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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    The OaO Arrested Development Season 3 thread

    I just downloaded the third season and I've queued up the other ones. I might have watched this show once or twice on TV, maybe. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Do not doubt the DVD's will be mine sooner or later.
  2. EricMM

    Pictures I Like

    So do you feel like your current girlfriend is like the next best thing? The best thing you can get? Your silver medal? (not my joke)
  3. EricMM

    Iconic video game music.

    I did indeed love that electric guitar song from CC.
  4. EricMM

    Iconic video game music.

    Dragon Fort: Suikoden 1
  5. I see where you're coming from that, actually. But it won't happen because of luck. I don't think WWE as it is presented today will ever catch on.
  6. What current state of television are you talking about? What indication that in two years wrestling can connect with the fans? Wrestling is like any other TV. There is quality right now. Here is where I think that the problem lies: There is more than one thing that can "work." Wrestling CAN get over. The moviemaking that McMahon is so proud of can also get over. But it's not easy to integrate the two. And one, the movie making, is not something that, I think, WWE is in any type of competition with the rest of television.
  7. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    Thats perfectly legitimate, and far more likely than any sort of "anything goes" in a conventional match. Was it a streetfight? No.
  8. EricMM

    Good News For People Who Like Bad News

    I almost lost it when Bush blamed the cuts to renewable energy "mixed signals" I'm excited he's there, I'm glad he's finding out people can stick panels on their roof and sell energy to the state. Because I think, in his bubble, a lot of science was not shown to him.
  9. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    SAYS WHO. That premise is ridiculous. Then it would be a hardcore match. All three of those wrestlers have used chairs in past matches, and they never did. Thats stupid logic. Further, show me where anyone said that. Tell me when someone said that in the match.
  10. And I nominate that aq more over face is the one who can get him over. HHH is NOT a strong enough enemy anymore. He is boring and regular, and we've seen this play out with so many other faces in the past. Whoever the most over face in the company is, he needs to team with Cena, and I'm talking vignettes, matches, everything. They both need to display the kind of charisma that has been missing from Cena for years. Because Cena isn't being boo'd because he's white and rapping, he's being boo'd because he's fucking boring.
  11. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    You know who was made to look awful in that match? The ref. I'm sorry, it's one thing to do something behind the ref's back. HHH should have been disqualified or something like that. It would have been one thing if HHH had had some sort of manager to distract the referee like that but for that ref to ignore HHH cheating like that and count 1, 2, 3. It's ugly, worse, it's the kind of thing to inspire eyerolls, and "this is stupid" which I'm sure it did. There was no drama, only a sense of deflation.
  12. EricMM


    See, THATS what YTMND seems to be originally about.
  13. I wonder if we'll see Maria get pedigreed... ...off the top rope!
  14. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    HHH would get a fair amount of heat vs. RVD in Philly. To say the least. However, I can only imagine the um, reaction, if HHH pulled the same shit then that he pulled last night. Talk about trash getting thrown into the ring... But I'm for an actual match. If it can be the "tag" to get WWE fans to watch, instead of a goddamn invasion *please* go ahead and do it. Even if HHH can take credit for the buyrate. I don't care. It would be excellent if it were a REAL ECW show, with some old vets AND some new blood. I'm not saying they should sign much indy talent, but put London in it vs Spanky, or Punk vs. Simon Dean. Bring in Danielson for one night, let him fight Regal.
  15. EricMM

    Bringing CM Punk to main roster...

    I don't see the Pepsi Plunge as a knock to HHH. He can always say that he gets the same results from 1/4 the height. Anything that brings Punk up is fine by me. Anything. Well, almost anything. I'm just so afraid that they'll do something stupid. Hell, even Punks interaction with teh spirit squad was golden ...
  16. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    You guys don't feed the troll I type out a long, excellent piece, and this douchebag poster gets all the attention... Or do you actually think he isn't a troll?
  17. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I was actually thinking that a rumble is a pretty physical match to put newbies into. That sucks.
  18. EricMM

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I will always be amazed at WWE's self-contradiction. I recall all the sentiments thrown around in the late 90's, when people like Foley, Michaels, and HHH touted the WWF's talent at listening to it's fans, compared to WCW. Now we have situations where for years, the most over people on the card haven't been pushed to the top, but have had to carry themselves, working against the book. At least that's what it feels like, watching TV. Rob Van Dam is getting the responses he always had, which have been, literally, outstanding. He's been here before, at the cusp, at the edge. The fans have clamored for him before, and nothing. And nothing again. This time the faces are different. Instead of Brock, we have Cena. Granted, Cena is far far more "into" the business than Lesnar was, but nonetheless, he is the same. He is the same "next big thing" he is the same hype, he is the same hope. WWE seems to fixate on figures now, far far far to early. I don't know if they do it in OVW, or backstage, or whenever. But we all knew that Orton would get his belt, and that Cena would get his. And it wasn't because they were over, it was because they were going to try to get them over. RVD is already over. He is over despite being on TV for less than a month, if memory serves. Certainly far less than Cena. He hasn't gotten the mixed reactions that Cena has gotten with his bland persona. I'm not happy to say that, I see where Cena could go if given the chance to advance himself, both skill wise and character wise. But potential does not equal quality. RVD's time was then, RVD's time is now. I'm sure RVD's time will come again in the future. Because his chances continue to pass him by, like they did tonight. It's not RVD's fault. There seems to be nothing RVD can do. So I guess, I wonder, if there's anything Cena can do. If there's anything Orton can do. If there's anything the writers can do. I DO like the idea of teaming Cena and RVD up. I think team E.C.K. all benefited from their pairing oh so many years ago. Angle now has a depth that allows him to be comedic as well as the bad ass. RVD, and interacting with RVD would definitely change Cena, who has practically no dimensions right now. He's not a character, he's an idea. Maria is helpful. but she's ALSO one dimensional. RVD isn't super deep either, but he's more. He's something. He's something different.
  19. EricMM

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    Gotdamn they're *destroying* Edge with that comment.
  20. EricMM

    RIAA claims copying CDs to iPods is unlawful

    I was about to create a topic for this. 1) MP3's are just data somewhere. Buying data is really not worth it in this respect. 2) Fuck the RIAA. Download everything now, people. Because it's on like Donkey Kong. I can't put my CD's onto MY MP3 player? Words cannot describe...
  21. Jesus I've been posting here a while...
  22. I think Trish is looking bad now because it takes two to tango, so to speak.
  23. EricMM

    Let's Get Dangerous

    Star Ocean, give credit where credit is due
  24. EricMM

    Good games you love

    Critical Depth had a cool story, but everything after 2 until Black was just a sad reminder of what it could have been.