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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Batista needs...

    They should have Trish manage Dave. She oughtn't be wrestling too much now, and she's so just...over, she needs to be near the main event.
  2. EricMM

    "You screwed Matt!"

    That...wasn't very nice.
  3. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    No offense Mike, well you can take all the offense from this you want, but you are the absolute LAST person I, or I assume almost anyone who ever posts here, would go to for any sort of fucking scientific advice, especially when it might be remotely political. We might go to you for the latest republican line, but not much else guy.
  4. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    no one practically agrees on anything, Mike. But MOST of them agreed that she was personally gone. So I'll just have to go with the side with the most, best scientists. Hey, it's like that environmentalism thing. But I kid I kid. Seriously. When you're scientifically in the minority, could it possibly be that you're scientifically WRONG, no matter what you want to believe.
  5. And I think that's part of the appeal of rightwing radio. Also, I think it's fair to say that people, liberals especially, don't really listen to the radio as much. Well, not really people, mostly liberals. It's just not been a friendly area for so long, I don't think we're listening to it much anymore. Plus I'm not interested in any more smearing than say, Jon Stewart does on his show. if (when) bush does something idiotic, diss him for it. Don't troll for stupidity EVERYDAY, he can't do stupid stuff everyday. I mean, roast the democrats too. They're about a quarter as stupid, and that's pretty stupid.
  6. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Look Mike, the only thing I'll concede is that a good spin doctor could turn this into an issue that makes the Dems look worse than the Reps (as you have spun it to yourself, you little spin doctor you) BUT in a debate with two equal opponents more people are upset with the government trying to interfere with a caregiver's/spouse's medical counsel. As opposed to being upset that a braindead woman was allowed to die. Because people truely believe that she was braindead, because thats what most if not all of the doctors who weighed in have said. It's terribly sad, and there may well be people who wish she could have been saved. But the way that people went about doing it, was not very popular. ALSO, they didn't even SUCCEED! It works both ways.
  7. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    oh come on Mike, Bush came out of this whole thing smelling like shit, everyone agrees. No one wants the government involved in their medical care in this way, especially not the executive or legislative government. The Dems will politicize all the attempts by the Reps to try and change the law. Whether or not you agree with how the courts ruled, I don't think anyone likes this idea of the government trying to go around its own checks and balances.
  8. EricMM

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    I think you just have to make sure that the increments of taxation are gradual enough that someone wouldn't get a 8% raise and suddenly get taxed 10% more, thus losing money.
  9. EricMM

    The Official Sin City Thread

    Did anyone else notice some people getting up and leaving? This movie definitely didn't agree with a lot of people. I really feel like this movie should have used some sort of different format in regards to time. Kill Bill proved that this can work, I don't see why they didn't make all the stories for this series and release them in the order the comics were. Similarly, I feel like a shorter movie could have worked also. I hear that there are other stories as well, possibly a (cable/premium) miniseries? Lets face it, if these stories can't make it to two hours, you don't have to mash three together. It makes things seem longer than they are.
  10. EricMM

    Best Video Ever

    I really like most white stripes videos, but especially Seven Nation Army and Dead Leaves, Dirty Ground
  11. EricMM

    Early Album of the Year Candidates?

    I do hope NIN's new album is a contender, I love The Fragile and Downward Spiral. Tool's doing an album this year? It's about time. Another band that I've loved for so long that it's become old. The local college radio station was playing a song off of the new Mars Volta album. It was in spanish. It was 11 minutes long. They said it was the best song off of the album (note: it may well be some other album I dunno) but if it IS this one, then that album isn't all that. 2005 would have to be a very sad year.
  12. Don't be deceived: The regular Escape SUV gets like 24 city, 28 highway. Not good, but you know, not awful. The HYBRID Escape SUV gets like 26 city, 28 highway. Thats two mpg better than a non-hybrid. There is no way that is a "clean" car. It may very well be a HYBRID, but obviously it doesn't work the way a hybrid could. Having 28 mpg highway means that there is just no efficent way to carry that much weight around in a car. The electric motor is engaged when starting from a parked/stopped position, and the conventional motor is used when maintaining relatively higher speeds, anything above even twenty miles per hour. This gets the prius somewhere around 40-50 mpg on the highway. This is when it's basically a regular car, no hybrid effects whatsoever. So if the best the Escape can do is 28 mpg, then there's just no hope for it to be a really clean car. It gets good MPG for a SUV, but it's still too big or actually, too HEAVY to get good gas milage. Hybrid or no hybrid. You'd have to use a totally clean source like electricity or I dunno what else to have a clean SUV at today's tech level. I think auto manufacturers ought to work on making lighter engines and lighter vehicles. Size is not as important, at least where MPG is concerned. My friends sportscar is small, but the engine is so huge that it gets awful gas milage. I would really like to see more work done into ethanol/bio-diesel sources of energy. That plus general increases in efficency would really lessen our use of oil in general. Which would be a good thing for everyone involved.
  13. EricMM

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    and again if 80% of the applicants for the job are liberal, how are they supposed to get a 50/50 split in their faculty?
  14. How do you figure recycling is going to MAKE money? How does any sort of waste disposal MAKE money?
  15. EricMM

    Star Wars: Clone Wars

    Wait. Dooku/Darth Siduous knows that Palpatine = Sith lord. and the Sith Lord Emperor Palpatine met with Grevious and Siduous and gave them their orders. But Grevious doesn't know that Palpatine is a Sith Lord or whatever his title is.
  16. But to republicans, if the matter of time is like more than thirty years, they don't care. See Mike, we can make broad generalizations too. By the way, you act like the recycling that goes on in this country is perfected in any way. It's not. It can be vastly improved. It can definitely become more efficant than just mining new ore and chopping more trees. It just takes research.
  17. EricMM

    Johnnie Cochran dead at 67

    it'd be the right thing to do, but it would still be sad that he was so brain damaged that he had to die...
  18. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Hey Mike, if she is vegetative, and has no hope of ever being conscious ever again, should she be killed/allowed to die? I mean they say she has no cerebral cortex, which is where one's personality and thoughts are anyways. That area is gone, replaced by fluid. If one part of your brain is gone, you can't walk anymore. If this part of your brain is gone, you cannot THINK anymore. If that's gone, why go on living? What do you say, if they prove that that's the case?
  19. EricMM

    Johnnie Cochran dead at 67

    I heard a commercial on the radio for the Cochran group, and it had him in it. Sad... I mean I didn't really like him per se, but he died, and that's never good.
  20. Christ Mike, remember what I said about limiting your posts? I can't read all that. I tried. Of course we can't recycle everything. But we can recycle some things, which does make less trash. And recycling is the WORST option, besides basically making trash. It's better to reuse our materials, like putting something else in that plastic bag, or even better, REDUCE the amount of trash we use. Thats why people should pay for every trashbag they produce, and pay less for every bag of recycling they produce.
  21. EricMM


    No, it's even better, you go up the chain, you REUSE your posts. That's good. (I won't make the inevitable joke that some people, certainly not KKK, need to REDUCE their posts)
  22. It doesn't cost a quintillion dollars to recycle. A decent three R's (reduce, reuse, recycle) campaign could cost MAYBE a million. Or so. What do cleanup projects cost?
  23. EricMM

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Why are you even addressing Mike with this so-called REASONING. He is a lunatic, as previously stated. He is the INXS of the right, as I have previously stated, and if the previous posts in this thread don't convice anyone of that, then I dunno whatever could. Mike. People want this woman to die because she is GONE. She has no cerebral cortex anymore. Her heart still beats and her hands still move but she is no longer her own person. Her CC has atrophied so I mean, that's it. Thats your personality, your memories. All this other stuff in our brain isn't as important as the part that makes me, me. (the part that makes you, you, is clearly not as important, it's BAD. you should probably look into a full frontal. Seriously. or like, stop posting nonsense.)
  24. EricMM

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    I doubt that. Don't you know if you go to a college campus you'll set off their "pigfucker" alarms, and a bunch of commie liberal hippies will come and lynch you? They have those alarms now, you know. Oh, wait, you wouldn't.
  25. EricMM


    Yet you always argue against it in every-fucking-single environmentalism thread. You don't even address ANYTHING else. The SCIENCE of environmentalism encompasses far more than just global warming.