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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Republican Convention

    I love how he just PROMISES deregulation to businesses, like it's something to be proud of. In other words: I will sell out the environment. Next.
  2. EricMM

    WWE News: RAW Ratings, WM21 Tickets, Bad Divas

    raw rating seem to hover around 3.4. for the most part. no one's title is going to push it any higher for the short term... It's just going to BE there, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Except pushing Homicide to the ME
  3. EricMM

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Nah, Tyler, marriage is too good to do away with. It IS a good "institution" for America, and I agree it should be protected... and EXPANDED!!! (BTW this comment was not for Paul H. who is an ignorant fuck, not a decent human being)
  4. EricMM

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    I'm sorry that was entertaining. I don't watch wrestling for this...but it was funny seeing bland people try and diss people. "You need to learn to eat pie." Oh snap...
  5. EricMM

    Is it me or is every rock station

    Don't you all ever listen to college radio? At the very emo-tastic worst, it at least doesn't bombard you with insurance ads...
  6. EricMM

    Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter

    I just find that "causing a catastrophe" being illegal is hilarious. Any number of people have done THAT... Anyone want to make any smoke inhalation jokes? Anyone? Bueller?
  7. no joke son what the fuck are you doing to yourself?
  8. EricMM

    Metallica Live '04

    I heard Hetfield just can't DO that kind of singing anymore. His vocal chords have changed?
  9. EricMM

    What do you look like...

    I am not, there were people on here skinnier. And yes, yes she is.
  10. EricMM

    What do you look like...

    Lets see, this picture is only about two years old (rollseyes) but I haven't had any film developed since then. I've lost about thirty pounds since then (not like you can tell) and I don't dye my hair red anymore (thank god) So I should get a more current photograph eh? I don't care, she makes me look good. Plus, I don't actually have any pictures of just me. I just know stephanie knows she looks good enough that she wouldn't mind being seen
  11. EricMM

    RAW Rating

    How was the NWA treatment supposed to pop the ratings? It was the last five minutes...
  12. EricMM

    Getting Orton Over

    As soon as Orton got the title, either HHH had to bow out as leader and champ of Evolution, I mean come on, I was thinking just that during Raw, Flair has ALWAYS called HHH champ, but now Orton was champ. HHH has ALWAYS been leader of Evolution, always. Not because he's the best, or because he's right. Because he's HHH. An ego-maniac. I disagree with Orton's promo in the start, there were some good bits, but not enough. Too much standard heelish work. So the turn was a surprise, and it was a good one. But one night can't make as much of an impact as a good season. But it wasn't that big of a deal. NEXT WEEK is what will make or break this plotline. I don't know which matches I would book. I think a Orton+Benoit/HHH+Flair or HHH/Bautista would be somewhat too obvious. The way I would book this is that Orton is right now that 'tweener. Orton should be pissed at him for having Evolution ruin their rematch, Evolution will hate him, Edge hates him (whichever side he's on). Orton should stand against all of this, at least for now. Be the Samoa Joe-like champ, who just comes out and WINS. Have Benoit fight HHH for the number one contendership. In the meantime, Orton can fight Kane, Jericho, Edge, uh Rosey? These all don't have to be championship matches, just matches.
  13. Clearly I said that we were perfect before Bush. *rolls* You do raise a good point tho. I can't blame God or Christianity for bush's S.N.A.F.U. term. I can only blame one person, bush. It's bush's faith, not faith in general, that has affected his tenure.
  14. Oh my God. I was responding to Ramsus' post, where he mentioned religion dictating S-T-A-T-E P-O-L-I-C-Y! Not infringing on my rights.
  15. if the person deciding what God says is a moronic thug, there's no difference. I would merely argue that religion as a whole is irrelevant when considering how "good" a state is. Anyone who says that a religious state is clearly better is as stupid as one that a religious state is clearly worse.
  16. EricMM

    Getting Orton Over

    Orton, if he is to remain "the future of the company" needs to remain STRONG. He still has to pose, he still needs the good music, he still needs the golden sparkles. He needs to NOT slink, he needs to go out and say that he wasn't kicked out of Evolution because he IS evolution. Is Bautista Evolution? No he's just another freak, dime-a-dozon big man. Is Flair Evolution? What a joke, his heyday was twenty years ago. And is HHH evolution? No, his day was yesterday, but his day is over. Orton is Evolution.
  17. Oh God Mike, i can't believe you actually tried to convince someone that atheism is any worse than theism. Clearly China has a horrendous human rights record. But so does the average third world theocracy. Face it, China is China, America is America, and Iran is Iran. Each country has a different story, and whether or not a country is theist has little to do with whether it will oppress its own or others, as far as I know.
  18. EricMM

    Who likes Kerry?

    Oh Jesus GreatOne don't start quoting Mike, you're already enough alike. I gotta tell you, quoting him isn't making you look good. But most of what you say doesn't either, so I mean you're no worse off. Hey, BTW, Kerry is a flip-flopper. Kerry is a politician. But he's so much better than Bush, it's scary they're in the same presidential race. I dunno, maybe they should have differnet catagories, like in wrestling or boxing. Kerry can go in the flip-flopper class, and Bush can go into the sellout-your-environment-and-peace class.
  19. EricMM

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    Hey Mike, maybe these people advocate killing Bush because they feel his direct order to begin Iraqi Freedom directly lead to the deaths of hundreds of Americans and thousands and thousands of Iraqis. No Bush, no Iraqi war, most of those people would probably be alive today. To a lot of people, it can be that simple.
  20. EricMM

    Where the summer has gone wrong for WWE

    Everyone can tell that Eugene was pushed way too quickly. I SINCERELY doubt that when they debuted, they hoped to have him in the main event spot in a month or so. But that's what happened. We were saying when they mentioned Eugene in a world title shot for the first time, they're striking when the iron's hot. Well, I guess they struck too hard. Similarly, the crowd was popping for the wrestling, it was clear. Compare Eugene's match with Johnny Nitro with his matches later on. Eugene wasn't meant to be uppercard, IMO. He needed to be in emotionless matches early on. Can Dinsmore make a new character now that Eugene will only slow down? I dunno. He's backed into gimmick hell along with Val Venis...
  21. EricMM

    Bill O'Reilly vs Paul Krugman moderated by Russert

    I saw a lot of this interview. Politics aside, Bill owned this guy. His hands didn't stop shaking and he couldn't make eye-contact. Not Bill's fault the guy he was debating was spineless.
  22. EricMM

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    Alright here's a fact. Kerry has more to gain from the poor and even middle class than Bush does. So it's fair to think that Kerry will do more to help ME than Bush will.
  23. Cool beans Mike. Go from apathy to stupidity, apathy to ignorance.
  24. EricMM

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    But ironic or not, it doesn't MATTER. Next time, base your arguments on fact, not irony Mike.