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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. Personally I'm against the DP for some of the reasons mentioned previously. Too expensive, inherently. I don't think it's a real deterrant (sp) (people only seem to say 'aw jeez I'm gonna get the chair for this!' in the movies) Life in prison seems to be just as useful in preventing crime as executions. As previously mentioned, we shouldn't kill people just so the family of the deceased can watch with a sick smile on their face, or crying, or whatever else they're feeling. It's not for them. And even if hate crimes are one way in practice, that doesn't mean that they're wrong inherently, just executed wrongly. Work on that. But strong evidence of a likelihood of repeat crime would cause a higher penalty.
  2. First of all, Tom, I specifically avoided the crime of murder in my post because murder is murder and should get the maximum penalty. Look at my vandalism reference. 2nd of all, if a bunch of black guys kill a guy cuz he's white then that would be a hate crime, no? It's based upon racism...
  3. EricMM

    Give me metal.

    Dillinger Escape Plan made the sorority girl at my job cry. Or at least if not cry, flinch a lot.
  4. EricMM

    Holy SHIT

    buy another hard drive
  5. EricMM

    Election 2008

    Oops, I forgot about that whole 'process'.
  6. EricMM

    South Park/Drawn Together

    I think the pig is ripped off of the Pig from Sinfest, but thats just me. Last nights southpark was hilarious when the lady was on fire for the 2nd time and just kept going "Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!" That was it mostly... Although the lesson was ok. It odd, but this season has always wanted to have something to say... Like the ninja star episode.
  7. EricMM

    Election 2008

    For whomever said that Guiliani wouldn't have enough conservatism to win the south states, who do you think would? DEMOCRATS!? LOL! Believe me, the only way Dems ever win is if America changes and becomes more leftist. If the Dems become more centrist, the liberals in our party just vote Green/Indy and the Reps just get more wins. Ugh.
  8. EricMM

    Fascinating Piece on the Dutch

    Europe has to wake up. I'm not saying they need to be as paranoid as some Americans... But come on. Not all cultures are equal. Some people are just wrong. This isn't hard. Hypocracy is NOT the worst crime, and neither is judgement. Murder is worse. Enslavement and oppression are worse.
  9. but you admit that someone w/ a violent agenda such as violent racism, homophobia, sexism, errr any -ism is more likely to repeat an offence than one who doesn't have any of these things?
  10. I think hate crime legislation is designed as it is because if someone commits a crime for the reasons that would entail a "hate crime", they're more than likely to do it again, since they probably won't stop hating. Thus, they are a clear threat to society. It's like, if they say they won't do it again, then we can cry bullshit, because you hate gay people, and the fact that they're gay makes you want to kill them. That plus booze makes you a threat. So you're going to jail LONGER than someone ... Eh, thats where my reasoning breaks down. I guess if we're not talking murder here, but just vandalism or something else like that. Someone who draws swastikas on a temple is more likely a threat than someone who draws big smiley faces. They're both vandalism, but one displays a threat, and shows the perp is dangerous, at least mentally.
  11. EricMM

    For the first time in almost 4 years

    Is Spanky wrestling? Whats the card? Mebbe I should check the TNA folder *shudder*
  12. who the fuck in WWE country besides London, Hurricane, and Funaki could take the C4? RVD I guess. Ok fine, probably most of the SD! 6 from back in the day. But I'm talking Raw, today. Which of the hosses can take it? None?
  13. EricMM

    Discussion Question

    But there is a huge difference between an army and a police force. One, I think, is practically useless against terrorism, one is good against terrorism. One is not the other. The phrase "world-police" is a misnomer, armies are very bad at policing the world. Just because France is afraid of going back into the trenches doesn't mean that they can't fight the war on terror. I dunno WHY they can't fight the war on terror. I think perception is one of the main things. I think if you asked most Europeans, they wouldn't feel as threatened by terrorism as most Americans. Thus they aren't willing AT ALL to raise a military and go to war to fight it.
  14. EricMM

    11 States ban gay marriage

    I'm still waiting for ONE reason, people. One. Anyone who is against gay marriage... ...NOT the whole "courts forcing their decisions on people... ...but G-A-Y M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E... ...please tell me a reason why it's no good. This is not directed at SP because he's a misguided Christian who wouldn't know what "Open and Affirming" meant if it fucked him up the ass... (to stay on topic )
  15. EricMM

    11 States ban gay marriage

    No one's telling you to marry a man, SP. Just because something's sinful doesn't mean it's against the law, or should be against the law. No one's forcing YOU to sin. So what do you care what two gay people do? Gay sex isn't even one of the ten commandments. If you want to make things illegal, go with the big ones first. You already have some of them, stealing, murder. Why not make it illegal to worship anyone besides the Christian god.
  16. EricMM

    11 States ban gay marriage

    I'm still waiting. And if not for me, do it for fk teale!
  17. EricMM

    Definition of a "MIXER"...

    I would just like to make it clear that those pictures were awful. Anyone who posted songs in that thread immediately felt dirty after seeing them.
  18. I don't mind the roll up. They both got messed up enough that I'd believe a strong pin.
  19. EricMM

    Johnny Knoxville & Bam Margera

    Dude he fucked up his car... *EDIT* ALTHOUGH I am in favor of the thrashing of all Hummers...
  20. EricMM

    The Republican Wish List

    Ramsus wasn't right last time, and he's not right now. CO2 IS a greenhoue gas. If we continue to turn rocks into gases, at this rate, World temperature averages will rise. How it will fit in the geocyclic temperature cycle remains to be seen. At least where i am, we are in a "colder" cycle at the moment, with colder winters than in previous years. But once done, can't be undone. Global warming won't be an issue, but decades from now. Republicans always think small, like this years earnings, and Democrats might be bothered to ponder where all that carbon dioxide is going.
  21. EricMM

    The Incredibles: Best Pixar film yet.

    What is Disney going to do for animated features when Pixar leaves?
  22. EricMM

    The Meal Thread

    treble chaged, don't you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Why you eatin breakfast first? Oh and agent? man, you're country.
  23. EricMM

    Sympathy for the Kerry?

    Yeah I didn't deny that. Hey, has anyone missed the joke, "Hey Kerry, why the long face?" ho ho ho.
  24. EricMM

    Sympathy for the Kerry?

    Because the republicans made him look that way? This isn't hard people...
  25. But just cuz Knoble is waiting to go back up to WWE, can't he work ROH? Didn't Eddy and London work ROH right before being called up?