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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    That's probably not the most important part of Book 4, which is of course the very ending, which we've already gone over in this thread. Read the book, it's sooo good!
  2. Both the Spanky/London vs. MNM and Dean vs. Phoenix matches are really really good. Worth watching, definitely.
  3. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    anyone who feels like this plot would be good to know would be better served going to Barnes and Noble or Amazon, and get AT LEAST the 4th, 5th, and 6th books. It's not just good plot that we have to retell, it's good STORY TELLING. LaParka can't trot out every awsome line from the book......
  4. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    It's not that the cuts made this a bad movie, it's just that the cuts will make the sequels much more difficult to understand, if you haven't read the books.
  5. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    Would anyone have been satisfied if they had ended "Harry potter: And the Goblet of Fire" part 1, after the dance and the 1st challange? That way we could have had more of the beginning and probably a lot more of the end..?
  6. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    I'm wondering (hoping?) that the DVD's will have some deleted scenes or something. I've said again and again that this movie, for the first time, heavily damaged to story in favor of a timeframe. It's just going to get worse.
  7. EricMM

    TNA iMPACT rating drops to 0.6

    Saturday is an ungodly timeslot. I refuse to watch it, due to having a life.
  8. EricMM

    Your sexiest music videos?

    Some poor smark is going to download windowlicker, and watch it, and like... I dunno. Go crazy. Good song tho. I gotta give Shakira props, either Suerte or La Tortua... Christina was good too. I used to have a thing for that OLD George Michael video "Freedom"
  9. EricMM

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Totally unoutstanding, that's my problem. Give me at least one good match. At least one good promo. I guess Cena was the high point, with his Rock rip off.
  10. EricMM

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    There has definitely been too much trading for this storyline.
  11. EricMM

    Vince McMahon Institutes New Drug Policy

    But I still wouldn't mind those things. BUT, that makes my point. If punk can look like that, no reason anyone should be juicing, IMO..
  12. EricMM

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    BTW this crowd kind of sucks...
  13. EricMM

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    It's not an nWo shirt... It's rKo...
  14. EricMM

    Vince McMahon Institutes New Drug Policy

    AFAIK Punk was never a part of Generation Next the angle... But hey, here's a stellar example: CM Punk, sXe for as long as we've known him, looks fine. Would it be so onerous to see him every week? I think not. I mean, I'm fine with the indy look, from Corino to Homicide to Danielson. And all the "flaws" that they contain, from too flabby, to not built, to pale? Because the match, not the definition, is what matters.
  15. Who ARE the quality faces on Raw??
  16. EricMM

    2005 Spike TV VGAs

    Like I'm not even kidding about the payola regarding games that aren't even out yet...
  17. EricMM

    2005 Spike TV VGAs

    I call shennigans, or at least Payola.
  18. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    My friend actually did raise a good point: If you were to break up the book into two different movies, where you make the cut? The whole book built to the last part, there was not intermediate cliffhanger worth ending a movie on. MAYBE the 1st challange? If they had embellished the first half, it would have been possible, but not really great. This is going to become more and more of a problem as the books become LONGER and DENSER. I'm just mad that they're ignoring characters like Malfoy who become more important later on, and have been constantly built up throughout the whole series by being always there, in classes, in the hallways.
  19. EricMM

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I think Anya is complaining about the counters because in other, quality fighting games, if you go for a parry or a counter, if you fuck up even a little bit, you get decimated. Parrying in SF3 is tapping forward right when you get hit. Reversals in Tekken are usually back and a throw. Either way, you'd be worse off if you failed than if you just sat and turtled. But if you succeed, there's a payoff. Because every move is equally counterable, and no move is made any more damaging from a failed counter, it takes some tech out of the game. The real flaw with wrestling games is that they've usually gone for style over substance. It's still a fighting game. Why not make it as deep as Tekken?
  20. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    I'm really getting sick of all the quality character development they're having to cut out of these movies. Plus, if you haven't read the book, what happens with the two wands at the end of the movie makes no sense. It's not even remotely explained, merely named.
  21. EricMM

    Harry Potter...

    Hey I just got back from it. Suffice to say, although I liked it, they're really pushing their limits here. They're trying to force six hours of movie into two and a half. They would be far better served either making them longer or breaking them up, Kill Bill style.
  22. EricMM

    Environmental Terrorism

    But in Zodiac, the guy mostly goes around and caps illegal sludge dumping pipes, causing backflow into factories which were breaking the law anyways. I didn't think of him as a terrorist, just maybe a very-active activist.
  23. EricMM

    Test speaks out on Eddie:

    There's no way I can actually speak for an industry that I just don't work in... but I'm always amazed that wrestlers work something like 300 days a year. Add to that their travel schedules, it must be just awful. I've always wished that they could be phased out, but don't they get paid a portion of a gate, etc? Not to mention losing your spot when you're "phased out" It's something I don't think all the workers would be in favor of being FORCED to do.
  24. EricMM

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

    Mightn't Dean get airtime on Friday? Aren't they going to continue the event?