass worse than anything else, and when I was terrified of dealing with that temporary reality. But I got over it. I do, however, have a friend who I would ASSURE you is as Bipolar as can be, or at least Manic Depressive. Going to see her was such a chancy venture, whether she would be bubbly or morose. But she's on medication right now, and doing soooo much better, it's like night and day. But mood swings are definitely real. But you really can't diagnose them over the internet
  12. EricMM

    Thoughts on the new WWE talent

    Don't even call Cabana a nobody again! See, I see Colt as having a better future in WWE than say, Joe. Cuz man, his promos are golden. Punk would be ditto. It's not that they cannot work, because they can. But they're more than just good work, and possibly known for more than their work. Joe IS his work, he is like Danielson in that respect. That's good for him in other places, but it would kill him in WWE. So would vinny's racism too. UMAGA!?
  13. EricMM

    Say goodbye to Lightbulbs

    CZW: saving the flourescant light bulb industry. 95% of the energy put into an incandescant light bulb is emitted as heat instead of energy. 95%! This is why improvement is so necessary. And people don't trust these new fancy ones? Whats so trustworthy about the old ones?
  14. EricMM

    Im going to need some advice..

    Ultimately Leena's right. You're giving her too much of the control. You must remember that she's looking for love, sex, and dating as much as you are. Everything she's got that you want, you technically have, and she wants it. You need to have as much control as she does, and it sure as fuck doesn't seem like you're treating her like an equal. and RedJed is definitely correct too. You came here worrying about a situation, and I think it was that tone that you came with, not REALLY the situation, that caused most people here to tell you to stay away. Any guy worth his salt can get a girl who likes him to drop her friends for some alone time, it happens all the time. I'm sure you've had friends who abandoned all their friends, including you, when they met someone new. Be that person. Start that up.
  15. EricMM

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Did you PLAY Shadows of the Colossus?
  16. EricMM

    Social Issues Top GOP Pre-Election Agenda

    There were things that could have effected the price today, there are things that will effect the price tomorrow. But there is NOTHING today that will help TODAY, because it's out of their hands. But Bush gets blame because hey, he's in charge, and he's been in charge for SIX YEARS.
  17. EricMM

    Social Issues Top GOP Pre-Election Agenda

    What, pray tell, do you think anyone can do about that?
  18. You wouldn't be much of a man if you couldn't.
  19. EricMM

    I Just Noticed

    You'll friend me? Whats that mean these days? I DON'T KNOW YOU! I need an adult!! EricMM76
  20. EricMM

    I Just Noticed

    And Myspace is part of your real world? Oh lordy.
  21. EricMM

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yeah right, Jun was unbeatable. Got me a 8-0 squash that will go down in the annuls of history...
  22. EricMM

    500,000 march in LA

    Who cares what Mexico does?
  23. EricMM

    500,000 march in LA

    The market doesn't provide everything fairly, or should I say it doesn't provide everything we need, man.
  24. EricMM


    It's good times. I'm trying to integrate now that I have a job w/ a computer and free time.
  25. EricMM

    500,000 march in LA

    I nominate that if they are willing and happy to work for that wage, because they aren't US citizens, allow them to come and go, work for that. If they're coming here to become US citizens, thats another story entirely. I'm not really for the low wages, I'm in favor of a minimum wage. But if someone is going to MAKE a minimum wage, they'd better be US citizens, I dont' want all that money leaving the country, our jobs are already on their way out as it is.