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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Bush, Cheney concede Saddam had no WMDs

    it's not the removal that warrents the apology, it's the invasion, and all that it cost.
  2. EricMM

    Bush, Cheney concede Saddam had no WMDs

    We understand that mike, but how about a little honest NOW???
  3. EricMM

    Quadraplegic dies in DC Jail

    True, when we went to go see the brand new Native American Indian etc. museum, we couldn't GET IN (too crowded) but we did see the Sculpture museum, and walked around an Art Gallery... Bought some native American food (Not Buffalo ) D.C.'s more than just crack heads and ghettos! It's people from MD who aren't from Baltimore and always have to say "D.C." when people ask where they're from
  4. EricMM

    Quadraplegic dies in DC Jail

    Ok, he DIED. If he had had his ventilator he apparently wouldn't have. Dar. Oh, and stop ragging on D.C. people. We have free museums. About native Americans. And an ok subway system. And the 9:30 club... *EDIT* And all of Georgetown!!!
  5. EricMM

    Bush, Cheney concede Saddam had no WMDs

    And if they dropped a modicum of honesty at this point, maybe they'd show they've got a bit of class. Hey, we thought they had a bio-bomb. Oops. They don't, and wouldn't have. We had no reason to invade. Stop saying you're proud of everything you've done. This whole thing was a mistake. A M-I-S-T-A-K-E not something to be proud of.
  6. EricMM

    Bush, Cheney concede Saddam had no WMDs

    Come ON Mike, revisionist history is soooo tired. The weapons were the entire fucking point, back in '02. The weapons he had, the weapons he'd used, the weapons he was making, and the resolutions regarding those weapons he was breaking. But the weapons weren't there. Hell I supported this war a year ago (for some reason) and if you look back a year you'll find that out. But guess what. Nothing has gone properly since mid to late 2003. There were no weapons, no imminant threat. No immenant threat means no need for speed, means no need to invade. Nothing we've found in Iraq has pointed to a need for an invasion.
  7. EricMM

    Laws or issues that you support or want adopted

    The ENVIRONMENT. Penalize over-pollution, penalize under-efficency, from the President down to the everyday man.
  8. EricMM

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    SP you're an alright guy, and I'm not trying to flamebait, I just can't let you represent Christianity on this board!
  9. EricMM

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    SP-1 isn't crazy, just wrong. That's all.
  10. EricMM

    Ask Leena...

    I miss her
  11. EricMM

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Well no shit, Bush isn't doing himself any favors, to say the least. If I had to pick a Republican candidate, I'd pick Cheney over Bush too. But variety is GOOD. Cheney combined with Bush provides very little of that.
  12. EricMM

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Cheney wouldn't even HIRE Latinos, let alone coloreds. Mod: There's a rising level of AIDS in Black women ages 25-45 in this country... Cheney: ... and? *EDIT* No wait Cheney: VICTORY IS MINE! /stewie In some seriousness, Cheney, despite being a better speaker than Bush, would have better served Bush by stepping down in lieu of like Powell or hell anyone. Anyone not a rich white old man. Bush has that on lockdown.
  13. EricMM

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Loss you can't tell me Cheney isn't the stereotypical old white man in the republican party. Call Edwards a sneak if you feel like it, but he's not a symbol of all that wrong with America's history like Cheney is. He came close with his mentioning of his daughter. That was the best thing he did all debate. It was also the most liberal time he had. Hmmmm...
  14. EricMM

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    I'm totally informed. Who the hell are you to call me uninformed. Call INXS an uninformed liberal if you want. He sounds like one. It's NOT baseless OR irrelevant. I can't imagine Cheney kissing babies. I can imagine him eating them to prolong his infernal lifespan... Bush won the first time around I think because he seemed to be natural when Gore was a robot up there. Now is Bush not only having to explain four years of general fuckups, but he just didn't look good. Cheney did look alright, but that doesn't mean he's been right at all . . .
  15. EricMM

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    I don't see what you all are seeing. I don't think Edwards got bitchslapped at all. I think both people did "alright." They both dodged some questions and neither really told me anything new. It'd almost be a tie, but Edwards is just a better person than Cheney, who's a crotchety old crypt keeper. So Edwards wins by being human and if you don't see that, you're wrong. This night is dissimilar to the last debate when Kerry did alright, but Bush did *awfully* so Kerry won that one clearly. Mike, you know, you're too much.
  16. EricMM

    Dark Tower 7

    um plz use spoiler tags?
  17. EricMM

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    BTW, let me clarify, since Bush IS wrong, and Kerry IS right, Bush DID get schooled. But, you know, being president is hard work!
  18. EricMM

    Gallup Poll: Bush's 8 point lead is gone

    Of course... everyone likes a monkey... I'm sorry! . . . Actually. . . .I'm not sorry! Bush got schooled if you think Kerry was right and he didn't if you don't. Duh.
  19. EricMM

    PWI 500

    Why is American Dragon so low??? New Jack over Homicide??? Craziness.
  20. EricMM

    Favorite Family Guy lines

    Peter: Gee Brian, I don't think I'd like living with you if you were neutered... *Imagines Brian as a neuter* Brian: Mmmm you know I can't eat these chocolate cookies because they make me FAT. But they're SOOO GOOOD! (it's the voice)
  21. EricMM

    8500 Calorie Sandwich

    I'm sorry you have diabetes Take care of yourself!
  22. EricMM

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    Lets not forget that INXS has proven to be anti-Israeli for months now
  23. This is awfully late in the show. Where was Benoit tonight?? Heat?
  24. EricMM

    Israel up to usual tactics...

    He's saying that the middle east is a cesspool of terror