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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Better wrestler poll

    So's the hating bandwagon... but if you just watch for so-called hotties like Orton, you may not get Joe's appeal.
  2. EricMM

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    and the real thing has practically nothing to do with the fake thing. next.
  3. EricMM

    Danielson vs Strong

    Or maybe wrestling needs to be not as reliant on "finishers" as a whole. No move is magical...
  4. EricMM

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    No, that's NOT why Kurt is "already better" because Christopher Daniels has been putting on matches FAR FAR longer than Angle has, and he has had a far more varied career than Angle does. Shit, I've loved a good portion of what Angle has done. But it doesn't touch what Danielson has done, and continues to do.
  5. EricMM

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    On the contrary, except Joe, there's no worker more complete in TNA than Daniels. I'm no Styles hater by any stretch of the imagination, but Daniels can just do more. I think Angle was put against him because he's another WWE guy who seemed for a while that he could do anything. He could slam you, he could fly somewhat, he could make you tap. Of course, comparing them now, and possibly even anytime, is just not fair. Daniels kills Angle now, and has always been a better worker, and had a better mind for wrestling.
  6. EricMM

    Best twist/swerve in a video game?

    Chrono Trigger. When Chrono makes the ultimate sacrifice. I was shocked.
  7. EricMM

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    if the sXe thing was kayfabe, it would have come out by now
  8. EricMM

    Kurt Angle vs. Christopher Daniels

    I've seen this one go back and forth. I gave my vote to Daniels for one reason and one reason only: from everything I've seen from Kurt and Everything I've seen from Christopher, Daniels can just DO MORE. Maybe it's because he's in the WWE ring. I don't *care* why. Angle's such a fixture of the E, and he was Vince's boy for a while, he should have been able to push for more varied matches. As it is, Angle cannot surprise me anymore. The only new things they seem to insert in their matches in the E is new ways to cheat. Compare that to Daniels who, while he can work repetitative matches if he has to, has busted so much varied shit off in ROH I almost always saw something I hadn't seen before, or was surprised by. Angle stop surprising me years ago. That's where my vote lies. I don't appreciate stagnated 4 year old wrestling. Angle hasn't changed for the better in a long ass time.
  9. EricMM


    http://xboxfor100.ytmnd.com/ gotta love it
  10. EricMM

    Man catches fish with two mouths

    Get the pollution out of American rivers, lakes, and streams!!!!!!!
  11. EricMM

    Red vs. Blue

    so what about extensive waiting periods for guns, all guns? You go to buy a gun, and in a month, you get your gun. All guns. You WILL eventually get your gun... Also, about the original topic, some of their views are craziness, but the writing above is sound.
  12. Saying Daniels has no interaction with the fans is craziness. Maybe it's just the ROH fans who love him so much, or love to hate him so much, but he's gotten sick amounts of heat through his actions, easily.
  13. EricMM

    NFL Week XV

    That was pretty great, that whole game.
  14. EricMM

    The HD Final Fantasy Thread

    Beating the train with a phoenix down, beating anyone with vanishdoom, beating that Exesoul or whatever with Xzone, it's all no good. You don't GET anything that way. What, 5 exp?
  15. I dunno what the gimmick would be, unless it's crazy people who beat the shit out of Jobbers. Good match
  16. EricMM

    NFL Week XV

    And are we ever killing them...... Go skins!
  17. You dork They think it's funny. And it's funny. Because people like you go *ahem* "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" whenever they take any stance that isn't hardleft. Why should they? Maybe they find that the 12 step program is idiotic. Worthy of ridicule. They've never minced their words. Look, I'm probably the biggest outspoken environmentalist on this board, or at least I once was, and Trey Parker and Matt Stone have made at least three specific episodes lambasting environmentalism. It's just jokes. It's just jokes. But they're funnier because anyone acting like you is just fun to poke fun at.
  18. EricMM


    Justice, have you ever thought that maybe the STORY itself is heavy handed? That maybe, just maybe, there is no happy ending in this mideast oil situation, because there is so much profit, so much conflict, et cetera. I mean I heard that Baer said that in making this movie he had to tune the truth down because the stories were rediculous and negative that he didn't think that the heartland could take it. Nevermind that, as previously stated, this all happened while a dem was in office, although I'm sure it happened under both Bush presidents and will later.
  19. EricMM

    First France, Now Australia

    Ain't no justice like mob justice. Everyone looks horrible, here.
  20. EricMM

    'Silent Night' secularized

    Is anyone else reminded of the "Winter play" from Southpark, oh so many years ago? *crowd hears song* *stunned silence* What the hell was that!?
  21. EricMM


    I really hate CN's constant reluctance to finance cartoons for more than four or five years. Once they get enough eps to repeat like only six times a year, they just cancel things. Some things get better with age, see Jack, Samurai.
  22. EricMM

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    What the fuuuuuck is Carlito doing in there??? I hate this shit.
  23. EricMM

    Favourite narratives/voiceovers

    James Earl Jones, the simpsons, treehouse of horror. He recites a Poe poem quite nicely!
  24. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    What do you mean by pink power ranger Hermione? Forgive me, I never watched the power rangers ...
  25. I refuse to boo angle. Just to be contrary.